I'm gonna bite your FACE! (official blanka thread)

Awesome post mixah, some real gold there.

I was about to notepad some notes on the fei long/blanka match, figured why not write it here.

Seems like it’s best to play pretty safe, try to bait jumpins and counter with an early vball. if he’s doing his QCFP punches, jump straight up lk beats those but don’t jump up lk too much or you’ll get punished. Don’t try to jump straight at him too much if he can reversal well, flame kicks beat most jumpins good. If you are going to jump in for a tick/combo, make it unpredictable or as a meaty deep crossup on wakeup (any merit for faking a crossup? seems better to be safe). Poking with c.mk and canceling into ball is great now, and gets you farther away so you can out-poke him. IMO you really only want to be balling against fei if you can do it safely, such as after a bufferable normal.

and geif, why not:

you want to be really careful in this match and poke geif from far away. It’s a good for blanka, but you have to be on your toes if your opponent is good. Back hop is great in general against gief, stuff like jump in HP then just backup - mix the hop with a few low forwards into whatever. Ball is great against geif but if he seems to be spamming lariat don’t even bother because you do NOT want him to knock you out of a ball (huge damage --> knockdown gg). If he’s spamming lariat do stuff like vertical jump roundhouse, jump towards roundhouse. j.jab beats tons of geif jumpins. I don’t think you really even need to s.mp AA geif unless they know the matchup super well. So overall just play it safe, panic HP ball is good when geif is being aggressive, get most of your damage though poking with normals (sweep, slide, low short/forward/j.feirce/j.roundhouse/j.hp/j.jab/j.lk (of course), and s.mp as AA if you space it right are your best normal tools here. )

Sorry if any of that’s been said, or if it’s inaccurate/ranty.

Anyone have some real good character specific shenanigans?

Great post, Mixah! Thanks for the info.

I use this a lot, but adding an lp for the extra “awesome”-factor :p.

j.lk cross, c.mk, s.lp, ball (or rainbow if it’s a srk happy opp. They do exist online…)
j.lk cross, c.mk, s.lp, hop [insert random stuff that hits]

Also, I find c.mk, s.lp alot easier to do than c.mk, c.mk. But lp is likely to miss if cross fails. Not an impossible hit though.

I’m also trying to find any links possible (just because… You never know):
s.mk (kick, not knees)

This is what I usually do at some point in just about every match. Try links, try this and that… The success rate and win count isn’t the important thing :smiley:

chun’s df+rh is not the same in this game; it never has to be blocked as a cross up, ever. also, you’re blanka. up ball that shit

fwiw, nohoho destroyed my chun at mwc. i didn’t have an answer to jump short when he was too close to trade with a fireball

I think that’s where nako got her jumping short kick from in cvs1! They work about the same!:woot::amazed::amazed::amazed::looney::rofl::wgrin:

Any tips vs DeeJay? I can’t do anything vs DeeJays that sit there mashing low strong, it hits everything I do (even balls, even the jab ball into bite). And of course upkicks if I jump in.

I tried down forward HP, but that actually seems to lose to lhis ow strong too :frowning:

this is from a previous post.

if all they’re doing is the c.lp and c.mp wall of defense… bait him to do an upkick… if you can manage to get a safe distance (about 45 degrees) from his upward spin kicks, and straight jump to bait that shit out, you can HK him and depending on where his animation is, will trade and you eat a max out chip and start over, OR you knock him down, you get the fuck in and bite him until you’re at the beef patties in his stomach.

Have you tried Short Rainbow Roll so you land just outside range of his cr.Strong in order to bait his Upkicks? How about Forward Hop? That shit has better low invincibility to get inside or maybe crossup and bite his noggin.

c.mp beats hop forward. and if they spam it, blanka is very limited on their options

lk rainbow roll does work though.

Crossup jumping short kick beats him aa clean from what i’ve seen/done to deejay’s. Once you are on him don’t stop.

I said that…

the crossup is good, but if they can react to up kick you before you’re high enough to be safe, then you’re fucked.

Any advice on what to follow up a bite with vs DJ? can’t crossup, can’t really jump in - unless I’m mistaken. usually I just meaty c.mk but I have a feeling this isn’t optimal.

walk in and bait a c.mp or c.hk

meaty c.mk isn’t optimal because it puts him at a distance where you have to start over again.

and then punish with what if I can bait a low strong? Just a low forward or something?

one thing meaty low forward is nice for though is to buffer it into hop --> bite/upball. As a rare shenanigan.

low strong… you gotta watch. if you see it coming, c.mk xx ball

if you see the sweep, expect a max out after it… if they do an upkick, this method is fucked - block c.hk ball.

and yes, the low forward is the easiest to counter.

i’ve said… this matchup is not in blanka’s favor at all. you need to play gimmicky and take risks in this fight.

general question: I’m always trying to jump at bison midscreen after a bite but a good bison I’ll see just jump back (and do some normal). If I try to hit him out of the air with a jumping jab but it always is just short. What should the wakeup games look like between bison/blanka after a bite?

if he wants to do his jumping shit, just throw a ball out there. you need to pay attention and work your reaction time up.

if he scissors, block and you get another bite… if he jumps forward, upball

just counter what he does.

if he stands there, hop in and bite… slide works too.

yeah but if I walk forward I won’t have charge :frowning: maybe with a 2x c.mk

edit one more question: is bite free after blocking scissor kicks from any range? seems like I can’t always get it, like if he does it shallow.

thanks mixah btw, you rock

i gave you different options there. i didn’t say use them together.

lol, I guess I’ve been reading that notation wrong for years, my bad.

Thanks for the advice, real gold. I’ll post some more questions/things I’ve noticed later.

well, i also should have said walk in OR bait…