Is it me or is this game really that unbalanced

FYI. posting tournament results is a cheap option in these balance discussions. people who play and like 3s really dot care about that. good matches, high level play, and the player themselves are what we value. balance doesnt equal good. and this obsession with ‘balance’ since Ono started throwing that word around is wack

and its the people who dont really like the game, play sf4 mostly,dont show up on 3s forums hardly who want to jump in and post tournament results when this discussion turns up. 3s players dont do it in reverse cuz we dont care.

hey guys Oro won SBO

Guys, you’re trying to argue with someone saying he has proven his point cause OP liked one of his post…

Oh gosh… I know my english is far from perfect, but c’mon…

Fine! That’s right… all I was saying is that the game is bad because is unbalanced, then I turned this into some kind of 3S vs SFIV discussion but in the end I won because the OP liked my post, ok?

I’m outta here!


Did this nigga just say “I win!”?

Doesn’t a series of firm tiers mean the game is not balanced? I can’t think of a single fighting game with perfect balance, but to say 3S is balanced is just an opinion that ignores facts. Of course player skill is important, but if you take 2 knowledgeable players of equal skill and have 1 of them use Chun-Li and the other Sean the Chun player will probably win 95% of the time.

That sucker doesn’t win SBO either… or any tournament for that matter.

Ok, maybe since CvS2. But I still know who Komoda Blanka is.

He doesn’t play this game, since we say


You’re overestimating your skill imo… if you played a Hugo as good as you think you have you would be bitchslapping the fuck out of fools online(Hugo is better online with the lag factor too imo)…

once again, no one is claiming 3s is balanced, only that getting better is more beneficial than blaming losses on balance. stop prancing in and having arguments no one is having, please!

FWIW SBO results had a lot of character variety this year in the top 16, even some very high teams. you can figure that out for yourselves with not very much digging.

why is this topic still a topic. a lot of good advice was given in the first two pages, with no response or acknowledgement from the TC. we all know the only reason outsiders are here and why this topic is still going is that people who would never bother responding to a 3s thread see “balance” in the upper right and cannot help themselves but click. stop clicking!

I like how no one responds to this here. this is very true when it comes to 3s. I am sure if hayao played chun or Ken o yun he would be the 3s God. Given the tools a characters has over others it’s does not boil down to skill but rather who is higher on tier list

If he played Chun or Ken, you, Hugo player, would have no GOD.

take a fucking hint. how many times do people need to repeat the same thing.
no one responds because it’s already been responded to many many times. just in this thread alone.

Can’t we all just agree that “this game isn’t broken in terms of balance”? It has its firmly established tiers, but it’s still playable and everything in the end will be based on skill anyway.

Honestly, we can post a billion SBO results and it will never really change anyone’s opinions, be they the supporters or detractors. Just play the game, and if you hate the game then so be it. No use crying like a bitch because you think you’re good at a game when you’re still far from it and just want to blame your losses on balance issues. That wasn’t directly towards the OP, just in general. It’s a shitty mindset that a lot of new players need to get over.

Just play, and quit if you don’t like your results. Honestly, what is up with all these feelings of entitlement…

What a sterile debate about the balancing. Especially from people who don’t care and don’t play the game or are bad at the game and think they are pretty good like the one who create this thread, seriously…

I miss C-Royd

Doesn’t “Atirador” mean “cleaner of other men’s testicles” in Spanish? I heard that somewhere, but I can’t back it up, so… O_o

“Game is bad because it’s unbalanced”

What in the fuck?

Super SF4 is a balanced game, but it’s a piece of shit.
Marvel 2 has enough turnout to show how much a severely imbalanced game is an amazing one.

This dude complains too much. I deal with this enough from those I get pussy from… Fuck this.

The game is very well balanced. There aren’t any lopsided match-ups thanks to parry. victory is largely dependent on skill rather than character match up thanks to parry. This just means the characters themselves are not equally attuned to win in the same manner as the most commonly used characters.

Few characters have a shoryu like attack and in this game and not all supers are entirely invincible so you’ll be earning every hit, trade, win, set. This is still only regarding the fact that most people can just parry a shoryu/super and react to block. Not to mention, many/most supers will lose to an awkwardly timed normal or uoh. And although there are EX moves, the EX moves don’t act like save alls for half of the chunk of options being shot at you. So it’s really you doing all the work, not the game engine.

Noting these differences, between this game and others, I’m sure we can come to the agreement that the game engine itself has enough in it to devow any adherence to the usual indicants of “balance”. The only real reason sf4 is considered more balanced is because each character in that game has 50 unblockables, 10 jab combos that lead into said unblockables, plus frame butto…I mean jab, pronounced input window and shortcuts. It’s difficult to suck at it. It’s not that every character doesn’t have the same options and then their own little quirks added on to make them unique, it’s that, sure, they can all do it and they do it different ways BUT in order to do it, you have to wait for them to mess up.

In 3s, you can pull them out of a successful push and turn it around. The only risk is the greatest risk, and that’s the only risk: That he’ll land what he wants to land on you. This applies to all fighters, yes, but in 3s, it’s always a fight, you know? You’re never just “hoping you don’t fuck up your execution” in order to pull of your big unblockable routine to ultra stun death, because while execution is a big time contender in the race for lady 3s’ heart, it shouldn’t be the only determinant for a victor. Finish your insanely long ultra combo to unblockable, that’ll always lead to either free grab -> another unblockable/large combo with curly fries. From which you start up one of the other unblockables and then vortex your way to victory. The closest thing to that in 3s is cross up games, and the solution to that is simple: tap a direction on reflex and OS a reaction.

That’s not balance, that’s a turn based game, and if there was some real critical analysis into the differences between one unblockable and another, how many characters got those unblockables, how many options said characters would be able to break with each unblockable, the different variations of unblockables to be used per round, per match, per tournament with the goal of being the least repetitive. If this was done, you would see just how not balanced the game is, and how that entire community is just forcing the balanced seal of approval on it so as to be placed a step above their predecessors in the quality of game they play, their quality of experience, their tastes, so on and so forth. It’s too slow for you to notice anything is wrong with it. At that speed it’s real hard to tell that something isn’t going smoothly.

3s is balanced because everyone has the option to. Not quite the right, you earn that in the fight, but the option to nonetheless at the appropriate time against any opponent. It rewards boldness and doesn’t take it upon itself to do the opponent’s job of punishing unsafe play.

You want to keep moving forward? Go ahead, I’ll even let you parry an attack that is thrown directly at you if you time it properly. You say you’re moving and he’s not throwing out any attacks for you to parry? Keep moving forward. Oh, he sweeped you? Well, I’m not playing. You are.