It's weird that Tokido

I think that was only a rumor started by a member here, not from the actual guys who played the beta. If they did include that in the final game, U2’s damage will most probably be nerfed to match Ryu’s U1 (around 400 max), it’ll be even more useful in the Rufus matchup and probably some others too, but I still feel like such combo makes Akuma feel more like Ryu, bring back his stun and we don’t want any buffs :P.

Sorry for going off-topic btw, will post in the arcade changes thread next time.

Too bad it’s a rumor. As much as DR setups are fun, I still prefer the good ol’ fadc ultra combo. Specially off a srk. To keep that shit safe.

Still, the fadc would have to be done a bit late to buffer the input. That, or fadc, whiff a sweep, input Ultra.

Meh… Rumors…

Was Akuma top tier in Third Strike? Because Tokido has been using the demon since then, afaik.

As for the game being “very well balanced”, I´d say that´s really not the case. There are some ridiculously unbalanced match ups in Super (i.e Makoto vs Honda or Guy vs Balrog), and the game still highly rewards cheap strategies such as turtling and mashing pretty much like it did in vanilla.

Yup. I’ve made it very obvious that I’m not the biggest fan of the current engine, and it doesn’t benefit a low-stamina character such as Gouki or Seth. But still, the game has its positives as well.

On another note, the thing with Akuma is that his vortex requires GREAT precision. Perform a dive kick too far and you could be eating a wake-up ultra, for example. Not entirely sure about this one but I think spacing is most important with Akuma than any other SSIV character. Let’s see:

  • Dive-kick spacing to stuff wake-ups
  • Palm spacing to bait wake-ups
  • Safe jumps
  • Palm spacing to land on the other side for kara demon opportunities

And it goes on. Definitely a hard character to play, I’m having issues myself (have gone on to Ryu until I get a decent grasp of the fundamentals).

When I play Ryu, I find I usually don’t care too much about trying jump-ins in footsies/fireball prediction. I do it without any fear… something I almost never do with Akuma.

akuma was mid tier in 3s. tokido used urien and later moved to chun.

He used Urien bc a lot of people still didn’t know about those unblockables, then Chun for obv reasons.


Thank you. Finally someone gets it.

It’s a fact he’s called cheap and there’s nothing wrong with that. Lol @ half the board coming to his defense like that’s a bad thing. I’d love to be known as cheap as long as I’m winning.

Additionally, laughing at me saying the game is balanced makes you look like a jackass, Gasp. Specifically because it is. From top to bottom the balance is tight. Yeah there’s bad match ups but they are a small amount for a game that has 35 characters.

All Akuma needs is his stun back and he’s without question top 3 whether on paper or in real life, lol.

Additionally, IMO Ryu is not better than Akuma.

I’m agree with that.

"Whatever happen for arcade, I will play Akuma"
Tokido has fallen in love with Akuma, simply.

Now, if Momochi feels Akuma too weak, I think Ken is a way weaker, so this is a weird choice.

For the nostalgics:


This channel contains a lot of matchs with Momochi using Akuma, during Battle Medley Singapore 2010 held 9th-11th July 2010


The shorthand for “willing to play absolutely filthy and do everything required to net a win” is “cheap.”

:confused: … How on earth is this even remotely considered ‘cheap’ is beyond me. Akuma is so execution specific not to mention his ‘1 death glass jaw’ on any given mistake that to call a high level player like tokido ‘cheap’ is utter ignorance if not stupid.

Yeah, let’s all play turtle button mash and spam chars like ryu, chun, boxer, dictator etc. and label it/them ‘greatness’. Phisssh BS!

all the whining about spam and mashing is ruining this thread. Spam is zoning and mashing is when you get hit for dropping links.

Also, one mistake will not cost you the match when using akuma. Recklessness and not knowing the match-ups are the two main reasons why most akuma users lose.

Akuma has red fireballs and ex-demon flips to fight through ex-projectiles. DF-throws to fight turtles and so on and so on. He’s got the options and the comeback potential, so no more crying please.


Momochi has an awesome akuma, but he just couldn’t deal with the nerfs and akuma’s health. I guess he traded akuma’s vortex game for ken’s kick and tatsu mixup.