[iOS & Android] Frame Assistant Tool - SFV Frame Data, Calculations and Notes app

Hi there!

I’m the maker of Frame Assistant Tool! For the last 6 months, I’ve been working on bringing FAT up to speed for launch of SFV. I decided about 1 week in that I wanted to completely overhaul the app, and so Ver 2.0.0 is a completely different beast to Ver 1.1.4

What’s changed?
[] Street Fighter V characters included, along with full frame data, calculation and notes support!
] Complete visual and framework overhaul of the app!
[*] New and improved notes, with complete markdown support!

There’s lot’s of other smaller imrpovements like a toggle between “pretty” and “detailed” in the move list, and the frame data viewing has become a lot more detailed, with room to expand each move beyond the 5 columns of old!
If you have any feedback or comments to make, please let me know!

Hands down the best app for SFIV.

Will no doubt be the best for SFV.

Tfw your device isn’t compatible :frowning:

@“D4RK ONION” Is there any consideration of an iOS app update? I used Frame Assistant Tool for SFIV a while back on iOS and absolutely loved it.

Mine just updated.

Looks great

More competition for VFrames! If we fight it out, the community will be the real winner!

Best of luck to you VFrames team! I’ll take ye all on!

I’ll be dropping a specific build for 4.3 users down to 4.0, I didn’t have time to get it ready before now. Hopefully that will get you back in the game? It will be a lot bigger than the main fork though.

iOS version is incoming in the next few weeks.

Some of Cammy frame data is incorrect, but the games not out yet so it’s whatever. Would be nice to run in landscape mode. Also would be nice to have the move punisher do a Dropbox effect so the data shows up when you click on the name and not always visible.

is the new version going to be compatible with ios 7 still? I’m stuck with that until april

The option to choose 2, 3, 4 etc frame, frame traps is godlike.

Is there a custom combo section like the SFV Guide?

This kind of minimizing is something I hope to add in the near future particularly for the side menu. As for the Frame data, please let me know what’s wrong and a source for what’s the correct stuff and I’ll change it out ASAP.

iOS app will need iOS6 minimum I believe so you’re safe. I don’t handle the actual testing of the iOS stuff on devices, but I’m pretty sure this is the case. I’ll be working on the iOS build this weekend so hang in there!

Thanks :smiley: It’s definitely one of my favourite modes too

When you say Custom Combo Section, do you mean predetermined Combos that other people have come up with (BnBs) or a place to put your own in? Latter can be done via notes. Former will be added, when the game drops and people come up with optimal combos.

Cool, I meant where you put them in with the icons and stuff, like Street Fighter V Guide app.

Ver 2.0.3 is out on Android

Get it here!

You’ll be prompted to allow the IAP permission, which I’ve had to add back in with the return of donations. Don’t worry, nothing fancy behind a paywall.

What’s New:

  • Added the Frame Data, Move List and ability to take notes for F.A.N.G.
  • Tapping a move in moves list now brings you to the more detail screen for that move.
  • Added a welcome screen for fresh app entry!
  • You can now donate again! Of course, you don’t have to :slight_smile:
  • Frame-Data legend will now stick to the top of the screen when scrolling
  • Returning from the more detailed frame data screen no longer scrolls you back to the top of the list.
  • Scrolling in general should feel a lot less janky
  • Fixed a bug where the splashscreen would not show for long enough
  • Fixed a bug where Move Linking card header was not wrapping it’s text

iOS Version 2.0.3 will be sent in for approval very soon, will update with that news ASAP.

Can we get some extra columns in landscape mode which shows the invincibility frames for moves which are throw/strike/full invincible?

Well, landscape mode it gone, you have to tap a move to see it’s details these days, it’s a separate screen. As such there’s loads of room for that stuff, which I intend to add in.

THANK YOU!! Seriously this app is the goat.

Perhaps add grey health dmg values as well.

so i have the version that sf4 info for ios. I assume that I can just update when you eventually do release it in the app store? or is it a separate app?

Will you make an iOS version? Will it be an update or a new app like Kensanity asked?