Joplin Mo - Home of the crouching jab

It’s more a space issue, I don’t want to move my whole desk every time I need to hook up my xbox too my monitor or vice versa.

Holy crap I was missing 3rd strike meaty on wake ups for so long and they are back, <3 Blazblue.

I don’t think they create new combo’s like Turbo or anything but it’s good enough to teach your opponent to block on wake-up at least.

Also I’m probably going to be playing Jin for quite some time. Arakune has the highest execution I’ve seen, or it just seems that way because I’m not use to using negative edge for every other attack. I’m enjoying Jin quite a bit too.

Edit: holy crap the combo’s in Blaz are so free stylish, you just gotta know your characters possibilities and just make up counter hit combos on the spot.

Also I’m pretty sure whether 16:10 or 16:9 stretches it depends on the game, at least, I know halo 3 requires 16:9. But hey thats what dads do, not ask you what monitor you want and just buy it outa no where. So yeah I dunno what it is. If it is 16:9 I basically got my self an MLG Monitor here. Hmmm never mind just from what I browsed I think it’s safe to say all 360 games are 16:9, which sucks actually cause most monitors are 16:10, chances are I’m screwed.

/Facepalm, it’s 16:10, Hopefully samsung knows what the heck they are doing and it doesn’t distort the image. (aka just has black strips where the extra space is, I’m pretty sure it will do this actually, but whether it distorts it or not I’m not sure.)

If all fails, it isn’t a fps so hopefully the little stretching there is won’t effect a fighting game too much.

I have 3 24 inch monitors, 2 are 16:9, and 1 is 16:10. When I used the xbox on the 16:10 I noticed no difference, and it isn’t going to effect you game play wise, it’ll just look a bit different if you look real hard. Some monitors let you add the black bars to it to have an actual 16:9 resolution so you might try that out.

Sweet thanks.

Edit: whadya know my dad has a 22" HDTV just layin around Im gonna use that.

So happy it looks perfect on this thing. No switching involved I’m gonna have my monitor and the TV on my desk.

I cant decide if this is maybe a blazblue forum…or some geek squad best buy commercial.


no one plays sfiv devil, i’ve become addicted to blazblue :sweat:

I mainly play cod zombies and killing floor on the pc. That gives me justification to post on a street fighter forum. I rented killzone 2 today, I think the game was designed to give people headaches/seizures.

Good idea devil, I should apply at the geek squad. I’ve known people that know absolutely nothing about technology and they get on the geek squad.

Btw this is a fighting game forum not just street fighter!

:r::d::df: .com

my wife worked at the geek squad for awhile and she’s getting her masters in computer engineering

nice retro av, weeks :stuck_out_tongue:

keeping true to my roots for this weekend

Get together anyone?

You guys need to see the miracle that is Blazblue.

becarfeull man, you gonna end up like arakune if you keep swallowing that blazblue jizz :love:

My Blazblue is a woman so I’m good to go.

WTF are you guys talking about? You choose this over SF? BANG BANG B A N G


ROFL oh, so good.

so good :hitit::pray::love::lovin:

How’s KC going? Say hey to Ben Ra and Allen from Triv, and rep us well warrior! Cams and I are holding down the SF fort in J-Town.

sf, i remember when people played that game at hookups :wasted:

joplin still plays fighting street? good shit.
Dont get discouraged by the ass kickins, they only make yah stronger right?
dont be mad about the wake up dp comment, just learn from it. its very unsafe and can and will lose you matches. but like you say online play means nothing, cant wait to get some real matches in with ya’ll sometime. im not gonna be able to make it to kansas city though :(.

ps- i like sf over blazblue, marvel > blazblue when they gonna re-release that shit?

:smokin: It’s all good Rex, I’m not mad about the wake-up DP comment, but surely you knew I was just screwin around when I did, what, three or four in a row? And Rex if you aren’t at KC who’s gonna take our hard-earned money?

As for Mahvelous, they’re saying end of July/early August. I can’t wait but they better do something serious about online play, imagine the lag you’ll get online in Marvel huh? Hell I remember the arcade machine lagging when you had two assists and Blackheart tossing out shit! There’s no hope for the internezt!