I hypothesize that an overall lack of organization and upkeep of the stickied threads on the Jill boards has turned off several potential players from wanting to pick her up. This is my contribution to a possible solution. The old combo thread was severely outdated, including things no longer applicable and lacking any practical combos to break 700k, which is what you want to be hitting regularly AT LEAST with this character. We have come a very long way from poopy 400k combos, and we’re only looking to make it better all the time by constantly learning more and more about her.
This thread’s intended function is to share, discuss, and answer any questions about combos, strategies and mechanics relevant to this character; do not be at all afraid of being shot down to ask or contribute anything relevant, as we’re a happy family that loves to answer questions, help folks out, and potentially better ourselves by trying new things from new perspectives. In this thread, I will cover some of the basics to get you started on understanding this unorthodox character’s combos as they are a bit different than what you may be used to, and any of us will gladly answer any curiosities. This is not a straight-up strategy guide on the general moveset or how to play, however; I am so not writing that out. If you want one, here you go, and thank NonSexualRice:
Actually, just thank NSR for absolutely everything, for he’s almost single-handedly acted as poor, lonely Jill’s life-support for the longest time. Expect an updated version of his guide here on SRK in the foreseeable future.
This section is intended to familiarize any newbies to either Jill or UMvC3.
Check out these tabs if you’re getting started with either one, or just read them anyway; you may learn something new.
[details=Spoiler]My Notation: I will be using SRK’s prettyful emotes, for I believe that shapes and colors assist in memory and recognition, and I want this to be as easy and inviting as possible. A few things to remember:
-All aerial moves will be prefixed with the letter j
-All crouching moves will be prefixed with the letter c
-All standing moves will have no prefix
-Notation in parentheses are optional
-:d::d::s: always means to cancel the last move with that input as soon as the hit is finished. All of Jill’s non-hyper moves can be cancelled with :d::d::s:
-While in Feral Crouch ( :d::d::s: ), :l:,, and :h: perform special moves. To avoid any confusion in the notation, I will simply name off the moves instead of giving them emotes.
:l: = Sweep
= Roundhouse
:h: = Somersault
Numpad Notation: Look at your keyboard’s numerical pad. Pretend it’s a d-pad on a controller. Those numbers are now directions assuming you’re facing right. Forward = 6, Up = 8, etc. Since the new forum change removed the colorful emotes I was using before, you’ll have to get used to this.[/details]
Imperative Moves
[details=Spoiler]:d::d::s: - Feral Crouch - Jill’s life blood. All of your normals AND specials, even specials that come from FC, can be cancelled into this whether they hit, whiff, or get blocked. You will probably forget what a lot of the end lag on Jill’s moves looks like because you will cancel all of them with this at no cost to stay as fast and oppressive as possible. Most of your movement will come from this move’s “teleports,” which can actually be cancelled by specials and have a little invincibility at the end that you will never take advantage of on purpose. You are going to use this a lot, even in combos, so get used to it. Learn this motion and do it consistently without incident.
(in FC) :h: - Somersault - Jill’s single best move, and your favorite. Every character wishes they had something like this. It is invincible until the hit comes out (frames 1-14), and it can be jump-cancelled by holding :ub:,:u:, or :uf: as it connects, but it will not JC on whiff. The fact that it can be JC’d means that you can Tiger Knee ( :qcf::uf::atk: ) a special move to cancel it instead of jumping. ON TOP OF THAT, it can be cancelled with :d::d::s: just like everything else, meaning you can get two, or in rare cases three (and even rarer cases four) Somersaults in a row, making it extremely safe and terrifying. It does tons of damage and helps make your damage numbers go up faster just by cramming it into your combo. Make your enemies fear that this move is coming.
:h: - Reverse Roundhouse - One of Jill’s two command normals. It’s basically a second heavy attack, which is great because you want as many of those in a combo as you can get. Has less horizontal yet more vertical reach than standing :h:. It does the exact same damage as :h:, yet it has noticeably more hitstun. Try this to link certain moves together if you’re dropping a hypothetical combo.
:f::h: - Sickle Kick - Jill’s other command normal. This is a grounded instant overhead that automatically puts you into Feral Crouch upon completion no matter what. Can be used as an unblockable when used in conjunction with lockdown assists. Holding :h: will guarantee a linked Somersault on hit if the victim is tiny or crouching.
:qcf: - Cartwheel - Jill’s groundbounce. A decent anti-air usually used to start ending a combo, so you’ll want to reserve your groundbounce for this. Can cross up ambiguously on incoming with the right placement.
:qcf::l: - Flip Kick - One of Jill’s more swift specials. It’s another decent anti-air besides Somersault with more reach and priority than Cartwheel, and it can be combo’d into itself several times by cancelling it with :d::d::s: and doing it again. Slightly faster than Somersault, Flip Kick is often used in Somersault’s place if Somersault will not connect.
:qcf::h: - Arrow Kick - One of Jill’s wallbounces. One of Jill’s best moves for tacking on tons of damage on her combo since its hitstun is crazy enough that you can follow up in the corner despite having used your wallbounce. You can also cancel this move on whiff, block, or before the hit comes out with :d::d::s: for quick and tricky movement.
(in FC) - Jumping Roundhouse - Jill’s other wallbounce. This is a weird one, as it doesn’t have enough stun to even work as a wallbounce too late in the combo if you’re too far from the corner, yet it has very surprising reach that goes almost halfway across the screen, which may be unexpected since Somersault is the big threat seen when you’re in stance. You can take advantage of these effects as a remarkably effective frame trap. A few combos utilize this to squeeze in more damage.
:dp::h: - Position Exchange - Jill’s command grab. What the heck? They gave the fastest ground character in the game a command grab, and she can cancel her almost full-screen feral dash with it? Unbelievable. This move is extremely mean, yet totally slept on. Use it as part of your mix-up game to scare them into jumping–directly into your Somersault. You have a three-frame link to combo this with :l: or a snapback.
:qcf:+:atk::atk: - Machine Gun Spray (MGS) - Jill’s escape plan and combo finisher. Has invincibility from startup to frame 20, and most of the bullets will connect if you cancel Somersault with this, which is usually after :qcf:, so make sure you wait until the last minute; you want them to be as low to the ground as possible before using Somersault so that you jump right into them with MGS.
:qcb:+:atk::atk: - Mad Beast (3 bars) - Jill’s intimidating level 3 hyper. This game is often considered easy and lenient for a fighting game. Turn on Mad Beast and throw all of that thought out the window. Mad Beast is its own monster, and takes a bit of dedication to learn, but it makes everyone quake in their boots if you can pull it off. You lose the ability to move normally and are stuck in Feral Crouch to do feral dashes, but you can’t use any FC specials, which means no Somersault. Any worthwhile combo in Mad Beast will be combo’d into before activation, kill, and build back the meter you spent to use it. Has startup invulnerability.
:dp:+:atk::atk: - Raven Spike - Jill’s other combo finisher. Unless you botch Somersault into MGS, this hyper will almost never do more damage than MGS. Tiny characters with odd hitboxes can be exceptions, though. The only other reasons you would use this is if you either need a hard knockdown for a DHC, or you’re in Mad Beast and need to climax. Has a strange hitbox surprisingly high directly above her, angling down at a slope. Will cross up and connect at point-blank range.[/details]
Starter Pack
[details=Spoiler]The idea behind Jill’s combos is sort of a consummation of the philosophy behind everyone else’s combos: use as many powerful hits as possible while omitting the weaker ones whenever possible. Jill has a tough time dispensing damage; it’s taken a lot of work just to get her to a 700k average, but by cramming as many :h:'s and hard-hitting specials as possible, she’s done it. It’s amazing how much less scaling occurs with some of her specials. Try turning on Input Display during her combos for some Christmas fun. Before you get into that, though, you’ll want to grasp some basic skills crucial to pulling off and understanding her combos.
For the sake of continuity, let’s use Ryu as our training dummy. Try this basic jump loop:
:h: > c :h: > :h: > :d::d::s: > Somersault > :uf: > j :h: > j :s: > :uf: > j
> j
> j :h: > j :s: > :u: > j
> j
> j :h: > j :s: > :h: >
:h: > :qcf:
> Somersault > :qcf:+:atk::atk:
If you can pull this off, great. If not, then bear in mind a few tips and factors:
-While canceling into FC, you can hold an attack button to perform the corresponding special as soon as it’s ready.
-j :h: and j :s: have absurd hitstun for normal moves. You can and should delay them greatly to make sure you touch the ground as close to the end of j :s:'s hit as you can.
-Make sure you’re jumping as the notation says. If you deviate from those directions, you run a high chance of missing unless you’re in the corner.
All of that should net you 640k damage. If it didn’t, then you either didn’t delay the last Somersault long enough, or you did it in the corner. Don’t fret, you can still do it in the corner and get full damage. It’s an essential tactic, in fact. When you get comfortable with the first one, try this mild variation:
:h: > c :h: > :h: > :d::d::s: > Somersault > :uf: > j :h: > j :s: > :uf: > j
> j
> j :h: > j :s: > :u: > j
> j
> j :h: > j :s: > :h: >
:h: > :qcf:
> :d::d::s: > dash forward > :d::d::s: > Somersault > :qcf:+:atk::atk:
Feral Dash steals the corner and transforms the climax into a mid-screen combo. Pretty cool, right? Remember that it will only work if you cancel :qcf: with :d::d::s: when the victim is high enough to take some time to be ground-bounced, so don’t go practicing it on grounded dummies.[/details]
Paulo’s Bread and Butter and Overhead Confirms
Paulo’s bread and butters represent the laws of the hardest-hitting Jill combos. It is imperative to take what you can and apply them regularly.
Mid-Screen Version (703k, -1/2 meter)
:f::h: > j :qcf::l: > :h: > :h: > :d::d::s: > Somersault > :d::d::s: > Somersault > :d::d::s: > Roundhouse > :d::d::s: > dash forward > :d::d::s: > Somersault > :qcf::uf:
> Somersault > :qcf:+:atk::atk:[/details]
Corner Version (725k, -1/10 meter)
:f::h: > j :qcf::l: > :h: > :h: > :d::d::s: > Somersault > :d::d::s: > Somersault > :d::d::s: > Roundhouse > ( :d::d::s: ) > :qcf::h: > j :h: > j :s: > :h: >
:h: > :qcf:
> ( :d::d::s: > dash forward > :d::d::s: ) > Somersault > :qcf:+:atk::atk:[/details]
Dood’s Corner-to-Corner Overhead BnB (699k, -1/5 meter)
:f::h: > j :qcf::l: > :h: > :h: > :d::d::s: > Somersault > :uf: > j :h: > j :s: > :h: > :qcf::l: > :d::d::s: > Roundhouse > :d::d::s: > dash forward > Somersault > :qcf::uf:
> ( :d::d::s: > dash forward > :d::d::s: ) > Somersault > :qcf:+:atk::atk:
Tip: If you hold :h: after :qcf::l: starts, the Somersault will come out and land perfectly.[/details]
Dood’s Overhead BnB Sans Wallbounce (695k, -1/10 meter)
:f::h: > j :qcf::l: > :h: >

Tip: If you hold :h: after :qcf::l: starts, the Somersault will come out and land perfectly.[/details]
Somersault Confirms
With a move as amazing as this, it’s important to know how to get the best damage you can out of its confirmation.
Dood’s Somersault Bread and Butter (712k, -3/10 meter)
Somersault > :uf: > j :h: > j :s: > c :h: > :h: > :qcf::l: > Somersault > :d::d::s: > Roundhouse > :d::d::s: > dash forward > :d::d::s: > Somersault > :qcf::uf:
> ( :d::d::s: > dash forward > :d::d::s: ) > Somersault > :qcf:+:atk::atk:
Tip: If you hold :h: after :qcf::l: starts, the Somersault will come out and land perfectly.[/details]
Gangie’s Anti-Air Mod (711k, -2/5 meter)
Somersault > :uf: > j :h: > j :s: > :h: > :qcf::l: > Somersault > :d::d::s: > Roundhouse > :d::d::s: > dash forward > :d::d::s: > Somersault > :qcf::uf:
> ( :d::d::s: > dash forward > :d::d::s: ) > Somersault > :qcf:+:atk::atk:
Tip: Of course the timing for the three hits following Somersault will be dependent on the height you hit them from. Practice this a bit until you can comfortably sight-read impromptu when you should hit with j :h:, j :s: and :h:. It’s actually very easy.[/details]
Sans Wallbounce (680k, -1/5 meter)
Somersault > :uf: > j :h: > j :s: > :h: > :h: > :qcf::l: > Somersault > :uf: > j :h: > j :s: > :h: >
:h: > :qcf:
> ( :d::d::s: > dash forward > :d::d::s: ) > Somersault > :qcf:+:atk::atk:
(thanks to Yeah Dood 120% for the improvement) Original Post
I use this as part of my repertoire since I need the wallbounce to DHC to Frank’s shopping cart and get to Level 4 right away
Tip: If you hold :h: after :qcf::l: starts, the Somersault will come out and land perfectly.[/details]
Dood’s Zero Special (671k vs Zero, -2/5 meter)
Somersault > :uf: > j :h: > j :s: > :h: > :qcf::l: > Somersault > :d::d::s: > Roundhouse > :d::d::s: > dash forward > :d::d::s: > Somersault > :qcf::uf:
> ( :d::d::s: > dash forward > :d::d::s: ) > Somersault > :qcf:+:atk::atk:
A specialized Somersault confirm for Zero since they made him small and floaty on top of broken for no reason.
Tip: If you hold :h: after :qcf::l: starts, the Somersault will come out and land perfectly.
Original Post[/details]
Spaced Somersault Confirms
Use these for when Somersault confirms from too far to follow up with j :h:
Somersault to Roundhouse (676k, -2/5 meter)
Somersault > :d::d::s: > Roundhouse > :d::d::s: > dash forward > c :h: > :h: > :d::d::s: > Somersault > :uf: > j :h: > j :s: > :h: >
:h: > :qcf:
> ( :d::d::s: > dash forward > :d::d::s: > Somersault > :qcf:+:atk::atk:
NSR’s Modernized Flip Kick Loops (700k, -3/5 meter)
[details=Spoiler]Somersault > :d::d::s: > :qcf::l: > :d::d::s: > :qcf::l: > :d::d::s: > Somersault > :d::d::s: > Roundhouse > :d::d::s: > dash forward > :d::d::s: > Somersault >:qcf::uf: > ( :d::d::s: > dash forward > :d::d::s: Somersault > :qcf:+:atk::atk:
Tip: This is a bit of a toughie mid-screen. You’ll want to input :qcf:, yet delay pushing :l: until an appropriate late time so that you close that gap and keep the victim low. I find it helps to hold 6 in :qcf: while doing so. Also make sure to delay Somersault so that Roundhouse will connect
Original Post[/details]
NSR’s Ultimate Flip Kick Loop (~704k-725k, -1/2 meter)
only works on:
Hulk (727K)
Haggar (716K)
Iron Man (714K)
Sentinel (730K)
Somersault > [:d::d::s: > :qcf::l:] x4 > Roundhouse > :d::d::s: > Somersault > :qcf::uf: > Somesault > :qcf:+:atk::atk:
Tip: For this to connect and continue connecting, you will have to delay the :l: input in :qcf::l: so that you cancel mid-feral-dash to close the widening gap between you and the victim. This ramps up in difficulty as your victim shrinks in size. Start the flip kick reps slowly and gradually pick up the pace as hitstun degradation kicks in so that the victim does not get too high. If you feel they’re getting too high up, then just end the loop prematurely with :qcf:.
Original Post