Japanese ST Player Report Up


That dude definitely looks like Niia.

Thanks for the Chance tourney report, mrdhalsim! Man, I want to travel the country wrecking people with Blanka. Too bad so many local folks already have my number…


I finally have a real chance to reply here- I’ve been very busy this week having moved down to Tokyo area and starting a new gig. I did make time to get to Mikado on Wed and saw a bunch of the players, in addition to others. They had a 500 yen for some hours of freeplay deal until 9pm or so, and I met Taira- a very social and friendly character who invited me along to the restaurant the players went to afterwards, also Gian was there. I had trouble winning any games against most players, including against Dictator- but not Taira’s (or anyone else’s) T.Hawk… ever since Suzuki’s Hawk, I had a few shutdowns going… that was about it. Very nice to get formal introductions and hang out.

Last night, Friday, I went again and played Muteki. On Wed I don’t think I had any wins, but I blame that on the prolonged sleep deprivation I’ve been putting myself through this week, that’s my excuse. :slight_smile: Anyways last night I went about 50/50 or so with him but a lot of other players wanted to play him too, so less than 7 or 8 games total. I plan to only improve that ratio in the near future, and of course it’s saying a lot cause he’s one of if not the best Guile but it’s still Guile vs. Dhalsim. Oh, one interesting tidbit, re a guile vs ryu match-up, I said I thought the balance was great esp considering how different the character designs are, but that I think ryu is slightly better, esp once his super meter is charged and that I like ryu’s design better than Dhalsim in most matchups… anyway I got some disagreement there, that guile was better (if either) but I’ve yet to be convinced, interesting to see how.

Nohoho, do you want some of those pictures from the tabblo I put together for your blog and the player profiles? I noticed some don’t have pics with their profiles so feel free to get them directly from the site and put them up- if any problems just let me know.



You live in Tokyo now David? Awesome! I want to come to Tokyo in 2008 to visit and for Hanami. If I do, we gotta do the tour of the arcades :slight_smile:


Definitely, Zass! Just let me know when you’ll be here. By then I may be back up in Niigata but could still plan a trip down to Tokyo when you come here (now I’m on contract for Nov. with a Tokyo company, but trying to work from Niigata if possible).

Had a great weekend. Went to Mikado and nearby Las Vegas arcades in Shinjuku on Friday night/Saturday (though Mikado doesn’t seem to have much going on on Saturdays though) with some other foreigners here. Then on Sunday, charcoalbuddy and I went to the Las Vegas arcade in Ikebukuro for a tournament, with the block-round robin system (the best way to do a tournament, IMO) and I got 3rd. results should appear here (I think this is the site for that arcade) soon- scroll all the way to bottom and it will be the last link, or link for “07 11 18” :

The last few times playing Muteki, I haven’t been doing too well… gotta get more wins.

David Boudreau
XSPR /mrdhalsim

Yeah I just saw that here.
Good job, man! :rock:

Did you beat Kashiwagi on your way to 3rd? Fuckin’ A!

Thank you!

Thank you! Yes, I did manage it somehow. I’m very happy with my performance that day.

I finished my contract here yesterday, and will leave Tokyo next Monday dec. 3rd so maybe tonight, and Friday night will be my last chances at the top competition for a while at least. It was much more crowded last night at Mikado than usual, and hard to get games with Muteki. I only had a few wins, maybe three or four but he won a lot more. It really can come down to just making sure you are able to block his jump in attack, for reasons mentioned above. He and Mtsun rarely miss those opportunities for max damage. Dhalsim is so not about big damage at once combos outside of his super so it takes a lot of work, STRAIGHT THROUGH to the very end you must REMAIN CONCENTRATING and focused because even when it’s down to 5 pixels each and you both know it’s gonna be close, it will still often take dhalsim 2, 3 hits realistically to get the win. dhalsim has the most options though, that’s what I like about him, and that makes him one of the top characters but it takes perserverence and concentration.

there was a big Mikado tournament last saturday- I was eliminated quick by jennety chun li in first round (teamed up with charcoalbuddy, his ryu took out their honda player, lots of good honda players I’ve been seeing btw) but all the top guys were there (except Muteki I think). I heard Gian won it but I didn’t see any of his matches, I had to leave a little early to get food (breakfast). I saw kky get eliminated by noguchi’s team (his fei long and another fei player), and even kurahashi who played ryu. my last warm up game before the tournament, I actually won against kurahashi which was cool but with single elim and my guile-dhalsim-only competency, that was about all I could hope for that day. :slight_smile:

David Boudreau