Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire is gdlk

The match vids for this game are sooo sick

I think there probably already is one but it’s really, really obscure. :wonder:

only a fuck up like you can like that game.

why dont you just stfu and minf your business man. or you got plans to make me like whp? unlike you i had the game since release on the neo, sucked then, still sucks today.

By the way, jumping on this game is a suicide.

this, a thousand times this. epic thisery

really it’s only good vs. m.lion, b/c you can get huge combos if he throws a projectile and if you guess wrong he can’t hurt you that much.

So what do you do againist projectile spam and keepaway characters like Yeung? Is it possible for dash to cancel into block?

Drunken Jackie’s anti-air cr.HP to super. Jumping does not exist here.

And I request a title change. We all know it’s really named “Thorsten in Fists of Fire.”

There was an NCR training session over here last night and I brought a laptop armed with two TE’s and Jackie Chan in Fists of Fire. This game is DANGEROUS. It’s so fast, simple and addictive that I don’t think I can bring it around anymore, unless I risk NorCal’s chances in SF4 :rofl:

My main is Drunk Jackie due to his insane zoning ability (st.lk and st.hp stop just about anything, cr.hp for anything else) and ease of damaging combos. I really want to learn Thorsten.

M.D.: Yes, you can cancel forward dashes into anything instantly. This is why I’m not 100% sold on Yeung yet - it’s really easy to bait whiffs and punish them hard in this game, so I’m not sure how well a keepaway game would hold up against good players.

See, did I not tell you guys? :bgrin:

Drunk Jackie is really, really good, and one of the more well-rounded & complex characters (though in this game that still doesn’t say much). He can juggle from his rising tackle in the corner, which happens a lot since that move travels such a long distance. Blockstrings into jugs are great when mixed with overhead and dash->throw. His crouching jab actually hits low and has longer range than low short.

qcf+K goes under a lot of things and he can juggle from that as well, though you don’t get much at midscreen. Actually in general, cr.LK->cr.HP is his best juggle without meter, but he can juggle into super on the majority of the cast.

His BnB from the overhead is dashing close LK -> cr.HP xx rising tackle or super. It’s easy, and in fact your main problem will probably be dashing too early. You have a decent window to link, so don’t jump the gun and you’ll be fine.

Just never, ever use spinning backfists unless you’re going to kill them with chip. It’s equally unsafe on block and hit!

As for Thorsten, I posted a guide earlier which should have everything you need. He’s very basic, it just takes a little practice to get the 100% combo down.

What version of mame are you guys using to play this.

The newest one, it’s called MAMEUI now. I should add that in the OP since a number of people have been confused by that.

Josh (or anyone else), do you know of any MAME cheats that allow for infinite life/time and all that jazz? Last time I checked I couldn’t find any on that unofficial MAME cheat page, and trying to find them myself is impossible with MAME’s horrible new cheat engine. I really want to test some shit without having to always start a new round, even at lowest damage setting :\

Smug Bastard Jackie kicks ass.

I was going to ask since this game is pretty fast paced should matches be 3 out 5 rounds? Most of the match videos I’ve seen are in that format so I figured it’s the standard format for casuals/tournaments. I also forgot how to access the game system config through mame. I did it once on accident but forgot what I pressed exactly.

Yeah I think 3/5 rounds is preferable for this game because rounds never last that long.

To get into the soft dips, push F2, then reset the game by pressing F3, and scroll down to “system configuration”. When you’re done changing stuff you’ll have to push F2 again before resetting out.

This game is too hype.

of course, this is Jackie Chan’s game.

Play Chairman Jackie.

Akuma fireball is useful. Also, LK LK F. Double Dutch , Dash Lk F Double Dutch all friggin’ day.

Ah okay. Thanks.

Wow, M. Lion.

Really? Really?

One more thing: How come everyone is blue in this game?

My guess would be that on their first shoot, the blue screen equipment they used left a lot of blue on the edges of Law and Yeung… so they figured they might as well just colorize those characters completely blue/red/green, rather than repay those actors to come back for a second shoot when their better equipment came in.

also, how do i play as hyper jackie