Is X-Box Live worth it?

XBox isn’t Xbox without online multiplayer.

As everyone has said, yes it’s worth it. You can also get it cheap on Amazon, $38.

You definitely won’t be sad if you got it. I was only playing online on the PS3 and had no problems but then my coworker convinced me to buy an xbox 360 and the online service is much better.

I’ve got to say it’s completely worth it. Althought it may not be free, if you think about it they use the money thats generated to service the network.

I’d rather pay my fee and love my online play than have it for free like playstation and hate it.

I’m not rankin on the PS3 or anything but considering they don’t have a monthly fee they don’t have as much cash to service their network.
I still don’t think they’ve fixed all the voice problems yet.

I switched to XBOX after my PS3 died. IMHO, the online is worth it solely for the better competition. I think Dell has the 12 month on sale for $30 right now.

This. Its pretty funny how everyone thinks they are playing on “dedicated servers” while playing SF4/SSF4 on Xbl. There are no dedicated servers, its all Peer to peer. One guy hosts, the other guy connects to him. Very few XBL games actually have dedicated servers. Do your research. But cross gaming chat is great I hear.

You should just change your sig to “Mediocrity is in the eye of the Playstation Network”


Easily worth it. If you have an Xbox but not live, then, well, I don’t know a good analogy.


try it out for 3 months. :stuck_out_tongue:

honestly, it really isnt worth it if u got a buncha buddies nearby u can play with. If not, then yes, its def. worth it. All my old friends live in other states and no one in my area ive met really plays sf on a regular basis. its worth it if u need opponents. Id say hit up ur local arcade instead, find some dudes to play with and then go online as ur last resort. but it IS worth it. btw PSN blows goats. its not FREE. u pay for it but sony just hides it… get xbox live. it works. psn blows

the xbox live service ALONE is worth getting a xbox for.

live is so simple and easy to party up and play games. it’s def. worth the fee.

Nah it’s completely free, their is an optional paid service however.

Get a 3 month sub and see for yourself, its worth it imo.

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I owned a PS3 and made the jump to XBL last month of 2010. I’m not sure if its the internet connection in the country/area I’m in… but XBL offers me a way, way, way better connection. I cant explain why its better but I understand why people are willing to pay for it.

It wouldn’t be Microsoft if things weren’t messed up from time to time but overall it’s worth it imho.

I own both systems, I prefer XBL to PSN. I find 12 month cards for like 30-40 bucks a month all the time, just keep an eye out. You can’t shell out less than 4 dollars a month Live? I agree with strogg, you really shouldn’t be playing video games at that point, get off your ass and get a job lol.

I find the 360 connection to be a lot faster, whether your downloading games or playing online XBL is faster than PSN (I feel like downloading stuff on my PS3 takes freaking ages plus, when you download DLC content, it doesn’t always automatically install right after it downloads, you have to go into the main menu manually and hit install).

And PS3 has more input lag than the 360.

I find my PS3 better for the single player exclusives (Infamous/Uncharted/Heavy Rain) and bluray (ofcourse), XBL better for everything else.

I’ve heard people say that there’s a lot less assholes and hateful messages on PSN as compared to XBL.

Is that true?

Keep in mind, XBL community is larger than PSNs, but I want to say that the percentage of douche-baggery that exists in both communities is about the same.

However, since Xbox’s headset is only like 10 bucks versus PSNs headsets are like $30+ more of those asshats own headsets for xbox than ps3, so you’re going to hear random trash talk, but there’s a setting in xbox that mutes voice chat from anyone that isn’t on your friends list, it’s also easy to individually mute people.

For messages though, I feel like both communities get the same amount of hate mail, because people are “tough” on the interwebs.