Is AE sutiable for ST training?

I was going to pick up SF: AE for PS2 to brush up on combo training for ST (I play on GGPO). Is there really any difference playing with ST characters on AE, or should I go for the laggy ccc2 instead?

I play both so yes it is, that is what i use and it is great training. if you use CCC2 just be careful of what stages you use.

make sure you use free select turbo 2 and not default turbo 3.

turbo 3 is way fucked up.

yup, as long as you don’t use o.sagat.

vega you can kind of get around if you know HOW to do the walldive. (the ae motion for ST vega is charge down, kick, up, and you do it like you would a standing move into flash kick).

but other than that, it’s great. my favorite version.

Get the japanese Capkore version. Heard it fixed old sagat and vega so you can spam tiger shots and wall dives just like good ole ST.

Does the korean version(kokocapcom)also has the troubles fixed?

I would if I still had a modded ps2 to play “imports” on. WTF is a Capkore? Seeing how I don’t play Vega or Sagat, I don’t think I’ll mind too much :wgrin:

Just remember to hold start while picking ST Honda so he will have his stored Ochio and Super glitches. Good for Ochio practice!

Correct! ^^^ I own it. Just played it this weekend!

It’s good for training mode imo…otherwise…ggpo ftw :woot:

Trying to practice combos on GGPO usually gets me killed. When I’m playing lesser opponents I’ll usually try it though.

The real question is: “Is ST suitable for SF4 training?”

The real question is, who gives a fuck about SF4 in a ST forum.

Phail. Leave. Doors on the right.

GGPO’s good and all… but dropped inputs + lag = fuck that shit.

Umm… relax? I wasn’t suggesting that anybody should quit playing ST and move to SF4. All I was saying was that SF4 is supposed to appeal to SF2 players. I play ST just as much as the next guy.

lol, GGPO doesn’t drop inputs.

…or at least wasn’t supposed to.

Even without lag, I run into the case where I’ll do a sonic boom and nothing comes out… I’ve been playing SF2 since 1994… I don’t fuck up basic sonic booms (I mean nothing as the punch doesn’t come out, so it drops my button taps… i know it’s not that i didn’t charge it long enough)

well good to know i’m not the only person who experiences this.

even if i use the ggpo emulator to play offline i have no problems with execution but i always seem to miss stuff while actually playing online vs other people.

i dunno.

Lag children.

I only see input drops when I play the kids with tard-high pings.

i’m not sure if i get dropped inputs, but i will get like random, sometimes just millisecond long stops, where i’m trying to execute a move and there’s a wait, but afterwards resumes to normal. I know this cause when I’m trying to things like a horizontal ball under a chun li j.short or upkicks with vega against a downcoming blanka in the corner and nothing will happen during the freeze i made the key input. meanwhile when i experience similar lag against a ryu player i can see and s.strong jumping kicks with blanka, miss it when it doesn’t come out and press it again and it will come out as i originally wanted it to. I can only explain this with the fact that i’ll do charge moves during the former case and then rationally understand that i missed the charge move (and then go to block like when we do safety reversals ala honda oochio), but what really happens is the my input didn’t register during the delay, and i can actually maintain my charge and press k/p again after the delay like i can when it happens with blanka.

does this make any sense at all? I’m too lazy to go back and edit.