It's weird that Tokido

is still using Akuma in Super. Don’t get me wrong. Akuma is still really good(definitely top 7 or 8 at the worst if not top 5), but he’s no longer the really cheesy stun and damage dealing monster he was in vanilla. Since Tokido is known as the cheapest man alive, it’s surprising he doesn’t play Honda or Rufus or someone like that.

Maybe Tokido realized that the game is so balanced that he might as well just stick with a really good character even if he isn’t that cheap anymore.

Can’t complain, though. As much as I love Eita, his style lacks refinement and I’d hate for him to be the leading resource for Akuma play since Momochi abandoned him for Ken(hopefully temporarily).

I was begging for somebody to interview momochi and ask why he’d dropped akuma. Last I heard the theory was that he was just waiting until after SBO…

akuma isn’t top 5 at all.

Tokido plays him = The character is top 5 at the very least

Akuma is not as strong as vanilla but he is still a very good and competitive top tier character that can deal with anybody except cammy.

I dont think tokido will ever swap to honda because he has some retarded matchups and japanese like to play tournaments with only 1 character.

Akuma is definitely top 5 imo. I really don’t see why the hate for tokido. Is it because he plays ST vega and 3s Chun?

honda ryu cammy dictator balrog are all better than akuma… akuma is not top 5.

Well I dont think anyone hates tokido, its just a fact that he plays to win and picks the cheapest/top tier characters in every fighting game he compete. Nothing wrong with it imo, but theres always haers out there.

I would reply to you sharktongue but really dont see the point to argue in akuma forums if he is top 5 or not because everyone will flame me, you have your opinion and I have mine I guess.

Yet Tokido didn’t decide to play Sagat in early vanilla life? like at first when Akuma was considered upper mid tier?

So I think there’s a little more to it. Besides, he’s used to Akuma in this engine and probably just enjoys working the vortex.

I disagree. As for Honda, Dictator and Balrog you are spot on. But Ryu and Cammy? Those 2 are certainly up for debate. They got a few things that suck for Akuma, but overall I wouldn’t go so far as to say they are “better” characters.

P.S.: Let’s not make this another tier thread.

whatever his reason is for sticking with akuma im sure glad he did… he is so much fun to watch play… i believe in an interview he said he plays gouki because its his favorite character

Tokido did say akuma is his favorite character which is why he still plays him. I heard momochi doesn’t play akuma in ssf4 because he thinks he is too weak.

Momochi told me at SB that Akuma got weaker (duh)

He also said Shotos are the best in the game with Chun and Boxer. He thinks Shotos have good matchups across the board and can win any fight.

Lol but he also said with Akuma he can’t beat Viper or Bison and he likes Ken in the Viper/Bison matchup alot more than Akuma.

I don’t think akuma is top 5…probably top 8 though.

Chun, dicta, rog, guile, honda, rufus,abel and probably sim are better than him. I consider Ryu to be just as good as akuma, for sure he isn’t inferior.

Tokido takes pride in being one of the cheapest players on the planet (IMO Mago is cheaper).

With that being said, he just doesn’t have it in this game yet. It takes some time. He tried to use Honda at EVO, but it just isn’t as good as his main character. Maybe he will find something later on.

I don’t buy the, “Tokido uses him! Must be top 5!” Maybe it’s just because I can see things for myself. But Akuma just isn’t as cheap as he used to be. You can definitely tell you have some work to do if you’re gonna want to win against Honda and Cammy.

The problem design wise with Akuma is Capcom gave him all the tools to be a top character…in theory. However in application his margin for error is so tight that most can’t crack top 5 with him because one mistake can lose you matches. In a game like SSF4 where scrubby nonsense is actually viable Akuma is too susceptible to random loss, especially since he doesn’t have any stopping power anymore in terms of damage or stun.

It also doesn’t help that the effort/reward ratio with Akuma is obscenely unbalanced compared to easy mode characters like Rog or Rufus.


Tokido is a cool dude I met him in Tokyo. Just cause he plays the best characters in some games doesnt mean he’s a bad dude. Tokido doesn’t play only the top tiers in ST he use to play Chun as well. Some players do pick only top tiers just to play tops, like Mago. Mago is a nice guy too but I never saw him play anybody but Sagat, I don’t think Tokido deserves hate.

Saying he takes pride in playing “cheap” is a dumb statement. Damn near all Japan plays turtle at least in original SFIV.

you guys do know that mago is tearing it up with fei in super right?

How is Tokido the cheapest man alive, the dude plays a very agressive game, I guess you call his vortex cheap lol?

Yes, but he has said that he feels that Fei is the best character in SSFIV. No hate for him though, fei isn’t nearly as annoying as vanilla Sagat.