Did quite a bit of searching here, couldn’t find anything. Are any Japanese players playing Skullgirls through US PSN accounts? If so, what’s their opinion of the game? Do they consider it playable or Kusoge?
I believe Daigo had a very positive impression of the game when he first played it. Wonder what he thinks now?
4chan was going thru and translating random 2chan posts in the Skullgirls threads. Mostly going gaga over the girls but a love for an art and the game.
I believe most Japanese players play on PSN and not XBL. I remember reading the sales numbers for umvc3 in Japan and there were 6-7 times more purchases for PSN than XBL.
Generally, yes, but there are oddities. AH3 sold much more in japan on 360 than ps3. Many desirable japanese shmups and such come out on 360 and not ps3. Dunno why, but there is some sort of “hardcore” japanese market on 360.
I even tried putting me as North America to see if that would get me more matches despite my ping… it worked once!
but ya, I played on Japanese player (assuming cause language and region was japan) and he just murdered me with painwheel.
if they would have did a bit more work on Japan side, i think this would have sold… nekkid lookin chicks, cheezy taunts, girls… all in line for the pro-pedo Japanese audience… just no PR.