The minute You see strider appear, hit him
This requires testing but when my bro called Strider I had Super jumped and went through him with Haggar. so I dunno
The minute You see strider appear, hit him
This requires testing but when my bro called Strider I had Super jumped and went through him with Haggar. so I dunno
Yeah, I know, missiles are missiles… I’m wondering if anyone here has experience using Chris + missiles to extend combos? I don’t have ultimate yet but I’ve been trying some combos in vanilla…
mainly just standard magic series, land, call missiles OTG smg, magic series -> backdash, magnum as the missiles OTG into a wallbounce, then TK magnum to stand magnum to landmine to loading grenade. I can never get it to work, it’s kinda driving me crazy. I don’t fully understand how those self-OTGing loading grenade combos work. I even tried going into boulder punch H from the OTG missiles to eliminate the wall bounce, still couldn’t get it to work. The copout would just be to have the missiles OTG into flamethrower, cancel to sweep combo. Any help? I’m new to Chris but I’ve always wanted to play him, he seems fun in Ultimate…
I suppose if you work out the timing, you could go right into loading grenade while the missiles are hitting. Or do medium grenade toss while they’re being juggled by the missiles then go into super. I’m sure the timing on when to call the assist would be insane, but it’s worth a shot.
(I’d try what NefariousJoe is suggesting, branespload.)
Missiles probably have the added problem of deteriorating the hit-stun too much considering how assists were reworked and how there are 8 of them.
Well, yeah, if you see Strider just get called blindly (and can cover your own ass if it seems like a bait), then put a magnum bullet in him and take off literally a third of his life. I was going more for safer “But I have to block” options that would still cause him to take (a decent amount of) damage and thus not get called out as much said teleporter.
But, yeah, let us know how it goes in the “Give Me a Sit-Rep” thread or the Match-up one if anything further develops with that please.
so after about an hour and a half in the lab, I can do it
j.:s: c.:l: s.:h::f:+:h::s: sj. :h::s:: land :a2: (Missiles) TK :qcf: OTG s.:s: (do this as fast as possible) sj.:h::s: land :qcf:+:h: jump back :qcf:+:h: land :qcf:+:h: :dp:+ :l: xx :qcf: + :atk::atk: +:h:
going straight into flamethrower as the missiles OTG into sweep combo does 660K… I can get the missiles to juggle for the loading grenade hyper if I just go sj.:h::s: on the second relaunch, but the damage isn’t spectacular either. so much for flashy triple magnum combos T_T
edit: I did this in vanilla just to learn how it works, but i probably won’t even need to know it for ultimate considering he can cancel cr.H and assists scale, etc…
in vanilla my combo with hidden missiles assist was:
at the very corner any combo into ground s + hidden missiles,mmhs,land grenade launcher super (the up grenade hits going up so the 3rd grenade will be the final hit giving you a hard knockdown). i had haggar lariat as the other assist so i’d also add otg pistol + lariat, grenade m into another grenade launcher and into flamethrower if i had the meter.
for corner to corner it was ground series into s+hidden missiles, air s, air machinegun coming down, land boulder punch h, land dash forward,1 hidden missile otgs,s,mhs… opponent ends up in corner in a hard knockdown for whatever.
but combos with hidden missiles are unrealistic because you’ll always want them out there along with your zoning or to stop the opponents combos. i almost never get the chance to do those combos for these reasons.
For anyone looking to pair up nemesis with Chris. DHC’ing into sweep combo RIGHT after nemesis lands during his rocket super will give you the full sweep combo even if nemesis used a ground bounce in his combo.
That’s my random piece of information for the day.
Good luck fellow lab rats.
I highly recommend Frank shopping cart assist for keepaway shenanigans. It can chip like crazy, too.
Chris (Gun Fire) / Rocket Raccoon (Pendulum) / Ghost Rider (Chain of Rebuttal)
Team Keepaway lol.
When I was playing my team of PW/Chris/RR I was practicing my Chris combos with the Grenade Launcher + RR’s Assist. While doing it I accidnetly called out PW’s Press the Witness assist and it still juggled.
AKA Press the Witness assist helps Chris fully connect his grenade super at the end of a combo.
Right now I’m testing a team of Chris (Gun Fire)/ Ghost Rider (Heartless Spire)/ Ryu (Tatsumaki Senpukyaku) as a second team.
Lots of fun with the trio.
Vergil on point. Call Chris gunfire. Teleport behind them.
Im trying to Combo Chris Grenade Launcher into RR(Pendulum) works but i want it to juggle so i can use firethrower into sweep combo.But Chris is so awesome this time. i say people are goin to start using Chris for now on
Grenade and pendulum isn’t reliable enough in the corner, unfortunately. It does work mid-screen, oddly enough.
strider’s vajra assist is the new go to assist for chris.
super jump down h into air machinegun along with strider is just so good. not only does it cover all of the air and ground but if strider hits an air opponent chris gets a free combo because of the hard knockdown or if air machiegun hits a grounded opponent in range chris gets a combo. simply put at full screen call strider superjump down H, canceled onto machinegun will deal some sort of damage and there’s almost nothing the opponent can do about it.
for combos end any combo with otg down h + strider assist canceled into wall bounce standing magnum fully cancels into grenade launcher super for whatever followup afterwards.
Yea Chris is much better this time around. I thought his damage would be nerfed, but he still hits like a truck.
I used Chris/Tron(flame)/Doom(rocks) in Vanilla. Right now I’m experimenting with Chris(Gun Fire)/Frank(Cart)/Dr.Strange(Eye). I find that Eye assist is great for increasing Chris’s damage and connecting all hits on Grenade Launcher via M grenade.
Frank’s cart can be good for combo starting but I find the neatest thing about it is how it pushes your opponent back on block. I find myself doing :a1: + :f: xx :dp::l: > :dp::h: with the opponent unable to act safely while i get a mine explosion and flame carpet in front of me. Loving the team so far.
Iron Fist’s Gamma Assist ‘Rising Fang’ has a good trajectory, comes out quick, and is difficult to punish. It might be worth testing out if you’re having trouble with jump-ins and air dashers. It also causes a wall bounce.
Doctor Strange’s Gamma Assist is good too, although the name escapes me, its the one where he shoots two green beams. The good thing about it is that it shoots just above Chris’s guns so you can cover alot of space with it.
Drones has almost become a necessity for me at this point.
Chris (a) / Hawkeye (y) / Spencer (b)
So Hawkeye’s Kamikaze shot covers Chris quite well, and I did discover something pretty sweet this night.
** If Hawkeye’s Kamikaze shot OTG’s after Chris’ magnum hits an assist character , you can go ahead and repeatedly bunny hop magnum the assist to death**. I did this on a Sentinel assist while hitting Trish. Someone feel free to rebuttal me, but until this get’s patched, I’m going to be abusing this as much as I can. As for Spencer, he doubles as an anchor but he allows me to extend my combos with both Chris and Hawkeye. Chris gains access to a 866k Combo with Spencer’s Wire Grapple from an OTG gunshot off of Coast to Coast, while Hawkeye gains the ability to do the poison tip loop from it.
So I have Chris on point, Strider anchor…who do we sandwich in between? Lol. I’ve been on a revolving door of people but can’t seem to find the right fit. Anyone have any suggestions?
This was in Vanilla but the assist is not required. If you knockdown an assist with Chris (ie with standing magnum) you can do j.magnum until they die. The nice thing is because the damage assists take it only takes 5 or 6 jump shots (4 for that wretched Strider)