hey how bout SF Collections for the PS1? is ST in that version true to the arcade?
there’s a lot of weirdness with the combos in that game.
I’ve found best way to get Practice mode ST is off the DC version.
Most PCs out there can run NullDC at full speed now if you dont have an actual DC floating around. Definitely better than AE
but if you dont have the DC version you can get the AE and play it in arcade on free select and pick speed 3 thats the closest you can get to the right speed. If your not a vega or a sagat player aside from the speed that game is right on
Most PCs out there can probably emulate arcade ST more easily than DC ST. If you don’t need training mode, go with that.
Um, obviously. The point of the thread was a version of ST that had a training mode.
Yes ST is. The only problem is the speed and the jumping, even thought sf4 feels and plays like ST and ex mixxed the game still has variables like the jumping in st most charaters jump at you like ruy ken guile chun so on and, so on but in SF4 the charaters jump stright up pretty much and slightly forward with the exceptions on , DIC,VEGA and CHUN who pretty much have the same jump they always had…but the combos are about the same and the supers are the same just a bit fancy. So IMO id say ya it is
Does anybody here know if the capkore version of AE fixed the glitch where Sagat’s tiger shot recovery times are affected by strength of previous High Tiger Shots. This affects both altered ST and original ST versions of him.
So if I want to pick o.sagat do I have to quickly kara cancel from a short or jab into strong or fierce tiger shots everytime in order to get quicker recovery times.
I understand that in the capkore version of AE he gets back the same recovery time that o.sagat has in the arcades, but is the above issue also corrected?
If answer is no, is it better to mess about with o.sagat in CCC 2 version then?
Can anybody give me an explanation to above ?
I’m going to go on a limb to be sure, but does the xbox sfac ntsc version fix the o.sagat and vega wall dive just like ps2 capcore?
Ya they have fix sagat and vega on the release of japans AE