Improvements for next EVO

I didn’t go to evo but I downloaded your APP and I have to say it was just a beautiful piece of information period.

For the rest of you guys talking about food, if you want “cheap” buffets you have to go off the strip to get some good deals, I’m talking 3.99 - 6.99 style.

This is my first EVO, so I have no past-years experience.

My main complaint was the 4th of July weekend. That was a real kicker in price. If it’s later in the month, it may be better in price and in temperature. I did not enjoy going outside in the daytime for what little I did hahaha.

A minor complaint is sound issues. During pools 8AM pools on Friday, the Street Fighter matches started off rather quiet, really hard to hear. Then suddenly, it was **BLASTED **and my eardrums went along with it. They turned it super quiet after 10 minutes, which became a relief. Then BLASTED it again and it stayed like that. Where the hell was the middle ground? Why did the volume only have, apparently, two settings?! I would have moved if I could, but my pools were right there in front of the blaring speaker.

On the other end, during some of the non-tournament videos on Sunday, I had trouble hearing what the people in the videos were saying. Namely, the Mike Ross/Gootecks Top 8 recaps. Subtitles for the video makers or better volume control there would be useful there.

Lastly, If a deal could be struck with the hotel for cheaper cafeteria food, which I heard was terrible anyway, great!
If that’s not possible, great! I have other places to take my business to, and did. I’m not sure why most of the people on this thread complaining about food prices didn’t. :frowning: I had to do some socializing, but I found alternatives and solutions for everything.

On that note: Oh my GOD… I have never eaten so much McDonalds in my life hahaha!

You guys should realize that the EVO staff pretty much has NO control over how the hotel prices their foods and beverages…so learn to hit the local convenience stores/restaurants in-between the events.

Fly me there for free.

If you do, I’ll teach people how to use SRK properly.

Edit: On a more serious note, national anthems for the finals of the games.

2 dollar foot long hot dogs and dollar frozen maragritas was pretty much my diet saturday-monday

An improvement for the next streams: Put the flag of the player’s countries, next by his nickname. That would be awesome!

kind of hard to improve EVO when mr.wizard constantly shuts down threads he disagrees with

we had a few players in the area attend EVO and every single one of them complained about the umvc3 tournament. A friend of mine even had to play Viscant in the tourney and even HE was bitching about the setups.

next year will be 4 years in a row of the worst marvel port possible

Ask Microsoft to sponsor EVO next time then.

This was probably round 1. I was playing Dark Phoenix vs. Dante/Vergil. Phoenix got the kill on Dante then the game lagged as I was setting traps. I missed my teleport timing because the game decided that he would get 3x the time instead of normal time. Because it’s Phoenix I got the hit anyways but the BnB combo on Vergil lagged also. I had to triple tap my moves then the super disappeared on dropped inputs but because I was mashing the motion I got it on the 2nd or 3rd try and got the kill.

I turned around and was like “everyone saw that right? That wasn’t just me right???”

Horrendous lag that almost cost me the game. He probably would have killed Phoenix in one of the games if lag didn’t eat his combo also. PS3 Marvel is terrible.

–Jay Snyder

you should of been bitching about it the year you won. Its not like its any better since then lol =p

you actually played against my friend that match so I know what you’re talking about. He showed me the video and everything. Even simple shit like standing still in training mode slows the game down and I’ve been saying that this type of slow down affects the speed of combos as well as blocking and even push blocking. It fucks up the WHOLE game.

ps3 marvel is awful but leave it to the tournament organizers like mr.wizard basically telling me they give 0 fucks about the quality of the port and that its my duty to practice on the worst port possible for my game even though 95% of the tournies ran this year were on xbox.

marvel is the only game that suffers this I don’t give any fucks fate for w\e reason. EVO used to be about quality, now they expect top players to play on the worst port possible to determine " world champions " and no other esport has to jump through that hoop.

Its fraudulent as shit. Its like playing on ccc2 for ST as the world championship standard for 4 years in a row and we both know how much shit they got for running that garbage. It was never used again.

whenever I start to talk about this, mr.wizard always closes the thread or I have an idiot brigade telling me I’m an x360 fanboy so thats why I hate the ps3 version. This is something that needs to be heavily addressed and its kind of shady that EVO staff just sweeps it under the rug year after year and they expect players to learn on the worst port possible, ps3, when over 90% of the marvel tournies are ran on xbox for very good reason.

Everything with DGV’s homemade Viewlix cabs was in theory going to plug-and-play into the stream equipment – they’ve tested the hardware before, but naturally when we put their machines on there the stream would not pick up the video.

I advocated for the astros on main stage personally because I thought there was less to go wrong using them :slight_smile: but we got it working, the Cannons allowed us to continue running it, and the Grand Finals were amazing. We’ll learn and try our best again next year if we’re allowed to hold ST on the main stage!

btw I hear people about wanting side games but IMO it’s not that big a deal for fans to take ownership of the games they love and organize their own side tournaments, I feel. Running EVO is so much work and scheduling at this level is too important that I think it’s smart for them to focus on the main stuff and let the fans do the rest.

It would be great to have ST back in the lineup for instance, but arcade hardware is a nightmare and not many people want to run HDR Classic or HDR at this point, so that’s prob not gonna happen. But we’ll try to do something like Tournament of Legends again next year for all the fans, whether EVO can have us on the main stage or not (they seemed to like the event)!

And have to say EVO looked REALLY great this year.

Tears of joy would have been shed if my Astros were on the main stage for finals. The DGV cabs were still awesome tho. Next best thing, of course. :slight_smile:

Also, I see no reason why we can’t have an arcade exception for ST or some other game(s). This is exactly how it used to be at Evo for ST and 3S, even after some other games had been switched to console. I have no problem donating my cabs again if it means they will be used for an official event. Either way, as long as we get to play whatever we want at Evo in whatever capacity, life is good.

Yeah for real, what I’;ve seen in vids and heard from friends and from ym own personal experience we need to drop the PS3 port of Marvel, shit is just too terrible and before someone says just practice on PS3 and you’ll be okay you can never account for all the combination of things that can cause the game to slow to a standstill.

The Training Stage isn’t suppose to lag right? I know for fact that I saw a lag spike on that stage from watching someone’s match, but I can’t remember who.

Depending on characters it can lag. Lags like a mother if someone calls Sentinel assist.

are you all seriously still complaining about the console?
We all knew that MVC3 was going to be played on PS3 at EVO even before vanilla came out.
This is NOT going to change.
Get over it…

Doesn’t mean it’s a good idea…

That doesn’t mean accept shit. The fact that their are people like you willing to just lay down and take it MEANS IT WILL NEVER CHANGE AND WE’LL KEEP PLAYING ON SUB PAR PORTS! Goddamn people are stupid nowadays.

I mean, if I had to choose between allocating part of my $50-$70 venue fee toward using a superior port or toward hosting the event on the strip… I’d opt for a cheaper venue.

Did y’all try sciencing it? NKI had that most excellent “here’s the lag on this system” set of videos a long time ago for ST or CCC or something. Is there a corresponding video for UMvC3 comparisoning?