Hey guys, i made this video with my team techs, check it out!
so this is probably old news to a lot of you, but has anybody else experienced the XP gaining glitch with frank?
namely when you finish off a long combo with snapshot into survival techniques, frank will gain the levels, except the animation for the hyper will stay as his level 1 version, thus not gaining you the extra damage.
ive had it happen to me in training but i had it happen to me in a real match yesterday and it was slightly annoying. after the hyper finished he changed to level 4 frank but the hyper was the level 1 version. i dont know how capcom missed this one tbh.
Its the speed you do the hyper. Its I think the first possible link frame only that it happens or something silly like that. The “level up” does not hit until after the super starts in that situation.
Yeah, it happens when you cancel into the hyper before the picture registers and grants you the XP, it’s annoying but it can be reliably avoided by just working on your timing.
Is it possible to FFC an incoming character? I was doing more testing, and I couldn’t get it to land after a snapback. It LOOKED like it should hit, and when I set the dummy to jump it hit, but it wasn’t working on incoming.
That said, Frank CAN do the set up by himself. Charge a :l: zombie, throw it, cancel as soon as it comes out into FFC. Spacing’s kinda trickier than doing the Maya DHC, but it should work. Now, if only I could get it to work…
In other news, even the EVO champ is free to assist+roll mixups.
you can only FFC an incoming character if they press any buttons. Incoming characters are immune to grabs for as long as they don’t press buttons (aside from directions in order to block, of course). You have to set up a guard break for it to work. I use j.S to bait them into push blocking, then when I land I barrel roll and cancel that into FFC, but smart people will know better than to push buttons. Honestly, in my experience from playing against people and watching other people play, it seems to me that people are a lot more likely to press buttons or pushblock when there are assists involved as well, otherwise they’ll patiently block without pushblocking anything. I’m trying to work a setup where I use Ammy’s Cold Star for this so that if they pushblock, FFC will catch them before Cold Star even really hits anything. If they don’t pushblock me and I don’t react properly (aka do FFC anyway), Cold Star will put them into block stun until Frank has recovered from FFC. But I still need to work on it.
Well, there went THAT setup.
I don’t play him so I’m not 100% on this but I’m pretty sure if you used a meaty Tenderizer assist from Skrull you could guarantee a FFC on incoming/after a snap? Got the idea from watching the Firebrand snap loop, same idea you’d just wait to activate FFC until right when the block stun ends.
If only Skrull had an assist I actually liked to use for anything else…
Alas, I use not the Super Skrull.
Might try it with Tatsu or Break the Witness.
But shit, and I was so proud of that set up too…
Still, the Zombie/FFC thing might actually be useful. Scare a jump in into blocking, then FFC 'em. Heck, come to think of it, I could catch people trying to jump in on Wright with this.
Why not zombie toss then roll (to beat pushblock and to position better) and then FFC? Should work.
That should work. See, I was thinking, throw zombie, scare them into blocking, then FFC. Alas, it doesn’t work on incoming. But if the zombie hitstun is short enough, that might work.
Wait, are you talking about the walking dead or the flying dead here? I’m using the walking dead.
That sounds good, until they advancing guard at the last hit, you judge the end of blockstun wrong, and then you are whiffing the grab. I’ve been bashing my head against the wall when I realized some of my Nemesis incoming resets get foiled by the same principle.
incoming characters are placed into a guardstun status until they touch the ground if they block something and don’t pushguard. You can’t FFC them unless they push buttons coming in, or pushguard something you setup. Learn a setup or two, then have a lock down setup to capitalize on Frank’s corner pressure so that once the locals learn your setups, you can just apply frame traps/mixups instead.
Thanks for the advice. Throw zombies, rolls, FFCs, assists, all that.
Anyone have any idea who many frames Disruptor is active for? Does barrel roll have enough invincibility that you can roll through one and punish with a roundhouse kick?
Even the Heavy version?
Yo Metaskipper:
I’m making Frank’s Friends: Akuma right now
Just so you know
Frank’s Friends Akuma:
Give me your feedback
That is some amazing work TheCape, loved the video! Almost makes me wanna pick up akuma for those level ups. Too bad that Messatsu goshoryu is so bad in THCs because that’s what you get for picking tatsu. THCs should be pickable as well as assists
good job!