hours and hours of suck! enjoy!!!
Just wanted to share some stuff of mine. Hope it helps or adds to your arsenal. Thanks for watching.
Peep This!!!
Spencer players, consider bar raised:
Hahaha how salty were you when that happened Jayto?
Marlin Pie figured that out over a year ago. Never really bothered to get it down too well, but I imagine it’s consistent on Doom?
Some really nice spencer play from GCyoshi in this:
Wow that was really fun to watch!
Cool matches. Wonder why he doesn’t convert off his ground throws in the corner.
I was actually wondering the exact same thing.
Maybe he was dropping them all tourney and decided not to risk it in GF’s.
Is there anything i could add to this to do more Damage?
I don’t know the exact specifics of how hit stun works for Rapid Slash but IMO you should probably be doing zip loops from corner to corner and then doing up grapples with Rapid Slash assist. So there are a couple things to add to this. There is a different ender that does more damage but isn’t that much harder. It’s L Judgment Cut, Helm Breaker, Round Trip, L Judgment Cut, Lunar Phase. That does more damage. Also you should notice that Bionic Manuevers resets ground bounce, which means at the end you had a ground bounce you didn’t use and that could’ve been another Lunar Phase or Stinger wall bounce into more loops. The last thing is that if you did the zip loops, you would’ve saved the wall bounce which would’ve allowed you to do Stinger Wall bounce after the ground bounce from Lunar Phase. You build less meter but I think it’s more damaging. Hope this helps.
You don’t have to corner to corner with Spencer. You can do 1 rep of Zip Loops and side switch ( c.L s.M c.H xx UF Zip ~ j.M land and hold UF j.MH xx DF zip ~ j.S land dash s.MHS super jump j.MMH xx Zip xx DF Zip (to guarantee the corner carry and so that you land a little before them) j.S
From there, you have 2 options:
-Normal jump j.H Grapple ~ DF Zip xx Down Zip ~ 80k Call Vergil TK Bomber ~ 80k xx Bionic Maneuvers xx Spiral Swords Vergil nonsense
-Call Vergil TK Bomber ~ 80k xx Bionic Maneuvers xx Spiral Swords normal sword loops since you didn’t use your wall bounce
Sorry for not replying to yall in while. Been mad busy, but thanks for the advice. I didnt know that Bionic Maneuver reset ground bounce, i will definately keep that in mind.
Dam I forgot about the side switch lol. Thanks man!
Hey Guys,
I was at an exhibition between Humber College vs University of Toronto and this happened. Go to 3:21:00
Simply put for those who can’t view the video or the video seems a bit choppy:
-Enemy Wolverine DHC’s in the air into Dormammu Ball.
-My Spencer about half screen away decides to bionic arm to punish.
-Dorm Xfactors, thus making him safe.
-Spencer takes the hits (from Dorm Ball) but I was capable of xfactoring mid-hits.
I’m aware it was move durability that made this plausible, but just a note for Spencer players and armor characters alike:
That doesn’t even make sense because Bionic Arm doesn’t have armor. Not that I’m aware of at least.
That’s what I was thinking. It has invincibility(not a whole lot of it tbh) but I’m pretty sure there’s no armour on it, I mean it wouldn’t even make sense to have both on a move.
Bionic Lancer has armor? I think it was definitely a glitch, because Stalking Flare hit 7 times before you XF’d. I know it hit 7 times because the combo meter went up to 7, and uh… the combo meter doesn’t go up at all during armored moves, so I’m thinking it was a definite glitch. Has anyone had any luck recreating this?