I really like rainbow rolling into the bite. I’ve had a lot of success with it and if you keep mixing up your game you can sneak a RR into a bite with no problems. You can also beat out Dee Jays vertical kicks with a jumping fierce. I’d love to play some blanka matches if anyone catches me online.
Seems mostly useless, but Rainbow Roll can get the 3 hits if Blanka is cornered and the opp is right next to him. Multi-hitting LK RR also gives him bite opportunity.
Komoda is also one of the best Blanka players out there. It’s like showing Pony Zang videos and then saying Zang wasn’t weak in ST.
What’s the timing/spacing on that? Is it specific or loose?
I’ve never been hit out of jumping backwards and short kick against honda super! The only time I get hit is when is miss time my jump and I land before the super hits me. Or if I jump towards him and uses the super as anti air. I find rushdown special throwing honda harder to fight against than couching tiger hidden turtle honda. :lol:
It cool to have respect for players, but to start playing with a character because I saw a vid of a top player is a reason I will NEVER understand. Maybe if this was basketball and you like jordan so you based your game around him. I guess I understand it if that how you look at it sir. I wouldn’t but I understand now. The reason why I started playing with blanka is because I played with “The Amazon” on the old NEC game called “Pro wrestling”. He was green and his throw was the “face bite”. I’m pretty sure the creators of sf2 play “pro wrestling” and made their own version of “the amazon” in sf2 and called him blanka! He’s even from brazil just like “the amazon”! Damn I’m old as fuck! :lol: Some of you guys weren’t alive when that game was released. Ya’ll was still swimming in your daddys balls! :lol:
He wasn’t. Zangief beat Ryu and Ken 6-4, for crying out loud (and still does). There are plenty of videos on YouTube of Zangief taking names (e.g. Jodim vs. Alex Valle and Kuni Funada vs. Alex Valle).
In a match with players of equal skill, Blanka can OWN. The Komoda videos clearly show that. (By contrast, I have yet to see top Cammy players owning players as good as they who use other characters.)
If you suck and you are matched vs. people who don’t suck, then yes, you WILL lose with Blanka (as opposed to your sucking and still being able to pull out some wins with O.Sagat or Claw or Boxer).
K proving Blanka isn’t low tier in classic ST is not really the point of this thread but whatever. We all suck compared to them any ways.
Oh and Komoda is good. Uses my color too.
That worked in ST also. No one used it because his super sucked in ST.
I played for about an hour last night, just beating up on scrubs because I’m a bully like that. I got way too much mileage out of dumb hop forward tricks. It’s all sheninigans but so far, I think Blanka is a dirty little rodent in this version.
Derek Daniels
NONO, I don’t mean I wanted to be like him. Thing is, I used to think Blanka was just balls and bites… nothing special. Then I saw crossups with hops, random ass shit with s.lk and j.lk, hop forward vertical ball shennanigans… and i’m like… “oh shit… this is my kind of character”
i stopped playing ST from 99 - 2k8 just because I couldn’t find a character I liked… then in March, I saw that video and I was like WTFZ!
first, i’d just like to thank you guys. before reading this thread i was getting crushed by hondas and giefs, but now i beat them a good 80% of the time. it was just a matter of knowing the matchup and this thread informed me on the counters i needed.
with that being said, the things i’m having trouble with now are:
a GOOD shoto (they exist) who knows how to zone with fireball/sweep/jab DP. if komoda can beat daigo (he has) i know there’s a way through this. i just can’t seem to find it.
a good keepaway dhalsim who zones with limbs/yoga and uses drill to stuff jump ins.
chun’s head stomp.
any combos. sometimes they link, sometimes they don’t. it’s gotten so finicky i’ve just been using tick throws instead because at least they’re reliable.
- Good shotos… every shoto player that I’ve played that I called good play differently. Few pointers:
- Don’t make a habit of jumping forward over fireballs. Get in about half screen, BAIT the fireball and j.hk his arms. It’s seriously, cat + mouse games. You NEED to bait fireballs for j.hk’s and bait dp’s for free balls. if either have a super, play extremely safe and don’t do anything that can be countered, even 1/5th of the time. You’ll regret it. if they jump in hk, you can block… or you can be creative and rememebr that the beginning of his back hop is invincible… back hop and play with them. Something I do a lot is back hop, then hop back in and bite, or back hop and counter their attempt at a fireball with an hp ball that hits before their fireball animation is over… or if they want to do a DP, wait and slide… if they are smart and will try to walk in and fuck bait you into their DP… remember that blanka and sim have the longest range normal throws in the game… you can bite them if they’re within their jab range… There’s a lot you can do here. Make sure you watch their legs and see what’s going on before you make your choice.
- Keepaway Dhalsim… OK, I’m CONVINCED this matchup is 10/0 Sim… Not to say he’s completely unbeatable, but it takes a lot of work. If they’re baiting you to ball and they will counterattack… Just don’t ball. lol. Seriously though. I almost NEVER ball a keepaway dhalsim EXCEPT lp ball to move in SOMETIMES, or if it will kill. Keep two things in mind… if they drill you from afar, s.mp and sim’s throw has the same distance as blanka’s. you can counter his throws about half the time, if they don’t do it properly. Your ball can get out of it too sometimes, but you might eat an hp for that. RealDecoy told me this thing he does… he’ll do a super from full screen to bait a yoga fire… the screen will go all slow and really weird and shit… then he just does an HP ball reversal, and it literally comes out of fucking nowhere. You can’t see the shit… BUT… I dunno how good that would work in a real fight. tried it twice, and I got punished for it… once with a reversal super… wasn’t fun. This is a very hard fight to say the least.
Chun is his other really horrible matchup. If you don’t have to worry about headstomps, j.lk, fireballs, c.mk, and s.mp all will wreck you. The headstomps, block, back-hop, vertical ball. should do the trick most of the time. YOU NEED TO KEEP MOVING in this fight. You might not have a chance to charge much, but take advantage of s.mp, s.lk (has nice range), c.mk, j.lk. You can counter a j.lk with a hop forward vertical ball.
combos: basic shit…
j.hp, c.mk, c.mk xx ball
j.lk crossup, c.mk xx vball (just a little easier than changing your charge direction… haha)
electric, super (hold) hit meaty crossup style (takes time to learn the timing for this, so practice mode will be your friend), c.mk xx vball
other stupid shit to deal damage (don’t tick the same way every time. be creative)
go near them when they’re down, BEFORE THEY WAKE UP, crossup hop, vertical ball. Most of the time, it won’t be blocked, and you NEED to be in ball mode before they wake up, but hit them as they wake up, or you will be thrown.
electric, super, release super meaty BUT DONT CROSSUP (you should only do 4 chips instead of 5). The thing that makes blanka pop up is getting the fifth hit, blocked or hit), throw… yes, you’re using a super to tick throw
after the bite, you can do a few things… slide (can be reversal’ed by DP, Flame Kick, and a few others), hk rainbow roll (if they don’t do shit when they get out of the throw, you’ll crossup, but this can be punished by every character in every way… so do it if you will win with it (and have a lot of life in case they predict and punish)… super immediate hp ball will crossup hit, but once again, can be punished… and my personal favorite: hop forward and throw again. LMAO
a few other harder combos / mixups that you can work on…
j.hp, s.lp, b+mp 1 hit, ball - cancel the headbutt into ball. you need to start charging as soon as you jump, and getting the headbutt after the jab takes practice. does nice damage though (I think 60% or so). I mostly do it without the s.lp, because it’s easier, and it’s easier to cancel the headbutt too.
j.hp, s.lp xx electric (then you can do some of the super shenanigans I mentioned before
j.hp, c.mk, c.mk xx ball
j.hp, c.mk xx hop forward, bite
all those can be done with any of his jump-in attacks (lk, hp, hk, mk are most common, I believe)
j.lk crossup, c.lk xx hop forward (crossup), c.mk xx vertical ball is one of my personal favorite ways to deal damage… I can’t ever get the shit on GGPO though.
Nice post Mixah. I’m too lazy for such a breakdown so you’re input is much appreciated.
I agree that Sim is HARD. Don’t know about 10-0 but damn near close to it. Also, a patient turtle DJ that knows what he’s doing is also a bitch to get in on. I have some tricks for getting in but it’s still very difficult matchup. But, once you’re in on him, you gotta finish him off. Up close, Remix Blanka’s mixup has gotten very very good.
errr… nevermind this shit… i was doing something else that i’m not getting into right now
Yea a good turtle deejay can be a bitch to fight against. Not as bad as a good sim, chun li, or feilong imo, but still nasty.
I still think DJ, Sim, and Chun are the worst fights…
I gave up hope on ever beating NKI, Afro, or Cole
an average chun raped my blanka 15 straight, and i came back with cammy, using only basics and it was about 9/6 him… wtf is that shit? lol
cole double perfected me 3 times in a small set…
and furious keys just owns me the fuck up with dj…
i still haven’t played a fei that hurts me badly… any suggestions of people to play? GGPO or XBL?
Actually I almost beat NKI during Evo 2k7. Granted it was on the iffy port of CCC ST but hey…I’ll take what I can get. His Chun is mad good though and I had trouble getting even one win on him during casuals at Final Round. I feel I might do slightly better against him now but it’s still a bit of an uphill match either way and I still honestly don’t understand it fully.
What I have learned to do is just be patient when she zones with fireballs and don’t walk forward at her unnecessarily when she has meter. Mainly because your walking forward animation leaves you open to get supered for free. You have to be standing still or blocking to not get hit by her super activation. Good Chuns stick to the ground in this matchup but if you ever catch Chun jumping forward at you with j.LK I found well timed pimp smack beats it clean (vertical j.HP). Other than that…I just try to take advantage of any knockdown opportunities I get since she doesn’t have a super strong DP type move and just stay patient through the fireballs.
BTW do you have to block her df+HK command overhead the same way you did in old ST?
I hear DJ is tough but I haven’t run into anyone who’s given me serious problem with him. Sim…yeah he’s tough for everyone except a couple.
so akuma is really good. antiair demon is scary. juggles are scary. air fb is scary. anyone got good stuff against him yet?
Hop forward under his air fireballs and bite him?
with raging demon… just be careful… don’t ball (at all), don’t jump too much… you’ll be fine. He’s like playing any other shoto, just be more cautious when he gets meter.
the d/f+HK thing is the same in this game.
DJ - play furious keys on GGPO. his counters my Blanka really well. Also, I want to watch this fight…
Good shit against NKI… you’re definitely better than me at that matchup… but seriously, there’s few good chun’s on GGPO… so yeah.
I’ll read this tread when I have time but I jsut picked up blanka 2 seconds ago he is hella fun to use I think he’ll be my 3rd main so if someoen can post some basics I’d appreciate it.
Several hondas raped me just now is it just me or is this a bad match for monster?
read the thread. yes, the entire fucking thread.
there’s stupid tips on beating honda (it’s a problematic matchup for shitty players only, unless you’re fighting kusumondo or something)
and there’s basics all over this thread.