Japan Arcade - Little Tokyo - Downtown Los Angeles

how far is this place from CSULA? can anyone help me with directions cuz i just moved here from san diego. :sweat:


Cool man, thanks.

Anyone know when itā€™s busy?

Is this place in the same plaza as Oiwake? We should rally some support for working 3s cuz Iā€™d sure like to not have to drive to family or AI to get a few games inā€¦

Itā€™s not too far ā€¦ but then again thereā€™s usually traffic. For directions first post has address to arcade. www.calstatela.edu for university address. mapquest.com. cā€™mon now ā€¦

Thatā€™s Exactly what Iā€™m looking for as well, some place closer to cut down on the drive. Iā€™ll see if I can find out how often they have their parts fixed, and also if they can fix on the spot. Couple that in with event mode service, and this place should be ready to go for weekend tournies.

Itā€™s a shame that they donā€™t open later though.

I went today and 1P Fierce is not working on 3s

I go every Sundayā€¦
Mvc2 the characters are still not unlocked.
3s the 1p fierce is always going out and if its not that its the 2p forward or roundhouse.
XvSF is still there.
GG has its own little sit down megalo 50 cab.
Tekken 5 there are no ports to plug in your gaming pads and the kick are always out.

Most of the time it only gets crowded with Initial D heads when I go on Sundays.

Its in the shopping mall off of 3rd street and Alameda not in the plaza off of 2nd street that you are thinking about.

Is anyone going there tomorrow? Not that iā€™ll be there to play fighting games but just wondering if anyone will be there. Whenever i have gone, that place is dead. no one playing fighting games and me and a friend on guitar freaks and drummania. btw, do they still have just DM10th mix?

busiest times would be
late friday and midday saturday
other than that, itā€™s just a handful of people
that show up during the week

Hey guys, just a reminder: Three days left until LANFest2k7 this Saturday!

Rules: Clicky Here for Tourney Info
Registration: Clicky Here for Registration Select Denjin BYOC or your registration wonā€™t count!

Remember, if we canā€™t get enough signups, we wonā€™t get the prize money T_T Please pre-register now and you can pay later at the door! PM me or AIM me (Arlieth) if you have any questions!


If you do not pre-register, there is no guarantee that you will be allowed to sign up on site! They have 400 reserved BYOC seats and 488 signups already at this point, so please pre-register so that Iā€™ll be able to get you in!

Heh, didnā€™t know this arcade had a thread.

Iā€™m disappointed that the Marvel machine loses the secret characters.

the pron game is fun as hell :tup: lmao

edit: render is right itā€™s not slash sorry. .

For those of you who donā€™t know,

The arcade employee can validate your parking.

is this arcade in the little tokyo mall or where exactly is it? and are all marvel characters unlocked? and i miss the mochiā€¦ that shit was and is da bomb :lol: next time i stop by to get some mochi ill check out this arcade!

In the mall.

Edit: Itā€™s on the 2nd floor.

2nd floor* and yes R I C is right they can validate your parking. marvel characters are not all unlocked n one stick acts dumb sometimesā€¦

when r u guys gonna goā€¦ ill stop buy there if either u(plates) or u(R I C) goā€¦ i want some mochi.

Only games I play there are 3s and CFJ (if they still have it).
I havenā€™t been there in a long time, but if you guys wanna meet up, lemme know.
I prefer evenings on weekdays.

We can go Daikoku afterwards:

I went this past Saturday and tested the sticks on the 3S cab. 2P side stick feels kinda loose, but other than that, I actually liked the buttons.

R | C, lemme know if youā€™re gonna go. Iā€™ll probably stop by and play a few games against you.

Dunno how youā€™re playing GG Slash, Plates. You mean the one all the way in the back corner? Thatā€™s the original GGXX.

I go there every once in a while on my lunch breaks to scrub it up with Ken on 3S. Playing broken outdated GG is also hilarious.

oh yeah! lmao that crack is frying my brain
ey man I know itā€™s outdated, but it is just kind of tempting not to play it when it is just there lol especially since all marvel characters are not unlocked :tear: and 3s gets boring without having anyone to playā€¦ so yeah