Is 'Rog a scrub character?

I was idling in GGPO last night and overheard some talk about how Balrog could be considered a scrub character. Too easy to abuse. Too easy to learn. What do you guys think?

IMO, there is no such thing. If you are even close to decent, scrub tactics should never win out. Especially in ST.

Rog rushes are a bit fast though… and this is coming from someone who uses him as a main.

<3 low rush :wgrin:


No… there are no scrub characters.

Rog is only ‘scrubby’ if you’re a scrub player. If that is the case, then you’ll get rocked no matter who you pick!

*chun li Cough

Rog certainly isn’t he does have abusable throw but still requires tremendous skill to play, he is quite different from the other characters.

Wait a second… I play chun li…

1)Akuma is the only scrub character in st
2)O.sagat is close but not quite

This is such a BS statement.

Yeh O.sagat still requires some zoning skill. But such a boring character.

unlike chunli you can jumpin for free with short, store supers, stupid neckbreaker cross ups, or tick throw for mega damage.


Sounds like somebody’s just butt-hurt because they lose to Chun.
If you’d like, I can point you to every character ranking for ST ever, since boxer is always always always ranked above her.

She is strong, though. I like her particularly because she gives me good tools to fight against boxer.

yeh its an annoying battle for me. Rog on the other hand is cool all round

I can understand the frustration of seeing everyone just copying the popular strats instead of figuring out the how or why, which is why I tend to play some of the fringe characters (it’s fun to figure shit out on my own). It doesn’t mean these characters are scrub friendly. Scrub magnets maybe…but not friendly.

O.Sagat is funny. I run into a lot of O.Sagats that can’t shut shit down and have a difficult time initiating the strategy that makes him so strong. IMO, the character isn’t adaptable like Chun/Vega/Balrog.

I agree with this. If your game is composed 100% of throw cheese, you’re only gonna go so far. And if you don’t step your game up, you’re only going to hold yourself back from the next level, where such players aren’t so easily susceptible to scrub-tier skill.

There’s no scrubby chara…wait that’s no fun!

Instead of just agreeing with everyone, I’m going to pretend that *all *of the characters are scrubby. Without further ado, here’s my Scrub Tier list:

Super Scrub Fighter Turbo Tier

  1. Akuma

Scrub-a-dub-dub Tier

  1. E.Honda
  2. Vega
  3. Chun Li
  4. Balrog

EZ-mode Tier
5. O.Sagat
6. Bison
7. DeeJay
8. Ryu

Almost makes you think Tier
9. Guile
10. Ken
11. Blanka
12. Zangief

Approaching Legitimacy Tier
13. T.Hawk
14. Cammy
15. Fei Long
16. Dhalsim

Discuss! :wink:

What if you use everyone? Your list is broken!

:rofl: SweetJohnnyV

I would move Blanka above Ken

I don’t think there’s any scrub character, but there are characters that have scrub matchups.

i.e. balrog vs. blanka doesn’t require too much work on balrog’s part if you can press low forward, low roundhouse and low rush punch from max range and anti air blanka when he jumps.

same with vega vs. blanka. it doesn’t take much work to press low jab low strong and reaction flip kick every thing else.

Dhalsim = Skillz… You konw I love it! :lol:

I like how a Dhalsim player puts Honda as most scrubby and Sim as least scrubby, LOL!

I have to agree that Honda has some ultra scrubby tactics but it still takes SOME skill to just be compitative against half the cast with him. Now Claw, he’s brain-dead cruise control, LOL (JK, kinda).

nah man rog’s moves require timeing and accurate movements in order to master

Unlike those other moves that don’t require timing or accurate movement.