Is ken really all that?

First, learn to make complete sentences. Like I said before, please stop trying to make excuses. Little get togethers at your friend’s house is not considered a tournament, especially when everyone there sucks. What do I have to hate on? You tried to come here and front like you are good but got called out. I will be more than willing to stop by and handle your ass a few times tomorrow though. Just let me know a good time.

I think Ken is good, some people complain too much because they can’t admit they aren’t good enough to beat him. He has a cool 21 Hit Combo that’s actually possible without stun. That’s why I like him and his SAII.

yo whats up wot this guy lol…yo mega zangief when is the next tourney?

:wtf: Is it just me, or does it seem like this is the same person? Maybe I’m just jumping the gun here, but too many similarities.

Both have excessive use of ellipsis marks. Same sentence structures. And the name, Young_DGOD. If you look at SRKFayetteville’s profile, it says Young D! lol

Jive Out!

LoL you know what, I was thinking the same exact shit!

i think something is seriously wrong with you guys. i just want to know when the next tourney is for 3s thats all. dont get me mixed up with somebody else. I am the ONLY YOUNG D, im sorry but i dont run off at the mouth like that. so uh MegaZangief could ya be so kind to tell me what i was asking you. wait wait wait.i think i might know you you are MegaZangief.are you that big tall light skinned dude that always where wife beaters and have ya hair in cornrolls? i think you had like 38 wins in TK5 at some point too.

I dont remember seeing Jive tho.

lol, no. That’s me.

Jive Out!

oh lol well damn, i thought that was MZ because his AKA was Spazzy and i think i got it mixed up with jazzy lol oops

anyways do you guys know when the next tourney is?

They called me Spazzy because I used to suck and mash buttons and shit. As for the next tournament, I am not sure. MAYBE… February or March, really depends on when the manager is ok with it.

used to? haha.

gamefrog is in feb not sure if that even matters.

cool cool, but hey i need to know this also…MZ you play TK5…i need to get on that shit, but that another forum, im out yall

Well head up there on Friday or Saturday, you will know it is us…

mos def man if i see you guys i’ll say some thing to ya, wait a minute!!! you da guy that always wear a hat and look a bit korean i think, YEAH! you’re the one that kicked my ass with Oro and the stones man i suck at 3s lol. i was the black noob guy that you annhilated im jnjot sure what day it was but yeah you kicked my ass any ways

i wanted to say that with ken i do this alot and its cool to do just random shorts and jabs. wit a occasional up in there.

s.strong,s.firece,weak fireball is an ok tatic is it?

weak fireball gets punished hard by red-parry or reversal super, use ex fireball if you want to use ‘something’ =)

Yes that was me playing Oro. Next time introduce yourself. Probably would be easier to teach you things in person. O, and if you think I am good, wait till you see the rest of the gang. I would probably rank myself 3rd or 4th best.

cool cool, i will