Is anyone else pissed @ ken's costume?


Also. Your thread sucks.

Sounds like you had a shitty childhood of a video game character’s costume ruins it.

i am absolutely livid.
how dare they.

I thought this was gonna be about his alt costume… in which case yes.

But his new look? It’s awesome.

Google result for “SFV Ken alt costume” first gave Ryu, then a little more looking

Now that this is solved.
Please direct your next complaints to the Capcom-Unity forum.

For you this was the day i destroyed your childhood

But for me, it was Tuesday.

Is getting underarmour considered cheating?

Ban Ken!


Paul did it…

You’re right man they ruined it. I wanted sfii world warrior to be released and they release this crap.

kokujin xx pinku x des~kombo-videos

Wrong forum. Please try

Edit - WTF. GameFaqs is discussing Ken’s normals (, while we have this thread on SRK. Did I wake up in bizarro world today?

I think Ken looks better now than ever. Great costume choice by Capcom.

Ken’s classic costume should be the available one

In SFIV, I only like the way he looks on the image below:

But when it’s time to play, Ken’s face isn’t as good as the picture above.

In SFV, he looks more ridiculous, especially the hair. It doesn’t even look natural. I hope they’ll fix it. including the eyebrows, I think it’s too long and too thick.

My acceptable is either the first picture that I have posted or the following.

Ken’s costume is fine, especially when his normal look (just alpha version) is his first alt.

It’s just while the idea for this was great, they failed badly in the execution, his face and hair… smh.

Worst part was Ono thought everyone hated the new look… no we hated how his face and hair looked…

Thank you God

You are right. I’m not really complaining his new costume. It’s the face and hair. Especially the hair.

The outfit is perfectly fine to me. Some of the colours are a bit obnoxious (nothing as bad as the pink cowboy costume in USFIV), but the outfit design is pretty awesome to me.

Endaeias the pink cowboy look was your favorite costume.