Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Don't Say Wrry Edition

God I wish more modern anime had OPs like this.

I keep getting sound issues with Commie subs. Is this happening to anyone else or just me? The sound will completely cut out for 2-3 seconds and then come back. Itā€™s weird.

Second sub if no ones seen it.

Just watched episode 3 live, too fucking good.

Canā€™t wait to see it lol. I know itā€™s gonna be nuts. And speaking of nuts, just read Part 6 fully(I only read it mid-way up until the end.) So far, out of all the arcs, itā€™s gotta be the most insane Jojo arc Iā€™ve read so far(not finished Part 4 due to the scans being redone and Part 8ā€™s still ongoing so I canā€™t say itā€™s the craziest.)

[details=Spoiler] A guard(Westwood) summoning meteors with his stand whilst being boosted by another stand that makes him crazy+super strength(took forever for Joylne to take him down)?

Jolyne setting herself on fire to warm herself up from Sky High that feeds on the coldest parts on your body and makes you piss blood? Jolyne turning herself into a Mobius strip so she can avoid being turned inside out by C-Moonā€™s gravitational powers?

People turning into snails due to refracted light creating subliminal messages to make you think youā€™re a snail?

Goats from fairy-tales with teats(or were they human breasts???) for eyes attacking Annasui and at the same time, Kenshiro and Raoh go at it in East Shinjuku off-screen? And thatā€™s a sample of the crazy shit that happens in this part.[/details]

MC of Part 6ā€™s battling for the position of my favourite Jojo main char due to the crazy amounts of shit she does throughout the story.

I need to finish reading part 6, just read Operation Savage Garden, really enjoying it though. I hope we get a new All Star Battle character vid soon introducing Jolyne and Hermes + some other characters.

I hate Stone Ocean with a passion

stone ocean spoilers


I love guard Westwood. One of my favorite antagonists in JoJos period and specially in part six. How it just started out as two bored guards making bets goes into beautiful shining muscle everywhere. But my favorite character in that part is bar none Anasui. Him pretty much being a obsessive compulsive narcissistic psychopath asshole that does everything he does to impress and protect Jolyne was awesome. The comedy bits were gold as well.

@Kayame: Why do you hate Stone Ocean?*

Just watched Jojo 3 raw, and yeah, Abbachio wasnā€™t kidding lol, it was bare hype. And I canā€™t wait for the next episode, a major charā€™s gonna be introduced.

I hope the series stays this solid and faithful for all the parts itā€™s planning to animate. Really gonna be enjoyable.

Episode 3ā€™s biggest strengths are how it was adapted and how really good the voice cast is in this episode - especially for Jonathan and Dio. Really great line delivery. Animation again seemed a bit spotty, but overall Iā€™m pleased.

Next week


Finally heading into Johnathan acquiring that ripple power! And Zepelli with his pimp hat.

Manly Tears of epicness!!

And my 2nd fav part of ep 3:

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! Wrryyy!!! Jojo!!!

Fall season with Jojo leading the way is so awesome!!

Next Week


Canā€™t wait for Zepelli vs Frog

Iā€™ve been thinking about maybe getting the Blu-Rays since they supposedly have Eng subs, is it just a matter of buying them from or would I have to find somewhere else?

Dioā€™s crocodile tears, lmfao. Speed Wagon said ā€œGTFO with that shit.ā€ Overall, this episode was pretty sad overall, genuinely felt sorry for Jonathan and his dad. And as always, fuck Dio lol. Heā€™s amazing, because heā€™s such an unbelievable prick and manages to become even more of a prick later on.

Reading Part 4, the main villain is one fucked up dude for real. I have to give Araki praise, heā€™s an amazing villain. In general, Jojoā€™s villains are excellent.

:rofl: @ Dio doing his runway walk up a building lit ablaze.

This is so good. ā€œFabulous Power.ā€


Hate him. Love the way he carries himself and Dat Battle Cry.

Dang, episode 3 was good.


Iā€™d say JoJo has the best groups of villains in Shounen period IMO. Even the minor one shot villains are full of personality and are memorable, and the majority of them manage to be a threat that could easily kill the heroes if they are not on top of their game. But yes the part 4 villain was awesome.

Part 5 spoilers


The only villain I found just didnā€™t work is Diavolo. And that is mostly because he is in JoJoā€™s,heā€™d be fine in another manga. Unlike some people I didnā€™t mind the final battle (I found a race to get the arrow instead of just a plain fist fight was an interesting idea) and I actually enjoyed the Doppio personality. I just find his motivation weak, his character as the Diavolo personality is generic, and his power is just a wierd variation of Dioā€™s that takes forever for some people to understand. Plus he looks silly, even by JoJo standards.

As for this episode, it was excellent.

Man I hope Stroheim makes it into JJBA:ASB.

So much manly screaming in the 3rd episode. If it was females, Joseph would easily remedy the situation.