Thanks for listening. I didn’t realize anyone actually played ST anymore. I would have posted long ago if I thought this game was still played at all in the US.
Tanaka Ryu: Oh my god, you know about Tanaka’s old ryu! This is just awesome, I didn’t think anyone else actually knew him.
Tanaka played all the time at Namiki. I actually made fun of him a little bit, because he used jump roundhouse so much. We called him “Dai jump kick ryu” (jump RH ryu). He never used the DP, just jump RH.
I actually liked playing Tanaka, because he was a great person to play against. I would pick O. Ryu or O. Hawk, and it felt like super again. I never talked to him but I liked playing against him, since his style was very safe. The worst thing that would happen to you playing against Tanaka was that you’d just eat a jump RH :). I don’t think I ever said a word to Tanaka, he probably has no idea who I am, but I was always glad to have him as an opponent.
Tanaka won one of the namiki weekly tournaments once when I was there. I have to say I was a little suprised, because he’s not top tier (normally Tama-chan [Tamashima’s nickname], Akishima, or someone like that would win). On the other hand, if this hairy uncouth barbarian can win it, Tanaka certain can.
There was another player at Namiki that maybe you’ll know. We called him SenretsuChun. I don’t know his real name, but I’m sure you can guess what he did. Jump forward, lightning kick. That’s it! That’s all he EVER did. He was easy to beat, but every so often he’d kill someone that thought he might try something else. So the game would go something like this.
SenretsuChun: Jump forward
Player: (Thinks: hmm, he’s done lightning kicks the past 499 times in this situation. Maybe he’s going to try to throw?). Tries counter throw
SenretsuChun: Lighning kick
I would always get a chuckle whenever that guy won a game. Obviously he’s not one of the top tier players.
Ken-O/Gian: Yes, of course I know Ken-O. He’s a great guy. I think I may have talked to him all of five times, but he’s a really nice guy. Before I left Japan we had a large street fighter “nomikai” for me where a ton of Tokyo area ST players came to drink and say goodbye. I felt very touched. Anyways, Ken-O, whom I had played for years and never really talked to, started talking to me, and suggested we go out together. He also said hi when I came back to Japan in 2004 to visit.
That said, Ken’s dhalsim is top notch. According to Kuni, Ken-O won the all-japan CE tournament with his dhalsim. I wouldn’t be suprised. I beat almost every dhalsim I ever met with Claw or Chun, but not Ken-O’s dhalsim. I would be suprised if it took more than the fingers on one hand to count the number of games I ever took from him
Takiba Dhalsim: Are you talking about T. Akiba? He usually played new Ken. If not, I don’t know who that Takiba is. There was KKY, Ken-O, and another regular at Shibuya Kaikan, he had a beard (pretty unique in Japan), and was a professional pachinko guide writer.
Bonus Blanka: Don’t know who that is. I did play once against Komoda, and he was very good, but in my (humble gaijin) opinion, Harahi is the best. Harahi was simply inspiring. Harahi disappeared sometime around 2000, and I never saw him again. Does he still play? Do you have a link to his Blanka web page?
Hamaki Honda: Again, I don’t know. There were honda players at Namiki, and Makoto (see above post) would pull out honda every so often. I personally always hated honda as a character. He just seemed like he brutalizes anyone without a FB (except Boxer), and dies to anyone with one. Bob Painter showed us all the power of Honda at the first Vegas ST tournament by winning the whole thing with the sumo (Great quote from that tournament: “I can’t believe I lost to fucking BOB PAINTER” – Mike Watson). But I never liked Honda, and perhaps my dislike of the character prevented me from really noticing good players. I did learn some very fun (for me) and very annoying (for him) anti honda tricks with Boxer and Chun.
Are you living in Tokyo now? I did play against Harahi a lot… Kuni knew him, but as I said, he disappeared around 2000. What I would suggest is (cue A Team music): If you have a Blanka problem, if no one else can help you, and if you can find him, maybe you can get Harahi’s help. :lovin: I played Harahi quite a few times with Boxer. I can win it, but I’d have to play perfectly. You screw up once and you’re dead. What I can do ist list some of the things I remember him doing (this is like 8 years ago).
- hop past you, cr forward, cr forward, ball, which dizzies.
- short ball into either bite or electricity.
- repeated crossovers with jump forward. Really annoying on boxer because he leans so far back, he’s easy to cross up that way.
- very very precise with his combos. Jump fierce, low forw, stand strong, ball every time, never missed it.
- good use of straight jump fierce as anti air.
- his own version of the new ken “mix up”. Jump forward as you are getting up, then low forward. Then either bite, or low foward + ball combo. Repeat.
As for Claw, yes I did play him against Harahi. I think he pretty much raped me straight up and down.
I wish…
Thanks for letting me ramble