Joplin Mo - Home of the crouching jab

Neither do I and I still beat you scrubs. Hell, I don’t even own an X-Box!

Glad to hear you repped at STL Ben! Let’s get some games going this week Weeks!

You know after I joined shoryuken I thought maybe joining other forums for other video games I play was a good Idea. I was wrong.

Shoryuken, Dustloop, and maybe 2 or 3 starcraft forums are the only forums I will ever join.

lol for some reason this makes me laugh

Really those forums might not even be classified as starcraft forums, more as competitive computer game forums that are just dominated by starcraft players.

Any real starcraft forum is dominated by the 15-17 year olds that love lore and when gameplay, balance, or stuff like that is brought up they give the wrong answers and are just plain idiots.

i guess the idea of you posting on 3 separate forums, each dedicated to starcraft, seemed a little much for me

Starcraft is gay.

And believe me folks, this guy would know what gay is.

Weeks: what am I, pizza delivery boy? Just need my 86 Corolla. Take me higher!

thanks for the pizza, i’ll get you back (dawg)
when is seth going to come play again? does he prefer beating scrubs online to live comp!?

It’s how he gets wins homes! Gotta protect that 46th ranking nigga! :looney:

YOU HEAR THAT KIDS? July 11th. So ask whoever owns you, be it your boss, your wife, your parents, your internet mistress, if they’ll let you have that day off so the JoMos can gogo and collectively get our asses handed to us!

Fantastic footage of seth after a night of c viper suckage


that guy has to be acting. there’s no way that’s real.

Crowbar or not, I’d make sure the only thing that ******'s swinging would be a noose after that. Soleben, where do you find this shit?

GAMES TONIGHT OR VAT? Those in the know, call me Tokyo.

Those kids got a lot of money for that actually, just because stupid websites host them on their front page.

Are you kidding me

I’ve known about that video for years, I even used a portion of it in a high school senior video I had to make. If you want to see the greatest video ever check out this one [media=youtube]aRsN2pftgvc[/media]

Well it has started. First…mash spfd. Second…mash kc. Last…stl. Long road boys. Get crackin.

How the heck did that not get deleted the second it was put on youtube 0_0

Hookup at my place tonight.
Everyone is welcome to play. We’ll have crouching fierces, Tigers, fight money - bring your friends!

Come get some games. I’m not gonna call everyone and invite them individually, but show up sometime between 6pm - 2am and you’ll have competition

I shall be there around 7:30, maybe a tid bit later, church and all.

Get ready for some suck because I finally got bored of online, I’ll go through some rigorous training mode until church and it will probably all come back to me pretty quick.

Official KC Tourney Thread:

JULY 11th
That’s two weekends from this weekend. Drop your socks and grab your cocks ladies (blimey!) because myself and Weeks are going there, how about the rest of you?

Seth, it’s only a day’s trip to and back, you should try to go.

Corey, Soleben, I won’t lie, I’m honestly not expecting you guys to end up going, but the invite is still open. If you boys want to level up and learn a lot, this is the place.