January 11-13th, 2013
Apex 2013 is here and ready to change the way you look at Video Game events. During the past few months we have been working every day on new ideas, concepts, and ways to give all of you the best experience possible. This year has been great as we have grown exponentially! Though we had some growing pains last year, we have now worked out a lot of kinks to make 2013 the year of Apex!
We have addressed many of the issues APEX2012 was criticized for. We have hired TS Min and he will be organizing the entire tournament this year. We are also switching to PS3 and rearranging the floor space so that the FGC can get a better experience. We listened to the feedback and made , or in the process of, making the necessary adjustments. We will be providing booths, equipment, and prizes that will encourages players from all over to attend. We have also changed the layout of the venue so that we can make sure there is enough room for everyone. That means that no matter how many people enter there will be enough for everyone to have a great time. We have also spoken with the eateries and we will be bringing you even more food choices. Our goal this year is to provide a great experience for everyone that will give people a mix of casual activities with competitive events.
Looking towards the upcoming year we will be doing a lot of great things for our Video Game communities. We will be doing Live, and pre-recorded, interviews featuring special guests, top players, and newcomers. Anyone and everyone can be interviewed by our team and expect to have some great stuff to watch as the tournament has some down-time between matches.
Do not expect just the interviews to be the only great things we are doing. We will have many booths there to give people something to look around for. This can include development groups, industry booths, and special “fan-made” booths that will give people PLENTY of free gifts and give-a-ways. To add to that Artist Alley is returning to give all those looking for awesome Pins, Stickers, and various trinkets for everyone to take home things for yourself and family.
As the year goes on expect to hear huge announcements. Looking towards the future, Apex 2013 will be the event of year.
Alright everyone. Just a heads up we WILL have final sign-ups at the door for all traditional fighting games. Here are the times EACH of those games will end registration.
On Friday :
SCV Registration will end at noon
KOF Registration will end at 2pm
AE Registration will end at 3pm
On Saturday :
P4U Registration will end at 10am
TTT2 Registration will end at noon
Marvels Registration will end at 1pm
All registration will be done at the check-in station. Make sure to tell them who you are, if you are part of a team, and what you are entering. The prices will REMAIN THE SAME.
If you NEED anything else feel free to message us directly!
Game Listing (All games will be played on PS3, While Smash will be played on Wii/GC/N64 respectively) :
[]Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Version 2012 ($10) + $1000 Pot Bonus + VXG Stipend
[]Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 ($10) + $1000 Pot Bonus + VXG Stipend
[]King of Fighters XIII ($10) + $250 Pot Bonus
[]Tekken Tag Tournament 2 ($10) + $500 Pot Bonus
[]Soul Calibur V ($10) + $250 Pot Bonus
[]Pokemon Black/White 2 ($5 Per Person)
[*]**Persona 4 ($10) + $250 Pot Bonus **
VXG stipend is provided by
The winners of Brawl, AE, Marvel get a free , ALL EXPENSES PAID TRIP to St. Maarten for the Video X Games. This means you will be getting a free trip to a caribbean island for winning Apex!
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]10:00am : Check-in + Free Play[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]12:00pm : Melee Doubles Bracket (complete)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]2:00pm : Brawl Doubles Bracket (complete)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]2:00pm : Soulcalibur V (to top 8)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]3:00pm : Smash Bros 64 (to top 4)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]4:00pm : King of Fighters XIII (to top 8)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]5:00pm : Pokemon Black/White 2 (complete)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]6:00pm : SSF4 Arcade Edition 2012 (to top 8)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]10:00pm : Brawl USA VS The World Exhibition (on 8wayrun)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]: all streams doing selected matches all day[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]8:00am : Check-in + Free Play[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]10:00am : Brawl/Melee Singles Pools 1-8[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]11:00am : Smash Bros 64 Top 4 (on 8wayrun)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]12:00pm : Persona 4 Arena (to top 8)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]1:00pm : Brawl/Melee Singles Pools 9-16[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]1:30pm : Soulcalibur V Top 8 (on 8wayrun)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]2:00pm : Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (to top 8)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]4:00pm : Brawl/Melee Singles Pools 17-24[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]4:00pm : King of Fighers XIII Top 8 (on 8wayrun)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]5:00pm : Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 (to top 8)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]6:30pm : Persona 4 Arena Top 8 (on 8wayrun)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]7:00pm : Brawl/Melee Singles Pools 25-32[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]10:00pm : Melee USA VS The World Exhibition (on 8wayrun)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]: 8wayrun - in addition to the scheduled matches… other stuff[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]: bifuteki - selected FGC matches all day[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]: clashtournaments - selected SMASH matches all day[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]8:00am : Check-in + Free Play[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]10:00am : Melee Singles Top 128 (to top 8) (on bifuteki)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]10:00am : Brawl Singles Top 128 (to top 8) (on clashtournaments)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]10:00am : Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Top 8 (on 8wayrun)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]12:00pm : SSF4 Arcade Edition 2012 Top 8 (on 8wayrun)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]2:30pm : Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 Top 8 (on 8wayrun)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]5:00pm : Melee Singles Top 8 (on 8wayrun)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]7:00pm : Brawl Singles Top 8 (on 8wayrun)[/FONT][/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=15px]10:00pm : Closing Ceremonies[/FONT][/SIZE]
Rutgers Student Center
126 College Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Venue Info
The Rutgers Student Center will be our venue once again. Throughout our time there we have had a great experience. In the venue itself there are several eateries (Subway, Burger King, Chinese Food ) but outside there are several small places where you can get sandwiches ( e.g. R-U-Hungry) and a small pizzeria behind the
In addition to that, the venue also has an upstairs area for those who want to relax without the noise of the tournament area. It is a great idea for those who have already finished their events/pools/etc. and want to relax and watch the stream via the free Wi-Fi there.
The Student Center will also have sofas, chairs, and enough room to just relax through the entire event!
[]Airports that are the nearest to the venue are the following (in order of distance):
[]EWR - Newark Airport
[]LGA - LaGuardia Airport
[]JFK - JFK (John F. Kennedy) Airport
The best train to use is the NJ Transit It is within walking distance and, or you can take a cab for approx. $7-10 each way to the venue or hotel.
You can view the information for the venue on their website here:
This includes driving directions.
We have worked out a deal once again with the Hyatt Regency New Brunswick.
Two Albany Street,
New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA 08901
Tel: +1 732 873 1234
The hotel is conveniently located down the road from the venue and available at a discounted price. See the instructions below for booking and rates.
ONLINE RESERVATIONS ONLY the link below will take you to a site dedicated toward making your reservation quick and easy. You will be able to make, modify and cancel your hotel reservations online, as well as take advantage of any room upgrades, amenities or other services offered by the hotel.
To view the website, please click the following link:
Click here to reserve your rooms!
Live Streams

One of the great things about Apex is our media broadcast. This year we are going to be providing even more content than any past event! We listened to your feedback, I’m talking about you stream monsters, and we believe we have found the answer. For the first time, Apex 2013 will have THREE great streams. The main stream provided by 8WayRun, leads the way doing every game’s championship rounds (top 8/top 4).Bifuteki and ChiboSempai will be providing content solely for the FGC and Smash series respectively throughout the weekend. There will be something to watch for everyone. We will be doing our best to make sure the great players get on a stream in some way or form. Trust us when we say this will be something for everyone and even more matches than ever before. With this in mind we will make sure our commentary for each game is of the HIGHEST standard. We are even hiring the best commentators for each game for your viewing pleasure.