Is ken really all that?

is ken the overall best character?

yes, his moves are fast, his combos are golden, sa’s are solid…and he has a cool alt. costume that has been around for a while lol (white)

big ups to kal el for hooking me up wit those tips man…those really worked…

and by the way…all you stupid Urien users suck ass…you and your reflecter and shit

dudley you suck too
Oro he got one arm :tdown:
ryu…i hate Ryu
Q way to slow…but if you parry often…this guy is deadlier then full blown aids
im not about to go on and talk shit about all the characters i just wanna know why in the hell are there so many Ken users out there! Im gonna learn everyone of his combos and kara techs…just you wait i will be parrying supers like Daigo…but till then i shall remain nothing more than a mere n00b…damn i hate being a n00b :sad: :crybaby:

Ken Sadly Yes is quite good Kind :lame: huhn :confused: . Its just that all of his target combo somehow link and whats wors is they are all kicks so a ken at close range can be very cheap and dealy in knock down situation it is kinda difficult to recover because he kicks at odd times. so never recover with a special moves instead use light kicks n stuff

Ken is very good. But recently have been quite predictable for my taste, so i prefer yun over ken.

Ken is so all that… that he got owned in the newest current A-cho vid set. By Oro/Remy/Ibuki.

No Kens in Shirube 2 :clap: :clap: :clap: :tup: :tup: :tup:

he is not only all that… but a bag of chips as well

Yes, Ken is all that, but he’s getting played out. More people need to start playing the lower tier characters. =)

Uh… GETTING played out? He’s been played out for what feels like centuries.

haha Ken owns you all… weak mofos… out!!!

well i went to my first tournament here in Fayetteville…and i must admit yun kicks my ass all the time…i lost to him in the finals…his fuckin’sa3 is ridiculous too…i cant stand that shit…he rushes me down all the time… and i always had a weakness against this guy, because hes so hard to read… and if i rush yun down with a air hurricane kick he parries all of it and sets up a nasty juggle…i think yall know what it is

Fayetteville NC? When was that tournament?

Jive Out!

Mmmm who the fuck are you, because I am pretty sure you have never been in any 3S finals in Fayetteville… As a matter of fact of EVERY tournament we have ever had, I dont think any of the two final players were using Yun. So please stop trying to make yourself look good, scrub.

that’s hilarious… maybe it was some retard who thought he was in the finals playing me :smiley:

That’s what I was wondering. And at the last tournament, (December 11, 2004) the winners finals were P-soul(Elena) vs PacifiIslander (Alex). Losers finals was me (Urien) vs PacificIslander. And the grand daddy finals was me vs P-soul. And I don’t remember any Yun player ever making finals in any of our tournaments. So… :wtf:

Hmmm… I might know who this cat is. Out of ALL the actual Ken players, or people who have actually used him that tournament that were there:

Pacific Islander
Korean Eddy
short lightskinned black kid

Who on that list have we never seen before? My vote goes to “shortlight skinned black kid.” If it’s not him, then it’s coincidence that this guy claimed to be there.

Jive Out!

I’m the light skin black kid!!And I’m not short :mad: Jive can you send the unblockable for unrien.I want to learn him for the next tourney.After you hold forward and then grab.You do the little head butt thing then you press foward middle kick.But the guy block it??? :wonder: :wow:Sadly there were no yun player that I saw at that tourney.There was a mokoto but no yun not even a yang. I’m not a noob :annoy: I’m a srcub :rofl:

Sorry. :lol:

As far as the unblockable goes… you can use anything to break their guard as long as you hit them from he opposite side of the reflector.

Jive Out!

damn thats funny how many peopleread these forums LMAO!!!
i was wondering when people were gonna come out…but i was wondering where all the tournament players were at do yall know how to do makato’s 100% combo? im workin on some shit…i now i need to post in that forum but i wanna do it here dammit!!!

By the way,i was there…lmao i watching…im just a scrub…but next time watch out for the black kid that comes by the name young d! i will conquer all!

Ya, don’t make excuses when you got caught “trying” to look cool. Please don’t embarass Fayetteville anymore.

lol i guess you dont know who i am man…come to the mindboggle and play me sunday…i go there almost everyday so come on up there and get beat real quick

and it wasnt a SERIOUS TOURNEMENT, that i went to…the one i went to was a lil get together a couple of friends of mine put together, thats all, by the way it was at my house…so yeah i didnt get caught trying to look cool, im alreddy cool nigga, just come and play 3s against me so i can progress, stop all that hatin’ shit yo, because that aint gon get you no where… come to mindboggle, im there like every fuckin day when i went there only no one was even up there cause of the snow…i was there…im always there im gonna go up there tommorow and get better…by the way!