"Jackpot!" Cody Combo Thread

ty for this, will practice

hey guys found something new

you can combo into meaty hk.ruffian which will allow you to start a reset with f.mp in the corner.

only setup i found is 2x cr.lp, cr.mp xx hk.ruffian

yeah, it’s free on rog and some shotos in corner.

off crumple or jump-in i’d usually do s.fp, st.jab, c.strong xx hk rk though

I was wondering if anyone can help me verify this anti-air U2 setup. I looked through the thread and other posts and found mostly U2 ground setups.

I’m in training mode with CPU on JUMP and ALL-BLOCK. I use any AA normals (b+mp, s.hk, s.hp, c.hp with knife, etc.) to knock the jumping CPU out of the air, then I use U2 instantly. The CPU lands on its feet in the middle of the dust and allows for the full U2 combo. The setup only works if the AA makes the opponent land on their feet.

I don’t exactly trust the CPU with ALL-BLOCK and I not coordinated enough to handle two controls at the same time. I apologize in advance if this AA U2 setup was already posted.

After thinking about it, the opponent may be able to escape the AA normal to U2 setup by doing an invincible reversal such as their own ultras. I would try it myself, but I’m not skilled enough to create that situation on my own.

Not sure if this has been mentioned, but you can combo U1 after AAing somebody with Bad Stone, or EX Bad Stone. Of course, this is spacing specific, but it is not restricted to the corner.

Can you somehow hit confirm counter hits?
I just watched a vid where a jap cody does:

st.HP, c.HP, hkRuff etc.

I had to watch it twice, but the game confirmed it as a combo too in the vid

You can also juggle with an MK ruffian.

You can buffer moves to train yourself to recognize counter-hits on reaction.

Training Mode>Counter-Hit set to Random.

Poke away.

AA Rocks into EX Rocks is hilarious. Decent stun, I guess.

Is the only difference that the wording ‘COUNTER HIT’ comes up on screen?
Or is there something else I can use to identify this fact?

I’ve only played Soulcalibur before (SF noob, sorry) and the hit goes red instead of the normal colour…

Whoa, did not notice this… i’ve landed a few AA bad stones and never followed up… learn something new everyday

After HK RK in the corner you can FADC>backdash & follow up with Ultra 1, HK RK, EX RK>EX CU, MK RK & probably more stuff, i couldn’t get f.rh to hit but i only tried on Ryu it may work on larger characters.

After a focus backdash that crumples jab badstone hits & links to LK RK, MK RK, EX RK>EX CU again you can probably link other stuff i haven’t tested any of this in great detail just some things for people to experiment with.

dude some cody wrecked me today…and he did h ruffrian to ex rufrian the ex criminal upper i was amazed

Thought I’d drop this combo. Playin offline with my friend earlier, I hit him with an untechable knockdown, and taunted (taunt 3), and cracked my knuckles with Cody. S Tier mindgames, he was utterly broken by the shear cheeziness.

The second part of Taunt 5&6 duck under fireballs.

Wow , so thats why I would get EX. CU after a HK FADC… i feel like the sky just opened up… wow

hk ruffian into neutral jump punch does 220 dmg. hk ruffian into mk ruffian does 230, so is this the strongest no meter follow up. ^^

update for missing combo data:

[240] (0) c.mp, c.lp, c.mp xx fierce criminal => 384 stun
[234] (0) f+mp, c.lp c.lp, c.mp xx fierce criminal => 392 stun
[290] (0) f+mp, s.mp, c.mp xx fierce criminal => 434 stun
[260] (0) b+mp, c.lp, c.mp xx fierce criminal => 384 stun
[280] (0) s.fp, c.lp, c.mp xx fierce criminal => 484 stun
[599] (0) nj.fp, c.fp, ultra 2 => 400 stun

also new combos:
[468 / 150] (3) ex zonk FADC u1
[529 / 200] (1) ex rocks xx u2

also f.mp, c.mp xx looks like a good damaging and easy link
e.g [248 / 376] (0) f.mp, c.mp xx hp CU

I’ve had people go behind me sometimes trying to do that, but I will add it

should have an update coming soon with a summary section of the “need to know” combos

in case u missed it, i updated my post, took a while, didnt saw u allrdy answered.