I’ve been an avid Street Fighter player since SF4 came out, though I enjoyed SF2 when I had it on Genesis/SNES many years ago. My skills in [S]SF4 are what I would define as “intermediate”, and though I’ve not played much SSF2T over the past years I can still get my way around it. What I’d like to know is if it’s worth it for me to pick up SSF2HDR (XBLA) now, when probably most of the people still playing the game are above-average players. Basically: will I be eaten alive in online play? I’m looking for casual play, nothing overly serious.
Yeah I would agree with this. HDR is a fast paced game and it will take some getting used to coming back from SF4 but there’s a lot of people of alot of different skill levels. It’s definetly worth the price tag.
Most likely you’ll get eaten alive the first week you play. After that, things will go uphill, and you’ll see why SF2 is the pinnacle of all fighting games.
Abbbbbbsolutely! You’ll find yourself ditching IV in favor of HDR, though no doubt you’ll be getting your ass kicked for a bit. Then again, I have a friend of mine I’ve been tutoring for about one week now - he’s making great progress. You could too.
I’d honestly say that buying this game would be the equivalent of me buying Stevie Wonder’s “Songs In The Key Of Life” (which I do have) and Michael Jackson’s “Number Ones” (which I don’t have…yet). This game puts together most of what is right about fighting games into an even more balanced and enjoyable package. While I try to give the new stuff a chance, they have a hard time comparing to this game. HDR truly is one of the best fighting games of all time and is a must have.
This time is better than ever to get into SF:2 due to HDR, you’ll most likely get eaten alive on your first week but there are some aspects of SF4 especially combos that are way more difficult than in HDR… most links are simple but they typically do not have jab in them at all… who do you plan on using as a main for starters, some characters are more viable than others but the game is well balanced and you can truly win with anyone imo… there is no garbage tier as far as i know…
EDIT: Its okay to make a thread down here asking for help… people will be glad to help also due to the fact that this part of the forum doesn’t get too much activity:(
Fifteen dollars is a very good deal for this game. On a deeper level, this game has more merit than most fighting games out there (both new and old). As far as the online experience will be like from a casual perspective, you will probably get steamrolled ~50% of the time. There are several spammable tactics that are pretty much noob killers such as tick throwing, Vega walldives, intelligent fireball usage, and various corner lockdowns. If you don’t mind putting in a bit of effort to understand the game and the options you have to overcome these things, then you will definitely have a blast. There are also plenty of noobs that still play, so it won’t be too bad. The online play is very good and with most people the lag is hardly noticeable.
I’m not exactly sure how the climate is on XBL, but there are a lot of Akumas who tend to suck, rage quit, and spam hate mail on PSN. Just stay away from Akumas if you can help it. If you have a choice, go with the 360 version (better network and less bugs).
at first your gonna realize this game is brutal and not for the weak-hearted…but once your learn your timings and the different intricacies you will realize why its so classic and still heavily played for well over a decade
i liked freshoj’s analogy…it really is like one of those few albums in history that will be a timeless classic forever…
Thanks for the advice guys. I jumped the gun last night and bought it.
As many indicated, my ass was pretty much handed to me online. Heck, I even had a really tough time with the latter half of challengers in arcade mode (on hard). I can’t seem to be able to pull off any combos yet (that aren’t inherent in special moves), but I’m starting to get used to the timing. So far I’ve been using DeeJay, but I think I will look to bison or ryu.
Well don’t feel bad about arcade mode. You think the SF4 AI is bad, the old ST AI was the worst. It literally ‘read’ your inputs and responded with the correct counter nearly every time. Arcade mode is about fooling the AI’s ability to read your inputs, not about skill…