Is 'Rog a scrub character?

Ok, I can buy that that. Ken mostly only has knee-bash loops and some standard shoto tricks, while Blanka’s does have a fairly simple TOD, hop tricks, a good cross-up and straight up j.LK is a brick wall. So sure, let’s say Blanka is now “officially” scrubbier than Ken :wgrin:

LOL! I was wondering how long it’d take for someone to call me on that. Especially since the original poster uses Honda as one of his mains :rofl:

I hope it’s obvious that my list is a joke. Still, I did try to put some thought into it. It’s not about who wins the most or anything. It’s not about winning consistently either. It’s more about how likely it is for you to luck out a win, or win a match with simple tactics, with things that require a low level of execution or matchup knowledge, how much damage you can do off a single slip up from your opponent, etc.

You’re right. In a serious high-level match set, Honda gets owned by half the cast if they have an air-tight defense. But against non-pros Honda can capatilize big-time if the opponent gives him a single opening, screws up a reversal, etc. And it doesn’t take a ton of execution either. Simple butt-drops and HHS do a ton of damage. Add in “advanced” tactics like stored Ochio and/or Ochio loops and I think it makes him easy to win with.

As for Sim, I actually debated a bit about putting him at the bottom. On the one hand, he does have the noogie loop. That’s pretty easy and it can definitely help you win. However, it doesn’t do that much damage, so your opponent really needs to be pretty bad at reversaling and/or counter-throwing for you to win with that alone. The reason I put him at the bottom is because, aside from that antic, you need to know a lot more about each matchup than with most characters and it’s mostly about well-timed pokes. There’s no easy, big damage, dial-a-combo’s other than his super. I could easily see Fei Long or Cammy replacing him at the bottom. They’re certainly harder to win with consistently, but I didn’t rank them last since they have some pretty strong combos.

PS: I play Honda as one of my secondaries, so don’t take me calling him scrubby too personally :wgrin:

PPS: This thread is some good, silly fun! Anyone else have any thoughts?

Hey…I main Honda! D:

But to be honest, that’s mostly true. Honda’s a simple character to win with when you’re playing his good match ups. Obviously it comes down to skill, but as far as application goes I can do better with Honda than most of the cast when it comes to taking advantage of his good points. The barrier for entry just seems lower with him.

Of course against his bad match ups it’s not that much more complex (Half the time I’m waiting for a mistake or I’ll try to guess correctly), just much, much more difficult. =/

its not about what character is easiest to win with or which is more “scrubby” its about winning, i personnally like Dhalsim, he’s my favorite character in the game. Do i use him in tourney’s? nope I dont have Gian skillz, i like O.Ken and im trying to learn Chun when i get more experience in the game then i’ll start using more Dhalsim.

The point im trying to make is that it doest matter who you pick or what your opponnent thinks about your character if you can win just do it. :slight_smile:

LOL, I know its all in fun SweetJV. To be honest one of the things I always liked about Honda was his simplicity, I always liked characters that were about using their normals for pokes and zoning instead of flashy combos and shenanigans (hence why I like Honda and Chun in ST). I always just play characters I like when I start playing a game and don’t worry aout tiers or “scrubbiness”, LOL.

I do think Sim is the least “scrubby”, throw loop aside, you have to know every match-up very well and know which normal to use in every situation (there’s no automatic AA with Sim, like a DP is for Ryu. Sim must know which normal to use as AA depending on distance, jump attack used, etc.).

Well, some players are scrubby no matter who they’re using. :rolleyes:


Copy that, LOL!

<---------------------------------- Very Scrubtacular! (At least I am honest!) :china:

COme on man! He shouldnt even be in the game

Yeh I’ll admit it too when the chips are down, dee jay jumping jab - throw FTW :rofl:

Honda really can’t be played scrubbily (which is now a word) and get anywhere except against a very few characters, and if those characters are being played at a high level, he has to think and play actively even there as well. But for his matchups against 3/4 of the cast, that is against the characters who beat him or who he goes even with, he’s as hard to use as anyone.

In my opinion Claw and Chun are clearly the most scrub-friendly characters. Do you have a basic sense of zoning and normal hitboxes? Can you press down-up+kick and follow it up with a punch button when your opponent is getting up? Congratulations, you can play Claw. Can you press strong-strong-strong and sometimes crouching roundhouse in your opponent’s face? Can you press up and maybe pick a toward-back direction and press a button for a retardedly high-priority air attack? Can you do back-toward-back-toward and hold it there until either pressing kick or doing something else? Congratulations, you can play Chun Li.

Also, I think DeeJay is incredibly intuitive and easy to use. And while I don’t think Guile is a scrubby character, I do think he’s the simplest. I think Cammy and Hawk are also pretty simple and it’s pretty obvious what they want to do most of the time, it’s just that they’re usually not very effective at doing it.

My easiness tiers:


Honda (against like 4 characters)
O Sagat

Honda (characters he goes even with)
O Hawk


Honda (characters he loses to)

Another scrub player here

SweetJohnnyV, you saved the thread with your tier!

Hey, you guys forgot about one of my (and many other scrubs’) favorites: old Ken. It’s all about throwing jab hadoukens, SRK’ening the jump-in and having the people complain that it recovered way too fast. And you don’t have to worry about sucking with your execution and getting a crazy kick when you don’t want. I’d rank him just below old Sagat.

I also agree with David when he puts Claw on top. It is a great choice for the old arcade players, who would have enough fun with just two buttons. For a higher scrub score, just pick roundhouse and strong and don’t care about those show-off pros who keep using fancy normals all around.

Well the reason i dont agree with (CLAW) as #1 even though his great and, easy to use , If you really look at all the major tournament where there were atleast 10 great players (CLAW) almost never win’s in the end.

If you look at the last 3 evo CLAW did not win at all.

Umm… ^^^ Evo’07 bro… Tiokido won with Claw.

T.Hawk is in my opinion a scrubby character, even though he’s the only character I play, I’m well aware of his one-sided gameplan. All in all ST is the least scrubby game I’ve ever played, but Hawk would be my choice since it’s all about execution after you knockdown your opponent.

There are no “real” scrub characters in ST besides Gouki/Akuma.

Claw is simple to use. I think one of the most common misconceptions though is that a difference in ST tiers is enough to make up for a difference in skill and knowledge.

^^^^ Excellent post. Well said!

I feel the results are valid but I’m anticipating that someone will think CCC2 = reversals were less consistent = meaties were better = Claw won.

At Tougeki SBO this year though, the 1st place and a 3rd place team had a Claw. The only other character that showed up twice was Boxer. It was 2v2 in case you live under a rock.

So truuuuuuth. Your choice at the select screen will never ever do the work for you, even if you’re counter-picking.

I’m not saying that CLAW never wins i mean all SF characters win sometime or another but, for the most point even with the best vega player and the best honda or ryu or Dic player more then likely the vega player will lose out thats why you dont see much tourny where the vega players Dominate.

Take EVO 2007 for example. the top 8 not one of them were vega players but, yet there was like 50 or so vega players when the tournament started, all i saying is that ya vega is fast and, vega’s wall dive spam is like the most retarted abuse move ever next to ryu/sagat fireball spam. but, thoese in it self does not make vega #1 in the tier list at all…

e honda is pretty scrubby. Then again, a ryu who just shoots fireballs and uppercuts is a scrub too

Lets see…

You just joined today…yup, its official. You dont have the slightest clue what your talking about.

Thats right play against Valle and he doesnt need more than fireball trap+uppercut to kill you 20987654 times in a row hahahaha youre the scrub who cant beat a good ryu , but hey everytime you loose to that kind of Ryu you probably think that he beat you because he was CHEAP :rofl: . Let me take a guess you think that grabs are cheap and scrubby too ??