^lol like me
Wow man necro post FTW. What was the point of reviving this thread?
Vega and Rog are the bullshit characters in the game period…Vega is way too much priority, flip kicks take way too much damage, storable super is bs (it would be fair for him to have a flash before he bounces off the wall so his meter goes empty) and above all abusable dumb good wall dive knockdown spams cause me to never respect vega players that make it far in tournies…cough cough Ganelon. Ryu takes alot more difficult spacing skill and zoning making him an honorable character compared to Vega. Vega is unhonorably cheap and takes no skill to win just knowledge of the matches.
As for Rog way overpowered…with that invincible good recovery jab headbut…grab range combined with high damaging the throw loop is bs and he can do one high priority rush move then do another special on you (i.e. invicible headbut or grab mix up)and most characters can’t do shit…Rog was even the bullshit character when ST first came out according to Jeff Schaeffer (whether I spelled his last name correctly doesn’t matter) with that huge damage bs super of his not allowing a character to use a strategic move like throwing out guile’s lowforward or sonic boom and paying for it nearly full screen. Bullshit…An average Vega player can even beat top players in tournies thats how stupid good he is…I would have prefered Hyper Fighting (the last true zoning fireball based game) where skill zoning based characters like Ryu and Guile were top tier rather than offensive based vega, Rog , and chun being top was the mainstream tourney game
Oh yeah…before I forget…don’t bother trying to deny the facts above about Rog cause the 2nd best Rog player (under or equal to Afro) Giga-msx1974 even admitted it himself to me and great players on ggpo that Rog is “overpowered”.
A lot of veteran old school sf2 players that played prior to ST would agree with me with my complaints of Super Turbo (balance my ass).
Jarrod McDermott
American Ninja on GGPO
Rog is somewhat overpowered, especially in ST. But everyone already knows that. I say it all the time on GGPO, Joseph aka Gigamsx1974 agrees, and even Daigo himself once said, on response to why he didn’t use Rog more, that he felt he is “cheap” (the beast’s words, not mine – this was translated by Kuni).
ST may not be as balanced as HF, but it’s still just as fun, and in the form of HDR or ST on GGPO, it’s the only SF2 that still has a fairly active community.
Balrog is pretty stupid in ST, and he’s a popular choice on GGPO. His super combo is really what takes him to a whole new level of retarded though.
There isn’t really you can do about it, mindlessness is a popular choice; people will always use Balrog in ST, Rufus in SF4, and 3s will continue to be played for years. Deal with it I guess.
Wow this scrub’s on SRK now?
Balrog is overpowered, at least the good thing about its that only few players use him at his full potential