Am I the only one super excited about this or am I over hyping it? I know it cost 2 bars and xfactor to convert off of it… But I really feel like the ability to shut down a person to the point where all they can do is pray they were blocking before seeing that flash… feels good.
When I get my Magneto on par, I’ll see how useful it is I guess… unfortunately he has the same problem as Doom where it only works at certain distances… Still a nice trick in the bag to have, I suppose.
I get an easy 400k off it even without X Factor, which can often be enough. The most exciting thing is hitting morrigan when she can’t unfly cancel to block.
That what has me the most excited and what my mind immediately went to… Even with her ridiculous unfly, she can still be hit (Doom as well since he’ll be out there 9 times out of 10…) and would likely lead to a dead Morrigan.
In theory, she’ll get hit by Lancer while Magneto’s shockwave hits her as well and takes out all the bullet hell, thus allowing Magneto to xfactor and wavedash like hell over to Morrigan before she hits the ground to convert into a full combo (This being the only “difficult” part)…I know I’m probably stating the obvious here, but I have to get it out my system sometimes… stupid Marvel. ~_~
Again, it’s all theory and I’ll have to get my Magneto to a point where I’m doing more than hyper grav loops and flying around like a maniac… we’ll see.
/end excitement
Feel free to take or ignore whatever you want as it’s just my opinion.
The biggest advice I can give you is that you need to optimize your combos. You are very patient in waiting to land a hit, but when you do you do far less damage than you could. At 1:40 that was an easy kill without needing to DHC, but even with the DHC it still didn’t require the hidden missles chip (If he had chosen to finger laser hyper and dhc into taskmaster you’d have been in trouble)
At 2:10 - Probably better to get in in your head never to test a Taskmaster with Bionic Arm. Any good task is going to stuff you with counter hyper, and now you’ve wasted your XF. Worse yet, you died anyway immediately after.
At 3:52 - Again, optimize your combo. If you don’t already, get used to calling Spencer to end that Nova combo. If you had called slant assist for the extra damage before your Nova hyper (Plus if you had zip-zip’d UVG instead of Zip-Zip armor piercer) there’s no way Captain America would have lived through that.
At 4:15 - Nova could have been destroyed after that airthrow into the corner. I don’t play your team, but try following up that airthrow with Bionic Bomber (before you land), s.M, s.H, s.S + call Nova xx UVG, s.S xx UVG, Bionic Maneuvers.
4:48 - I’m a broken record. Optimize. That was an easy zip loop to death.
5:00 - You had the right idea with the OTG, just hard to time online. IMO it was a bad idea to XF though. Just let him die. He barely had any health and now Nova/Doom have no XF.
6:50- Good job with your combo. However, this time I don’t think lag ruined the end. I think you missed your down-forward motion and that’s why you got the super jump.
8:30 - Much easier to just kill Hawkeye before the relaunch. TK and OTG grapple, zip-zip, uvg xx hyper and he’s dead. He could have hit your whiffed SJ H with a gimlet, and then Hawkeye vs. Doom is so bad for doom he’d have a chance to win even without XF or meter imo.
9:42 - Such a good read… and then you didn’t do anything. Lol. Just remember when making a read like that, it doesn’t matter if it works or it doesn’t - what you need to do is the same. There’s no reason not to have hit the follow up input even if it whiffed. So instead of trying to react (it seemed like you were surprised it connected and then didn’t know what to do) just plan on it connecting. Either way the outcome isn’t changed. Pull her in and snap her out.
9:55 - Try and get those random Bionic Arms out of your system, especially full screen and against characters who can punish you for it. Tron could have command grab hypered you (or hell, just blocked and punished easily to your death. You had no DHC options, so now you are forced to waste XF if you want to save him, and all on a gamble that wasn’t worth it imo.
10:05 - Be careful assuming your OTG is going to hit right there. That was a pretty far reach for bionic bomber and now then you cancelled into bionic arm without any confirm. Imo, it would have been better not to waste your XF and just DHC into finger lasers. Now you’ve wasted XF before Dark Phoenix. Can’t cancel out chip, can’t try and bionic arm her, can’t try for Japan-TAC tech. This is where you lost the match imo.
12:30 - Not Spencer related, but there was no reason to throw all your red health away when Super Nova would have killed too.
13:02 - I do this way more than I should too, but be careful with that zip cross up with no assist call. Yeah, it worked, but that was a super easy grab on their part that could have completely changed momentum in their favor. That being said, you can’t always play safe either, so who knows maybe that’s exactly why you won! lol
Noticed something interesting just now. I was going through old videos of Combofiend playing and saw that he hit Dormammu with a Bionic Arm DHC into 7 Rings. Dormammu however flips out halfway despite only getting hit by the Arm (which causes a hard knockdown). Is this perhaps a Dormammu specific thing or maybe it was Strange’s doing. Just wanted to see your guys’ thoughts on this. Starts at 51:25.
some more sets with this team, will be uploading a lot more sets over the next couple of hours with a bunch of different players if you guys want to keep checking back to my channel.