I don’t have a camera to record UMVC3 related stuff, so I have notations and stuff up instead.
This is copy pasta from my post in the old combo thread with a quick write up on (Jill/Sent)/Doom. Most of the combos build enough meter to DHC into Plasma storm for 900K+. This stuff is pretty old, so we can probably extend it with Dood’s combo–> a moded Paulo’s BNB to generate the same amount of damage w/ a s.M.
Also, if you mod it even more, you can do the same damage (perhaps more), off of the Somersault loop. I’ll see what I find when I have time to play Marvel. Unfortunately, I’ve been quite boggled down from work to have time to play.
ill/Sent/Doom Write-Up
Pretty solid team that’s able to take advantage of Doom’s dumbass combo extender along with Sent’s beautiful assist. The team blends pretty well because it allows Jill to have two of the arguably, best assists in the game (even though I don’t believe that myself haha). Anyway off to the combos. Pretty much all the combos DHCed into Sent’s plasma storm Do ABSURD Damage (~950K with some mashing, pretty sure you can get it higher with more mashing).
Basic: j.HS,H,4H,22S,Somersault,22S,Somersault,22S,M,Arrow Kick, call sent [j.HS],H,4H,Cartwheel, sent hits, Cartwheel, Somersault, MGS-741K. Hitstun is kept at a moderately nice level allowing MGS to hit. Cart is able to be used twice since Sent’s drones impede ground bounce.
Basic: j.HS,H,4H,22S,Somersault,22S,Somersault,22S,M,Arrow kick, Call sent,j.HS, MMH,Sent hints, DKD M, Cartwheel, 22S,Somersault-744K.
Bit Harder: j.HS, H,4H,22S,Somersault,22S,Somersault,22S,M,Arrow kicak, Call Sent, late j.HS,s.H,4H,Arrow Kick, Sent Hits, DKD,Cartwheel,Somersault,MGS- 760K.
Now I think I mentioned to you guys That I had some hard ass jill technology that’s going to benefit her, but like said, it’s hard. We all know you can TK Jill’s Somersaults with any of her other moves; her best being Ensnarement for combos. Now during this period, you can call an assist and continue your combo. **Here’s the tricky part, to do this you MUST be in Feral Crouch already which means that this requires a bit of dexterity. **Now if we combine this with some stupid Assist (LIKE DOOM’S MISSLES), we get some stupid ass damage. Let’s look at an application of this technique along with Sent’s assist.
j.HS,H,4H,22S,Somersault,22S,Somersault,22S,M,Arrow Kick, Call sent, j.HS,j.[MMH],Sent hits, DKD, Cartwheel, 22S, Somersault,Call Doom,TK Ensnarement back to wall, 22S,Somersault, Raven-Spike- For about 800K.
With that combo, you may have to use more 22S Dashes or a plink dash to go back in the corner. You may also have to use a 22S Dash or position yourself so that the TK hits instead of whiffing.
Post: MGS w/Sent assist combos and setups
As most of us know, the beauty of Jill’s MGS and many assists is that she can combo off of it. This not only helps with combos, but it helps turning a sticky situation into one completely in your favour. Along with Doom’s assist, this opens up a myriad of stupid options. Here’s a couple setups that gives Jill a very powerful punish. Did I forget to mention that you can use the Somersault TK in each combo to increase it’s damage?
Pretty Easy:Call Sent, MGS, Flip,Flip,Cart, 22S,8,j.S,j.MMHS,Call Doom,S, j.MMHS, Doom Hits, Arrow Kick.j.HS,Fallen Prey.- 400K.
Somersaults+Paulo: Call Sent,MGS, 22S,Somersault,22S,Somersault,22S,M,Arrow Kick.j.HS,Call Doom, S, MMHS, Doom Hits, Arrow Kick, DKD M, 22S,Somerault, Raven Spike. - for about a 540K punish!
This team isn’t bad, there’s many setups and it’s a very combo oriented team. One hit pretty much means your going to take a pretty big beating!
[FONT=Helvetica]Some more info:
Like with many assists, Jill can set up a variation of the Double Ender with Sentinel’s Drones. The double ender, as we all know, is your staple and go to and EASIEST BNB. Instead of your normal Double Ender, this one features two ground bounces and the two wall bounces Here’s the combo
J.HS,M,H,2H,4H,22S,Somersault,22S,M,Arrow Kick, j.HS,j.[MMHS, MMHS],Call Sent, H,4H,S,j.HS, Sent Hits, DKD H, land, Cartwheel, 22S,Somersault,MGS- ~705-710K.
Jill THC Wise
The Full Jill/Sent/Doom THC is decent, It’s safe, and combo-offable in certain situations.
The Jill/Doom THC is far superior. It’s safe, comboaffable in all situations, and sets up some pretty dastardly tricks with her Kara Position Exchange.
Jill’s help to Sent/Doom
With Sent, you can setup TK Hard Drive/Plasma STorm loops and allows a bit of an incomming mixup with sent. With Certain setups and with great timing, you can hardtag Jill in if you land Sentinel Force. Sent’s able to protect a Jill assist call with all of his projectiles, so it’s relatively safe.
With Doom, you get neat Corner Extensions along with the same incomming mixups and ambigious setups.[/FONT]