JiBbo's SFxT Dedicated Stream

0.o I just noticed your youtube name while I was watching this. When I first got this game I was looking for julia combos online and I found this video.


I never realized your the one that actually taught me how to play julia. No wonder I cant beat you I’m using your tactics *face palm.

Yeeeeeup. Turns out that’s a thing.

Good stuff reppin the king. Wish I had a 360.

Man I did really poorly tonight. :frowning: For some reason I was just full of nervous energy, impatient and just couldn’t calm down and think.

And then this happened: http://www.twitch.tv/automattock/b/322176720#

Just checked and it’s live now… Are you streaming 24/7?

Most of the time. I open a lobby when I’m at work.

Jibbo anytime ur doing ur “Asshole Commentary” u need to invite me to dat lobby dawg loolz


oh look


JiBbo’s 8.95$ SFxT Tournament Update

Estimated Start Time: Saturday June 23, 2012, 4-5PM EST.

1. [S]SilphDK[/S] Ryan Hunter
2. Vulcan Hades
3. FullAutoDeath
4. RedVega
5. Lexity
6. ThanCruz
7. Her0 of Tim3
8. King D


Unconfirmed but people I would like to see: Killinator, Dane


- 2/3 sets, 3/5 grand finals.
- Single Elimination!
- No assist gems. Boost gems are fine.
- Preferably east coast players for this, but if you have a shit hot connection I don’t care.
- Not yet open to EU players. Hopefully I can run one later down the road strictly for you guys <3

The winner gets 8.95$ paypal from me personally and an interview on Skype! I realize that 8.95$ isn’t big ballin but that’s the point – it’s an online tournament and the seriousness of play can only be taken to a certain level. I’m more interested in the learning experience for the players.

Though sign ups are full, please contact me if you’re still interested. I need players on stand by in case some aren’t able to show up.

Saturday is the 23rd

Daaaang I wouldve been up for this if I didnt have a VF tourney this saturday

But ayyeeee good luck to all the players

Sorry I can’t make 4-5 man. I’m working 2p - 10p. Best I can do is set my shift back an hour to 1p - 9p. Might be able to go back as far as 12 - 8 but I dunno.

No worries, I’ll get you in the next one.

Would love to join this somehow. I’m a good SF player but not a good SFxT player, if that makes sense (getting better though). I’m on the East Coast and have XBL. Definitely looking for cool people to play with who like to chat while playing.

What’s your gamertag?

Damn, wish I would have noticed this before right now lol. I have an SXT tournament tomorrow but, I will get in on the next one!

Yeah I convinced Hero of Time to get in this tournament. I’m banking on winning this, I really want to use the winning to get VIP access to the next Canada Cup stream.

If you’re in the chat while I’m running the tournament and somebody who signed up doesn’t show up I’ll swap you for them, if you’re down with that.