Interrogation! The Phoenix Wright Question And Answer Thread

:qcf::l: in Investigation Mode.

what do you guys think is more important, x factor or turnabout. i say this because im considering a new strat…


match start

trish throw sword super, x factor cancel, raw tag to wright, call hidden missile and spam find evidence

pray to mia i get all evidence

this sound good???

It’s not worth losing X factor IMO

I dunno if this has been brought up somewhere else, you guys know how Hsien Ko’s Anki Hou item wasn’t actually random but determined by how long you’ve waited between throws?
(Like this:
Anyone think Wright might have something like that going on? Cause I notice a lot how when I get bad evidence, chuck it, then immediately pick up a new one, there’s a good chance of it being the exact same piece I just chucked, i.e, pick up the plunger, throw it, pick up another plunger.
Not sure if this would make him that much better, and it could just be an unlikely coincidence, but I figured I’d see what you guys think.

Does anyone know if it’s possible to follow up from a turnabout Objection off a launcher/TAC? In most cases you can combo off the initial Objection, but I can’t find any tech for this.

I’m very confused on how he works. I get a piece of evidence, folder lights up means its good evidence? How do I get a second piece of evidence though he always seems to throw the evidence away… I’ve gotten to two pieces of evidence but have no idea how and can’t figure out how to get to three. For example right now I’ve got the second spot with a good evidence (watch) and third spot with good evidence (knife) but the first slot empty. Guide doesn’t seem to explain the mechanics of it so hoping someone here could help.

The player gets evidence by pressing attack+S. So L+S gets the first evidence, M+S the second, H+S the last. You can throw away the evidence good or bad by pressing attack+S again. Folder lighted up is good evidence.

Oh would be nice if the guide said the different attacks determine the evidence slot instead of just saying attack+s

Thanks man

Do You Guys think Max Will Take Back Get Em’ Missile Being His Assist of choice for wright?(guessing nobody really knew about the whole turnabout mode makes press the witness the best assist in the game…)

i mean i think it’s funny that press the witness was getting ignored in favor of get em missile but once the game came out and people discovered the terror that is the turnabout assist things changed and get em missile is rarely if ever mentioned

Get em missile is a good as-is assist. And when I say that I mean you don’t have to get to turnabout to get the most out of it. It’s great on a team with teleporting characters or air dashes that can be preformed low to the ground, as the assist hits low.

I haven’t read the guide, but I’m sure it must be in there. Wright’s gameplay doesn’t really make any sense without that.

anybody done any research into how to make his normals safe? I’m not very knowledgeable in frame data but I do know that, in trial mode, normals can be cancelled into paperwork which is +7 on block as well as press the witness which is +14.
Are either of these considered “safe”?

Mostly asking this because I’m always getting punished on whiffing Nick’s extra short-range normals.

Assists and Maya hyper. Most moves on whiff can be cancelled into hypers (which is one of the reasons why a whiffed command throw from Spencer can be a big bait).

Lol, Press the Witness is plus on guard? Which versions? That could give Trial Wright some measure of pressure when combined with grabs. Also, how fast is Maya hyper for things like hitting an assist from about mid screen? Can Maya OTG hit after grabs? Which grabs and where?

Another point for evidence, can somebody do some lab work on the properties of evidence on hit? Besides the obvious, I noticed that the folder causes spinning knockdown on hit. What other notable states are caused? Does vase cause soft knockdown, etc. I won’t be able to do any lab work until next week. I’ll be sure to post w/e I find when I do in exchange for any help.

For a start, from what I could gather from sitting in a few matches played and a couple of minutes in training mode, “Hold It” looks like the main poke you want to use, since it can be special cancelled and builds stun on guard. Its stun effect works like Haggar headbutt stun. Investigation mode, your main AA tool would be discard evidence, which is as damaging as a Ryu Hadou and covers the angle where an opponent would be able to normal jump over Maya(seems to be the same as vase evidence).

For Trial mode, photo evidence paired with a fast, long range assist (such as Doom Plasma Beam) seems to be really good. Since it doesn’t knock down on hit, you can use it to link the assist, then hit with the evidence again, iirc. It becomes ridiculous with long range assists with a lot of hit stun (such as Spencer assist A or Strange Bolts) since it pretty much gives you a free combo off of the beam (I do it with Doom/Spencer often). Paperwork seems like a good shield against projectiles, similar to that move Ghost Rider has. May help in fire fights when combined with stance changes for Maya shield back into Trial mode to set-up/zone.’

All versions of Press the Witness are +14 on block, except :m: and :h: version in turnabout, which are +18.

Maya super is 10+4 frames of startup, and seems decent against any forward moving assist from midscreen distance. If getting rushed down though Order in the Court frames 1-54 are invincible, and erases all bad evidence.

IIRC Maya can OTG off of any throws, but Wright himself can combo off them without her in the corner.

Not sure about any properties of the evidence except the folder.


Adding on to view619’s post and apologies it’s already known information.

Properties I noticed so far with evidences:

.The burst from the folder when it fades can also hit the opponent.
.Small hit stun it doesn’t give a lot of time to combo.
.Can only absorb one projectile.
.Turnabout mode faster recovery and more damage can be used in combos but will always end it unless if it’s only from j.H

.Can only absorb one projectile (Ryu’s Hadouken) or two if it’s weak. (Arthur’s Daggers)
.Can only absorb the light version of a beam projectile (Doctor Doom’s plasma beam)
.Doesn’t disappear when “Order in the court” is used.
.Turnabout mode still absorbs the same amount, just faster and more damaging.

.Can absorb two projectiles but if it’s only one it cuts through it and damages the opponent however if the projectile is strong like Phoneix it’ll just destroy it and not cut through.
.Like the watch it can only absorb the light version of a beam projectile.
.Turnabout mode seems to just be more damage.

.The only way the opponent can dodge is by super jumping at the last moment.
.Orbs disappear when Phoenix is hit.
.Orbs disappear when “Order in the court” is used too early.
.Turnabout mode seems to be faster startup and damage.

.Can absorb two projectiles but like the picture it can cut through them if it absorbs one.
.Same as the other projectiles can only absorb the light version of a beam projectile.
.Fast startup and recovery when it hits up close for example this combo from the other thread. (c.:m:. c.:h: c.:h: xx L.Paperwork, you can replace paperwork with the vase if desired)
.Doesn’t disappear when “Order in the court” is used.
.Turnabout mode faster speed, startup, and damage.

.Can only absorb one projectile per knife but it can effortlessly cut through weak projectiles like Doom’s Photon Shot. (Meaning the knives never disappeared when hit by photon shot and just keeps going.
.Doesn’t disappear when “Order in the court” is used.
.Turnabout mode just like others faster speed, startup, and damage.

I know this is a silly question and is unrelated to gameplay, but is it possible to switch his name to Naruhodo-kun with the english version of the game?


Does Paperwork assist (alpha) have any invincibility in Turnabout?