Is doa4 any good?

Which is dumb :expressionless:

Well I am about to give this game the benefit of the doubt as you guys see I do for like every game.

I am gonna play it hardcore and research into it like I would everything else.

I will be able to hit the game hardcore in like 2 weeks so I am looking forward to reading more into it and playing it as I would any fighter, no dismissing it as titties and ass though I’ve heard, played it myself.

Sure is it no Tekken or VF?

Sure it aint but doesnt mean you shouldnt play it!!!


I suggest you go to DoAC, try and filter out the crap and just look for strats.

Though I don’t want to tell you who to play, I highly suggest Ein, Kasumi, or Tina (if you are going down the grappler route). They are the most straight forward to play. Ein emphasizes good spacing/mind games. Kasumi offers good mix ups and has simple means of damage. Tina is also prolly the best and most balanced representation of the grappler play without having to go down the deep end to Bayman/Bass.

doa4 AKA pick a ninja

HAHAHAHAHA!!! Yeah funny as sad at the same time. :sad:

Still a lot of characters can put up good fights against the ninjas like Helena, Lei, Zack, and Bayman (if Rikuto is playing him). Ein and Gen Fu can go pretty even with most of the Ninjas as well.

Uhh…not really :expressionless:

Even though the top characters are probably (almost definitely) Hayabusa and Hayate…Bayman, Jann Lee, Gen Fu, Zack, Lei Fang, Ein and Helena all are damn good characters. Really…the only characters who can’t compete are Tengu and Brad Wong. DOA4 is really one of the better-balanced games around.

Change that list too:

Brad Wong

No serious these character suxor hard. Christie and Brad have shitacular damage potential, shitacular throw game, and damn near worthless stances against anyone who knows what they are doing. Mariposa has a good throw game… and that’s about is, every thing else is either sketchy at best or trash, and well Tengu lmao I guess he deserves all of his nerfs for his preformance in 2U.

But yeah outside of that all characters can give the ninjas a good fight, especially against Kasumi. Kasumi is overrated, she’s hella punishable and can’t punish anything -10 or under worth beans. She’s basically mix up mix up, or she tries to interrupt/ crush you but she fails at that compared to Ayane.

I hated DOA4… before I actually tried it. And now I’m trying to learn it and it’s not too shabby. Sure, it reminds me of T5 too much (T5 still being best IMHO) but for online play, it reigns supreme. Sex supreme.

SRK may not like it, but we(*) have no reason to hate anymore. Still won’t play it because I’m not buying a 360(or an XBox) for one fighting game since they seem to have forgotten the rest of the backwards compatability list. Also, I play VF5 now, so there’s no need for the middleman of the 3d world. Good on them that they have a medium that they can constantly tweak their game on without much monetary loss.

(*): By we I mean me, and even then I never hated on the game. I did point out what turned me off to it, tho.

Dont be surprised most of srk myself included still thinks the game sucks. At this point it is just moot though and most people just dont want to repeat it. That is the one and only reason people havent said anything.

That is not a big surprise, most people on SRK thinks anything not made by capcom, or in the last 5 years, sucks too.

That is a common misconception based on nothing.

Uhhh…I wouldn’t say based on nothing. Lots of Melty Blood, Guilty Gear, SNK games and HNK threads have erupted in random hate. The only fighters I haven’t seen group-hated on here has been the Capcom fighters and T5DR. Every other fighting game I can think of has been hated on at least once.

So am I imagining all those posts calling Marvel a masher, 3S random, CvS2 a turtle fest etc? :confused:

is DOA4 better than SC3?

It is based on nothing, SRK has a wide variety of players on here. As Polarity says games like 3S, Marvel, CvS2 and even ST get hate as well. You only see what you want to see.

ok, maybe that was a baseless generalization, and I apoligize, but you have to admit that SRK is more 2D than anything else, with 3D fighters getting little to no playtime and even when, no more than scratching the surface of the game without delving more to see if the game is tournament worthy before passing judgement.

however, no game can please everyone, which is why there is a large selection of fighters. not everyone has to enjoy the same things, but every game should have its chance to prove its worth.

I beleive so. There is a pretty good thread on SC3 in this same forum that pretty much breaks down much of what went wrong with the SC series. DOA4 does alot of things better than it, such as-

Balance- the number of characters that can actually compete and win is quite large, players may differ on where exactly in the rankings each character belongs, but the tier list on the first page of this thread by, Perfect Legend, is a great look. just about any characters in the top three tiers can hold their own.

Glitches- VC was one of the biggest failures of SC3 to me, although i did not mind, since I am and always will be a mitsu player and he loved VC, lol! the major bugs in DOA4 did not affect the gameplay at all, but were save file erases and on-line hiccups, which have been fixed for the most part with the recent patch.

Enviroment/stages- lets face it. a 3D’s gameplay is called 3D becuase you use all demisions of the fighting area, and DOA4 is the fighter that does it the best.

depth- I am not going to get into a technical pissing contest vs any game, since depth is relative in my opinion. But DOA4 is loosely based off of Virtua fighter’s engine. which means things as advanced or basic as Fuzzy guarding, stagger escapes, wave dashing, canceling, frame traps, punishment whiff baiting, oki games etc… pretty much DOA 4 has the mind games and technique , plus a whole lot of fun- which is the main reason to play any video game- to please me.

of course, the best way to find out, is to try it out yourself and form your own opinion.

word to that, i mean no matter how much i tried i couldn’t find anything useful for christies dokuja stance other than mixups after someone techs, and it’s very very very minor evasive properties.

It pales in comparisons to helena’s BokuHo stance, which is almost the same thing but with much better evasive and offensive properties.