Japanese 3rd Strike Players Index

Going through Season 2 now and some old names are popping up.




Yun is his main since he started the game (hand down)…but he just moves onto other characters (when he feels like it or when its necessary) but since he’s going to SBO with yang he just switched gears…he hasnt been playing makoto in recent ranbats though…but yeah he does play makoto but a MEAN one at that lol…K.O FTFW AT SBO!!!

TheShend: ? = Saru

Thanks Acer. :tup:

??? = Norishin(KE)
??? = Anraku(MA)
??? = Monaoh(YU)

Here are the names from the sbo’07 teams thread that aren’t on the list yet:

??? = Shimono(UR)
??? = Naitsu(YU)
??? = Ikego(EL)
??? = Orona(EL)
??? = Macho Banana(CH)
??? = Shoubau(UR)

Ghibli away!

?? Washimi (KE)


Thank you Ghibli & Jack :tup:

phew What did we do before the internet? I missed m y connection bad!

Some new names from GAME41’s recent matches:

???(EL) = ??

???(HU) = ?? [Yoshiki?]
???(HU) = ??

???(RE) = ??

Gamers Vision new names:




Also added in US players Frankie3S and Pyrolee’s Japanese names into the list but need the following also:



Many Thanks

Where’s TM for Q? Unless that’s another version of a Q player already listed. Considering he’s my fav, I’d like to be clear on that issue haha

Managed to sort out the majority of the above and so now i’m left the following:


??(KE) = ??



??? = Morinaga(CH)

?? = Tengu(KE) (“a long-nosed goblin” heh)

??? = Ma-ko(UR)

??? = Wataoni(YU)

Vacation’s almost over, so back to work~

Cheers Ghibli :tup:

All upto date now :slight_smile:

Who is best yang players?

Ghibli Cat, MOD.

Pfffffttt hhahahahahaha :rofl::looney::rofl:

LoL :clap: east coast yang BEASTS!

Seriously and honestly though, Roshihikari and Sekido ftw.

I know roshihikari, i need other yang players.

There’s a list of them on the front page. Under Yang. :tup:

Pledge seemed pretty decent as well.

Found a bumper haul of names after getting annoyed at trying to squint and figure out who’s who on the a-cho vids, and found a handy breakdown of teams and players who partook in the 22nd Kansai RanBat.

A-cho Link - click the 5th red-box down on the left-hand side. Is SeanP in those pictures?

So here they are:

??(AL) = ??

??(CH) = ??
???(CH) = ??

???(DU) = ??
???(DU) = ??

??(KE) = ??
???(KE) = ??

???(HU) = ??
???(HU) = ??
???(HU) = ??

???(MA) = ??
???(MA) = ??

??(NE) = ?Murakami?
???(NE) = ?Opera?

??(OR) = ?Daikoku?

???(RE) = ?Sukeroku?

???(RY) = ?Himuro?

???(UR) = ??
???(UR) = ?Lanthanum?
???(UR) = ?Raamen?

???(YA) = ??
???(YA) = ??

???(YU) = ?Iyun?
???(YU) = ??


Go there, TheShend.