:l: = Light
= Medium
:h: = Heavy
:s: = Exchange
:qcf::atk::atk: = Gravimetric Blaster* (Air ok)
:dp::atk::atk: = Super Nova(Air ok)
:qcb: :atk::atk:= High Speed Tackle (Air ok)
AD = Airdash
ADF = Air Dash Forward
FLY/UNFLY = :qcb::s:
Nova slam=:f: +:h: otg
Centurion Rush=:dp:+:l: otg
*In any combo that finishes with :dp::atk::atk: Super Nova It is worth mentioning that you can instead use :qcf::atk::atk:Gravimetric Blaster at the cost of any red life for either more or less damage.
All projectile hypers should be mashed for full damage
Basic bnbs
[LEFT][SIZE=3]c.:l:,c:m:c,:h: ,:s: sjc j.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]j.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]j.[/SIZE]:h: [SIZE=3]j.:s:, [/SIZE]:dp:+:l: xx :dp::atk::atk: [SIZE=3]Super nova[/SIZE][/LEFT]
[SIZE=3].c.:l:,c:m:c,:h: ,:s: sjc j.[/SIZE] [SIZE=3]j.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]j.[/SIZE]:h: [SIZE=3]j.:s:,[/SIZE]:f: +:h: ,:s: , j.
j.:h:xx :dp::atk::atk: [SIZE=3]Super nova[/SIZE]
Flight combo’s
j.:h:, ,:h:,:s:,:j.
,j.:h:,xx :qcb::s:(Fly),j.
,j.:h:,j.:s:, :f::h:,:s:,j.
,j.:h:xx :dp:+:atk::atk:.Supernova
:qcb::atk: Nova Strike(crumple) ADF +j:h: :h: :s: sjc[SIZE=3] j.
j.[/SIZE]:h: :qcb::s:(Fly) [SIZE=3]j[/SIZE]
j:h:j:s: :f::h:(otg) :s: sjc j:m: j:h: xx :dp::atk::atk: [SIZE=3]Super nova[/SIZE]
Damage: 730,500(fully mashed super)
c:l: c:m: :h:xx :dp::h: Centurion Rush> sjc >j:m: [SIZE=3]j.j.[/SIZE]:h: :qcb::s:(Fly) [SIZE=3]j[/SIZE]
j:h:j:s: :f::h:(otg) :s: sjc[SIZE=3]j.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]j.[/SIZE]:h:xx :dp::atk::atk: [SIZE=3]Super nova[/SIZE]
[LEFT]Fly/unfly** combo’s**[/LEFT]
[LEFT]st.:l:, st., st.:h:,:s:, sj.:h:xx :qcb::s:(Fly), j.:h:xx :qcb::s:(unfly).:h:,st.:h:, :s:, sj.:h:, j.:s:, :f::h:, :s:, sj.:h:xx:dp::atk::atk: [SIZE=3]Super nova[/SIZE][/LEFT]
-Has two enders after j.:s: : :f::h:, :s:, sj.:h:xxSuper Nova, or :l:Centurion RushxxSuper Nova. The latter being easier to do for about 10K less damage, and less meter.
-Can be done from a crouching string as well, albeit a tad less damage, but still over 700K.
-Unmashed damage is 680K-690K.
-Builds 1 meter exactly.
j:h: cr:h: :s: sjc j:h:xx:qcb::s:(Fly),:h: :qcb::s:SIZE=3 :h: cr:h: :s: sjc [/SIZE]j:h:xx:qcb::s:(Fly),:h: :qcb::s:SIZE=3 :s: sjc
:h:xx:qcf:+ :l: xx[/SIZE]:dp::atk::atk: [SIZE=3]Super nova[/SIZE]
Damage:792,700(mashed super)
video here [details=Spoiler] [media=youtube]a0suWnxxkhk[/media] [/details]
:f:+:h:,:uf:j.:l:,j.,j.:h:,:qcb:+:s:(fly), j.:l:, j.
, j.:h:,:qcb:+:s:(unfly), j.:h:, st.
, st.:h:,st.:s:, sj.:h: xx:dp:+:atk::atk:Super Nova
:h:.Nova Strike,:h:,:s:, sjc j.:h:xx fly, j.:h:xx unfly, j.:h:, st.:h:,:s: sjc j., j.:h:xx :l: .Nova Strike, Airdash Down, j.:h:xx
. Grav Pulse xx Super Nova
760,200 w/o mashing
[LEFT]Nova Strike combo’s[/LEFT]
:qcb:+:h:,:s: sjc j. j.:h:xx:qcb:+ :l:. Air dash Down,j.:h:,st.:h:,:s: sjc j.
j.:h:xx:qcb: +:l:, Airdash Down,j.:h: xx:qcf:+
.xx:dp::atk::atk: [SIZE=3]Super nova[/SIZE]
Damage:780,500(fully mashed super)
Throw combo’s
Mid screen: Front or back throw, :dp:+:l: , ,:h: :s: sjc [SIZE=3]j.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=3]j.[/SIZE]:h: [SIZE=3]j.:s:,[/SIZE]:f: +:h: ,:s:sjc j.:h:xx:dp::atk::atk: [SIZE=3]Super nova[/SIZE]
Damage:487,300 (fully mashed super)
Advanced bnbs
j:h: :h: :s: sjc :j:h:xx :qcb:+:s:(fly) j:h:xx :qcb:+:s:(unfly) j:h: (land) :s: xx:qcb:+ :l:.Air dash down j:h: (land) :s: sjc back j:h:[SIZE=3]xx:qcf:+ :l: xx[/SIZE]:dp::atk::atk: [SIZE=3]Super nova[/SIZE]
Air hit confirms
j. , j.
, j. :h: land j.
, j.
, j. :h: land
, :h: , :s: sjc,
, :h: , :qcb:+:s: (fly) ,
, :h: , :s: , :f:+:h: otg, :s: sjc, :h: xx :dp: :atk: :atk: supernova