If they do this, I am done with EVO.
Didnt HDr have the second biggest tournament showing?
I’m sick of HDr getting the short end of the stick at big events!
If they do this, I am done with EVO.
Didnt HDr have the second biggest tournament showing?
I’m sick of HDr getting the short end of the stick at big events!
Haven’t heard anything about it. Dunno why they would get rid of HDR. If anything, they would get rid of ^ Core or BlazBlue.
Arcade ST is not possible at EVO. Emulated ST is not allowed. PS1 ST isn’t a good enough port. DC ST is a decent port but requires a Dreamcast and DC sticks and converters to play it. The best consoles for ST would be the PS2 and PS3 then.
Well CCC2 on the PS2 is a failed port of ST because of the enormous input lag so that can’t be used. AE on the PS2 is not ST and no one wants to play it because of the differences. HDR is a failed port of ST because it lacks classic backgrounds, arcade speed differences, and the focus is entirely on Remix Mode anyways, completely overshadowing ST.
So the only choices for SFII at EVO are HDR Remix Mode or nothing it would seem.
Whoever predicted that HDR would kill ST was right. HDR is not nearly as good as ST, and it has fractured the older SFII community. It was given a chance at EVO, and will probably be given another one this year, considering that it had a great turnout at least. So I wouldn’t expect TvC to replace HDR just yet. But it seems like this year will probably be the last year for HDR. The writing is on the wall. Meaning next year there will not be a SFII game, except for side tournaments, if HDR is dropped.
^Disagree with you about STHD being a failed port. It does exactly what it set out to do: allow you to play ST in High Definition with new graphics. When the game was first announced we all rejoiced that we were finally going to have a version of ST that would be playable on modern consoles and not look outdated when placed up against the newer games. We got nearly exactly what we wanted, and it looks like we might just throw it away.
Yes, HDR currently completely overshadows STHD, but there is no hardware or technical reason that prevents us from turning that around. I don’t believe the speed differences are enough to kill the game. We can adapt. Of all the things to get wrong in a port, a slight speed difference is forgivable considering all the things that were done right.
The only thing that holds back the resurgence of ST to Evo is the drive of the community to decide whether or not HDR is bogus and we need to switch back. I’ll leave that argument for another day though.
No, they weren’t right. ST was already dead, there was no way ST was going to be at EVO last year even if HDR was never released. HDR is the only thing keeping old school SF alive right now.
And the only way it fractured the ST community is that some hardcore ST players refuse to give HDR a chance despite it being basically the same damn game. However, most ST tourney players enter HDR tourneys even if they don’t play HDR casually. Pretty much everyone that plays HDR also plays ST.
ST is better than HDR in a lot of ways, but in the same vein there’s also a lot of stuff about HDR that’s better than ST.
HDR will continue to be a number getter at EVO for years because there will always be a scene for old school SF and it’s the only choice we have left.
I certainly wouldn’t have been interested in SF2 if HDR didn’t come out. Even now I still can’t get into ST. The old CW motion is too much of a barrier for me. Even on a stick. Sirlin did a great service for people like me by making the input window a little bit bigger (I am aware it made accidental moves come out for some), plus the easier motions. Players stuck with a controller would have hell just trying to do moves in ST.
As far as this rumor is concerned, I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
Doing pretty much anything in VST with a pad was hell. DP’ing on the 2P side is very difficult for me, but its nothing for me in HDR with a pad. A stick really does make the biggest difference.
Fei’s old CW motion isn’t really that bad once you do it a lot Aqua Snake. :bgrin:
I never really had trouble with my execution on a pad in ST, but it was definitely a LOT different from doing special moves in any other game; it was almost like a separate skill in my brain to do special moves in ST.
And seriously, if STHD is removed, I doubt it’ll be because of TvC.
SF2 has been dying since Super came out. Most of the SF2 comp walked away from it after HF, infact SF2 Hyper Fighting was the last SF2 to gather huge comp like there is for SF4 I remember seeing back in the day and from what a lot old school SF2 players tell me but HDR has brought in new players in to SF2 scene however.
Oh FFS! This argument again? Seriously, who gives a shit. Both games are 99% the same. In HDR you don’t have to deal with O.Sagat and wall dive x 100. In ST, you still have a couple things people like that were removed in HDR. This kind of bitching and debate will be the reason why ST/HDR finally gets pulled. This community seriously just needs to come together and support SF2.
Agreed, couldn’t stand wall dive cross ups x 100 and a overpowered rog, although I do like Old Sagat since he plays like the old SF2 games. I think people do need to keep this game alive even though there not much of a following as other games.
Even as someone who fully feels that ST is the better game, I agree 100%. Whether you feel it’s a step behind classic ST or not, HDR is damn fantastic, and avoiding because another game may or may not be slightly better is not only silly, but like, aggressively silly. It’s the kind of silly you have to work toward.
True. I love ST and it is my personally prefered SF2, but am 100% behind HDR and support it @ EVO.
Last I checked the way to play ST is Cigar Bob’s setup. Who cares if it isn’t official, that **** is gdlk. Let’s just hope EVO staff don’t take out the plug on that too.
I agree COMPLETELY. As if SF2 needed this kind of in-fighting in the face of the tidal wave of players that are going to flood the scene (again) when SSFIV hits. We’ll be stuggling to keep our game popular when that happens, even without this kind of disagreement. The HDR vs ST debate has been done to death over the last year, and it can only cause tourney organisers more headaches than it’s worth to them, and cause them to rethink even bothering with SF2. Move on for F*ck’s sake.
Realistically speaking, if SF2 is going to be played at all, HDR is going to be the tournament standard for it from now on, whether you like it or not. No tournament organiser worth his salt is going to go with an old, outdated looking, 4:3 game with a VERY niche following who’s only quality port is on a very outdated platform (Sega DC) which is going to give them loads of logistical/technical problems and much decreased registration numbers, when there’s a way more viable widescreen HD game with much, MUCH, more market saturation at the moment that sits on the PS3/360 consoles that will already be on their tourney floor.
I personally would love if people were still playing Alpha 2 at tourneys. I would love if people were still playing Hyper Fighting at tourneys. THEY’RE NOT, and just like that, ST, excellent as it was, is gone. It’s not coming back. It’s HDR or no SF2 at all. Can we please realise this, and UNITE and get on with it.
Right on :tup: I wish more people had the same acceptance of HDR despite their personal preference. It’s the only logical choice going forward.
I am not sure if CB is even going to EVO this year. If he is, I am not even sure he would bring his set up. It took a lot of effort to get it there last year and it was hard as hell to get any thing more the casuals matches on it. There was too much going on, by the time we even started the tournament the staff had to kick us out (totally understandable) when they had to set up the special events. TO much effort and not enough pay off for CB.
I am not trying to speak for him on this, I just suspect these may be his feeling from our talks.
Argue if ST is better than HDR all you want. But HDR is still SF2 in body, soul, and heart. If you don’t want to get behind HDR because it’s not ST, I feel that’s kind of dumb.
I’m just some no name mediocre HDR player, and in my local community nobody plays it. But I fight for HDR in local ranbats/tournies against the likes of Street Fighter 4, and Tekken 6.
Please fight the good fight and support HDR. It is a great game, despite what reservations you may have for the things that have changed.
They will not drop SF2 cos they don’t wanna die.
This! The thread could as well be closed right after this SJV post.
I just can’t believe you all were baited by kevgeez. C’mon now. Wouldn’t this info have appeared in one of the tournament threads by now? Wouldn’t there have been a hyperlink to an article or announcement?
Close thread, please.
Anything but HDR pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee