Is doa4 any good?

frostycyke: Again wrong, there is currently a KOF 2k6 thread going strong, there was a huge SC II thread around forever. There were huge T4 and T5 threads, the T5 thread is still around. There was a good SC III thread happening before everyone found out it sucked. There was even a huge DOA 4 thread for along time.

im not surprised doa4 isnt discussed much on this site, its system locks down alot of areas, simplifies it so you can get straight to playing people

never before hav i felt in any other game training a new technique was simple, deep, felt inventive and werent dwarfd by system limitations, not that ANYONE can come up with useful stuff but your imagination is very welcomd in this game

i loved training, i loved creating mind games and you can just feel your oponent grow

life is short and this game knows it

Everything Jae has said has been right. NOW, no more of the BS “omg SRK haets teh DOAz let me post why I have this opinion”. Because you(*) apparantly haven’t been around long enough to understand that there are a good handful of cynical fucks on this board that have some goofy ass prejudices. Some of us have issues with a game when it turns out to be shit for a while, some of us attempt to get the most out of a game despite the brokeness(like me with KoF2k3 when everyone stopped playing it after SBO), and others will irrationally hate on a game and never change their ways. This is the Internets people, that monitor gives people power for some reason. Some of these same haters are probably getting owned IRL in that very game then come on here and say the game sucks for no reason.

(*): You in this case applies to anyone that came in here with one liners about how SRK hates DOA games then proceeded to cry because their game of choice gets no love. It was the same with the Smash guys on here, and if you all haven’t noticed, they’re still here and know how to contain their bitterness(some of them, at least). Just post your info, and the mods will filter out the bullshit.

On that note, I’ll probably clean this and the new Smash thread up. No need for this shit.

Just don’t use it, the only good player I heard that even dares pick this girl seriously is Viper Excess in the NYC crew, but he doesn’t have much success with her last time I checked.

Helena’s Bokuho was good since DoA2, so DoA4 STILL not having an evasive step doesn’t hurt it since you know it freakin ducks mids. Giving Christie a stance was the worst idea ever, she was a lot better in DoA3. But yeah whatever I guess.

Btw, those of you picking Leon/Bayman/Spartan. Ph34r the Ninjas, especially Ayane and Hayate, they rape shit for free. Ayane/Hayate low jabs beat EVERYTHING the commados have… so gay :frowning:

in 01-03 the SNK hate was at it’s height, because of cvs and cvs2 being at the peak of it’s popularity as far as a mass audience is concerned. Cause i mean, that’s when both games were being played by casual gamers too, atleast as far as i know.
There’s posters here that are respected now, cause they’re known for having skills in other games too like 3s for example, but at the time back in those days though some of them had to defend themselves everytime they made a post in fgd whenever it was about kof.

Ever since i’ve been on this site though, the fighting series ive seen consistently hated on the most has been DOA. to deny that is freakin retarded. But doa4 is something different, that shit is hot fiya.

And then there’s games that ppl dont want to hate on, cause then they’ll probably get looked down on if they do. So they simply ignore the game and pretend like it’s not even there. A3 comes to mind as an example.

anyway though, now days on srk all games get praised and all games get hated on. However, in FGD though i just see every game get hated on all the time, like ppl dont even want to play these games. but… on the otherhand this goes without saying that alot of posters i see now have a more open mind, due to not alot of new fighters coming out from capcom that they actually enjoy. So they turned to alternatives, or are finally seeing what all the hype is about on other games they turned a cold shoulder to beforehand, like MOTW or somethin.

lol yeah i know not to really use it, Helena can at least chain into and out of her stance. Like i said before, the stance is only really useful after you knock someone down and they tech since you can go into some mixups. I more or less dropped her anyways and used Ein for a while before i stopped playing.

Doa is better then tekken

Ein is strong, he is like the Ryu of the series, he is never gimped competitively no matter what. :lovin:

I’ve taken up Ein as a secondary cause Leon gets his shit ruined by Ninjas for free. Ein is so fun but you have to becareful, you need to space alot and you can only poke with 3P and 66P, and occasionally random 64K. Ein relies alot on punishing and then sometimes just fuckin knowing that your opponent is gonna attack/crouch or block/hold. I guess that’s why Offbeat is soo fucking good with him, he always knows when people are gonna try to jab back or hold, and then bam 4K or 33F+P for fatty damage.

My main tag team in DOA4 is Bayman and Ein. And I’ll tell ya…


Agreed, if you’re negative, you’ll only see what you like being dissed.

DOA is cool, but it’s not better then tekken.

I would say vf4 evo is better then tekken.I find it funny how namco copys off of vf4 idea of gettin items for your characters.

LOL…I think virtual fighter is one of the worst fighters on the market…damn i hate there characters!!! Vanessa is cool though

and i can care less for t5.What’s your point?

I’m actualy suprised that after giving the game more than the initial hour, I actually started to like it. It’s got its complexities and it’s complications, and it’s definitely not inbalanced. The reversal system has been greatly improved, and that’s not broken as fuck anymore.

So, I apologize to everybody that I flamed before Evolution about the game. It’s actually a good game.

How did you mix up “there,” which is a word used to represent place, and “their,” which is used to represent possession?

A little FYI fact though, Virtua Fighter 4:Evolution is considered one of the most balanced 3D fighters ever created. I’ve never seen two tiers lists that are even remotely the same, with the exception that Lau and Pai are typically considered lower and Akira is typically top, but there have been Laus beating Akiras in tournies, easy. Not only that, the combo system is probably the deepest out of any other juggling systems within 3D fighters. I can understand you not liking it, as it’s a game that requires a lot of time and patience to get a 4 hit combo down, character depending, but it’s far from the worst fighters.

NYC has schools??? Sweet!! Anyways I dont know about VF4…maybe i did what you did to DOA4. The characters in the game to me look so bland. Maybe it does have depth…I wont find out with VF4…maybe part 5 i will pick up if everyone says its the shit.

The characters DO look bland, lol. They’re probably so bland beacuse, unlike tekken, they never really redesigned the look of the characters. If you think about it, there’s many copies from game to game.

Sarah = Nina, but Nina got a redesign
Akira = Japanese Paul, but Paul gets several redesigns, and Akira stays in his gi.
Taka = (the sumo from Tekken), but Taka was probably a copy from him
Lau probably influenced the old guy from Tekken.
Kage influenced Raven
lol… None of the VF characters recieved the redesign treatment over the years, where Tekken have. So yes, I will agree, aside from possibly Goh, Vanessa, and Lei Fei, the overall designs of VF suck, including the stages.

… and yes, NYC has schools, and quite honestly, I found that the high school system in NYC is better than that of Pennsylvania. They move you faster and I found it a lot more challenging in NYC, especially because of Regents exams. I can’t vouche for any other states, as I’ve not attended schools in any other states.

Agreed…BRILLIANT!!! I dont know how VF5 is…i think imma go on ign to look at some picks of it…but what i do remember from VF series is that jackie was the shit!!

Jacky has some weird things about him, especially because you really have to know how he works in order to throw punches at him. Basic punches to a neutral jacky will be auto parried. He’s so complicated to fight against, but after you’ve learned how to fight one or two good jackies, you’ve literally learned to fight all of them. Akira’s tricky, as is Vanessa. My personal favorite is Lion, since I started using him in VF2.

LOL, learn hayate.

OMG no, Busa is god amoung mortals in DoA4.

Any punch counter can lead to MASSIVE damage, especially on hi-counter. Add to the fact that if there is an edge or a ceiling… omg rape. Which means if your character relies on punches you are DOOMED to deal with the fact that at any time he can take 70-120 damage of a random counter.

He has an ass load of safe mids and pokes, some of the best launchers and combos in the game. One of the better wake up games. He has an unbreakable combo throw that does more damage than all the grapplers breakable combo throws.

God I hate Hayabusa…