So I see in the OP that Jill should be be getting at least 700k now in combos(solo) but has anyone posted a combo that does that damage starting from an M attack? Every combo I see breaking that much is starting from st.H, f+H, or somersault.
A good point, actually. I don’t think we have anything to reach 700k off of a standing confirm yet, but you can definitely get close if you just go straight to standing :h:, Somersault on confirm. I don’t think I’m the only one that hates standing
for its unreliability especially on smaller or crouching characters.
I’ll have to add a section for normal confirms in a little bit for sure.
Well you can start Paulo’s BNB with a M then do a jump Loop after both wall bounces and try to connect a H,4H,Cart.
However, the Cart ALWAYS seems to whiff. I don’t know why though. Maybe a H,4H,Somersault,TK Cart should work?
Also, great job keeping everything organized Gangie!
EDIT: Quick tip that I don’t think I mentioned to you guys. Jill can cancel her Forward/Back Feral Dash into her plink dash; making her move at incredible speeds.
Having X-23 allows my She-Hulk to avoid losing her wall bounce after using Clothesline in a combo if I use a Cross-Over Combination because X-23’s Rage Trigger keeps them in place long enough to avoid the wall bounce from She-Hulk’s Emerald Canon and then the Rage Trigger pops them back in the air just in time for Emerald Disaster to land. If I need to, I can follow the Cross-Over Combination with She-Hulk’s Torpedo + another Cross-Over Combination and do two Cross-Over Combinations in one combo because the Rage Trigger will keep the opponent in place again for some really easy damage.
:tup: BTW, nice Flip/Cart chipfinite. I can’t believe I never even thought about using that.
I actually modified Paulo’s BNB awhile ago for that very reason…
,:h:, Somersault, :qcf::uf::l: (don’t feral cancel the flip kick), :h: (Somersault), :d::d::s:,
(Jumping Roundhouse), :qcf::h:, j:h:, j:s:, :h:,
:h:, :qcf:
, :d::d::s:, :f: (Feral Dash), somersault, machine gun spray. -710,300 damage
Landing the Somersault, Flip Kick, Somersault then landing the Jumping Roundhouse is a little tricky because you have to delay the second Somersault as late as possible so that they won’t be too high for the Jumping Roundhouse to connect. But once you know the timing, it’s easy. Give me a second and I’ll use my phone and make a crappy video to show it… dood!
Just so I’m clear, by starting Paulo’s BnB, do you mean , :h:, :d::d::s:, Somersault, ( :d::d::s:, Somersault), :d::d::s:, Roundhouse, etc.?
The only reasons I’ve seen Cartwheel miss is because it’s too late in the combo so the stun doesn’t last long enough, or the victim is just too high for it to reach in time.
Thanks for the props and support. SRK has been extremely boring lately, so updating the thread has been the crux of my fun here, haha.
Yeah, M, H,22S,Somersault,22S,Somersault, Dood’s hidden post solves our issue with it though! It’s ironic, I was playing around with Somersault–>TK flip–>Cart–> Somersault to see if I could impeed her on Groundbounce, but never thought of altering Paulo’s BNB with it:tup:
Flip Kicks becoming more of an important move then I originally thought.
I was really hoping they would, actually. I like having to sift through more of the moves I have. Otherwise, it just feels like untapped potential lying in wait.
Oh, and Dood just reminded me: if anyone can get videos, even crappy videos so I can put them in the spoiler tabs for the combos, that would be the best thing as long as they’re not unbearably crappy. Videos make for the absolute best aid and support when it comes to learning this stuff.
Here you go:
Sorry about the crap quality, had to use my phone. Also, I did it from close to half a screen but you can use it in the corner too.
I’m thinking that after a ground bounce, you might be able to impede the recovery used from a second cartwheel if you cancel the cartwheel fast enough and land a low sweep before they hit the ground. I did it in a match online while in X-Factor 3 earlier today but I’m not sure if it’ll work without X-Factor 3. I can’t really test it right now because the d-pad on my controller is worn out pretty bad so I got to by another one. I may or may not be anything but I’ll look into it when I get a better controller. :wonder: Thanks to Jill & She-Hulk canceling, I’m on my 3rd PS3 controller… dood!
^ I completely smoothed out the Down button on my old controller before I got a new one thanks to Jill
Yeah, In xfactor 3 I know you could impede the ground bounce with either a Somersault or a Low sweep, but I still think there’s GOTTA be a way to do it without xfactor. I was getting closer and closer to impeeding the GB, but to no avail.
I tried it impeeding it with a Somersault, maybe a Low sweep would work?
Yeah, I’m also thinking low sweep can do it but the timing is going to be super strict. :wonder: And yeah, Jill and She-Hulk are a D-pads worst nightmare.
When I get a chance, I’ll record the combos that you posted from me for it. :bluu: They’ll be crappy quality though… dood!
Alrighty here you go, :bluu: more crappy phone videos :
Somersault BNB:
Somersault BNB without wallbounce:
Somersault BNB on Zero:
Just a slight note, I had the damage wrong last time, it’s actually 687,200 damage. Also, you get slightly more damage if you replace the :d::h: with a :h: (If you can replace that in the notations). Also, when doing the
:h:, don’t do it instantly when you land, delay it just slightly for the Jumping Roundhouse to land.
Paulo’s modified BNB:
I re-did this one with slightly better quality so I’m going to delete the other one… dood!
On an unrelated note, I was listening to some of my old Paris Match albums today while working out and this song came on…
:wonder: If I had recording software, I’d totally make a combo video with my Jill/X-23/She-Hulk team and use that song for it… dood!
Thanks so much, Dood, love you to death!
…oh boy… Just goes to show, you guys are awesome!
I just noticed that you don’t have a section for BNBs off of Jill’s :f::h: overhead, I’ll post mine if you want…dood!
Overhead BNB:
:f::h:, :qcf::l: (double knee drop), :h:, :h:, somersault, j:h:, j:s:, :h:, :qcf::l:, :d::d::s:,
(jumping roundhouse), feral dash, somersault, :qcf::uf:
(cartwheel), feral dash, somersault, machine gun spray. -699,300 damage
Overhead BNB without wallbounce:
:f::h:, :qcf::l: (double knee drop), :h:, :h:, somersault, j:h:, j:s:, :h: (late), :qcf::l: (don’t feral cancel the flip kick), :h: somersault, j:h:, j:s:, :h:,
:h:, :qcf:
(cartwheel), somersault, machine gun spray. -695,600 damage
Dood putting in that SERIOUS work!
Thanks man for making the thread even more organized! Great combos! Wish I had video equipment myself.
So Dood, I was trying so hard just now to get your Somersault BnB to work off an anti-air Somersault confirm since that happens very often. I could not for the life of me get it to work, however, so I made up my own mod that gets the tiniest bit less damage and meter (1k, 1/10 difference) yet also works off an anti-air.
Any thoughts, improvements or rebuttals?
Ninja posts, haha! Yes, Dood, I always want; from everyone, in fact. One question before I toss these up, though. I get the second one: good damage without a wallbounce; but why use the first one in place of the regular Paulo BnB?
Also, for the flip Kick portion of the post, you can do8 Flip Kicks, before hitstun prevents you from doing another.
:tup:Thanks just trying to help out. :shake: It looks like you, Gangie and I are only 3 here.
Awesome, nice mod Gangie. As for the other combo, I just posted it for range purposes. You can use it from one corner to the other corner and still land it, where as, the Paulo BNB works from only mid-screen. :wonder: I should probably mentioned that in the crappy phone video.
Also, one other thing I forgot to mention, it’s not practical and not even worth mentioning but if you add a :d::h:, :h:, flip kick, it’ll make the jumping roundhouse not wallbounce at full screen and you can feral dash, then feral dash up, or forward again or diagonal towards the opponent while they are landing for a mix up. But it’s really not a reliable option, just something to do or possibly I should look into improving and building upon it. Perhaps use a lock down assist on them while they’re falling? Well, it’s my bedtime, later… dood!
“Yeah, dood”…yeah indeed.
lol it’s crazy when you think about it.
It’s only been about 6 people who’ve created technology for Jill