Is it worth it for a SF2 newbie to buy this game now?

Just don’t get the PS3 version.

Otherwise you will grow to dislike the online portion of the game, even for casual play.

I’m actually shocked that there aren’t that many Ken players on XBL. There were tons of 'em on PSN (tho this was over a year ago), but still, I was expecting at least a lot of Kens. I see more Ryu players, but the most characters I see are Balrogs, Hondas, Bisons and Blankas, with some Zangiefs and Vegas. What’s up with the majority using non-fireball, charge characters? I know DP motions are tough but still. I’mma always be rocking a DP character for life. :blush::cool:

PSN just have a few good kens, because you’ll see a lot of ryus, hondas and zangiefs

Let me count…

Kens in PSN(good kens):

  1. EST_1991_
  2. Coth_X
  3. Hadouken696969

Only three good kens i can recall now, Titanarch used to be a nice ken too, but he barely play now.

The most important link of all to get you started

Gnx belongs on that list, and I played a ken last night, Unknown1996 or something like that. There’s probably a few more.

Admittedly, I’ve been using ryu alot more.