I'm gonna bite your FACE! (official blanka thread)

I dunno. I can counter feis. just gotta wait shit out. Sorry I didn’t mention that blanka has a lot more shit that Fei can punish. But there’s a lot of bait traps that you can use. I never said Blanka counters Fei. But it’s not like fighting Dhalsim…


DJ… I personally believe turtle DJ will beat Blanka 10-0… c.lp rapids can’t be hit by anything… j.lp owns him up… and don’t you dare jump in.

there’s two ways I found to deliver damage… it’s really your only hope, I think…

get a good distance away while he’s c.lp (make sure he’s not going to max out) and lp ball, c.hk… that should hit or trade with c.lp… if that doesn’t work… try it again?

if you see him j.lp, jump up and bitch slap him

that’s about all that I know to fight a turtle ass DJ.

Personally, I think his absolute worst matchups are Dhalsim, Chun, DJ, Boxer… Then hard matchups are Fei, Ryu, Ken… Nearly even matches are Guile, Cammy, Honda, Dictator, T.Hawk… matches in Blanka’s favor are Gief and Claw… I have no comment on Sagat, as I’ve never played a good one yet… or at least I don’t think I have… no way can Sagat be easier than Ryu.

If they’re coming right over you, just block it. Nothing you can do. If they do a short one, slide. It avoids the kick and it hits. If they’re coming over you, you’ll slide under them, and you’ll eat a combo. If you see that shit coming or predict it correctly, jump straight up and you can HP him out of the chicken wing.

BTW: Decoy speaks the fucking truth. I constantly alternate games now, so I don’t mix up my shit.

Add me,
But when I played, the rainbow balls are sick, get nice and close to people, and if you hop back, most people shit themselves.
-I hoped the hop went through fire balls, but nooooo!

thanks for the tips!

Gotta say i find myself jumping up and down a lot doing lk vs fei!

it’s only punishable by about two of fei’s moves. (flame kicks and super). by the time somebody starts up a chicken wing, you’re probably landed and can block, and if i recall, it beats most of his normals (i think he has a kick that it doesn’t beat)

and sosage, i don’t think it’s a weaker move, just proportaionally, it is… I think everybody’s jump in’s got better… or it could just be the human brain fucking with shit because of hte different screen.

haven’t read through the thread, dunno if somebody’s posted this stuff or not:

i think everybody already knows the standard post-blanka ball follow ups:

  • jump (over fireballs into death combo)
  • fierce blanka ball again
  • slide

to add to that, walking back like a single pixel after a blanka ball perfectly sets up whiff jab ball -> grab against most characters

same with after a bite: walk back a pixel, jab blanka ball -> bite again

i dunno if blanka had this in regular st, but he can also do jab ball -> super to mix it up, similar to how balrog does whiff upper -> super (strong ball works also)

random note: i’ve gotten a bug to happen once where the post-electricity effects lingered on the opponent’s sprite for the entire match. between rounds too

blanka can also do a buffed up crossup…

P1 side near P2 corner

sweep + charge down left, right + hp (crossup whiffed), left + hp

if you’re in tehr ight spot, blanka will do his little hop for his super and will cross back up to the P1 side. on most characters that it works on (wont work on gief, sagat, hawk, and honda - or at least i can’t get it to work on them), it’s inconspicuous enough that they’ll wake up holding left, to block as though you crossed them up.

I’m never not doing that in the Honda matchup.

I’ll have to try the walk back ball stuff. Oh and yeah…a few people have already reported about the Rogue like absorption of Blanka’s electricity on character sprites.

love the new blanka. his rolls are good now and his electricity is easier.

Someone (I think Atmos) had some fancy shenanigans for me with short rainbow roll -> throw today. Now that I know to look out for that stuff it’ll probably be less effective, but it’s good to see that Blanka’s new moves fit in well with his general trickiness.

MK chickenwing beats all of blanka’s air attacks. I’ve went through them all and i will get juggled by the chickenwing into the hk firekick for the 4 hit juggle combo. I tried to smack him. I tried to short kick him. I tried to mp and jp or mk him and none of them beat the MK chickenwing. forward/medium kick Chickenwing >>>>vs blanka attacks in the air. I’ll try different spacing to see if the tip of the hand can smack the chickenwing, but that shit seems like a losing effort. That match is prolly 65-35 in feilongs favor. Not 50/50. Your best weapon against feilong is jab roll bite or low forward 2 in 1 into the beast leap and bite. Pretty much you have to bite his face too win since doing random BB will get you killing imo.

Ok… good honda players. Ones that don’t let you j.short for free and that turtle into sumo fortresses. The honda player does nothing but ochio you, HHS you on knockdowns and laugh at your j.shorts with smart headbutts.

I’m talking about honda players that know Blanka’s tricks.

So fucking frustrating.

I was fustrated also before I learned how to beat a super turtle honda. In hd remix you can jumping short kick his super headbutt!!!:looney::looney::looney: Jump short kick works very well and if they sit there you can sit there 2.:looney::rolleyes::rolleyes: 1 hit with the short kick and you win. You don’t have to attack. I know it sucks to sit there for 99 seconds, but if you are playing one of those types of players then they USUALLY don’t like it when you do it back to them.:wink::wink::wgrin:

i can j.lk and s.lk his super headbutt in ST also. if you try to j.lk into a good honda, you’ll get LP headbutt in your face and you can’t do shit, or they let you land and you get ochio

if you know how to stand outside of ochio’s range (which is slightly away from blanka’s throw range) you can c.lk and s.lk him safely. this can let you trick him into letting you walk in and bite. that’s the only real way to get into a completely turtle honda that plays a smart turtle.

Just to let you know, if Honda does super and you do jumping short and you trade, Honda can mash jands and juggle with hands. Yep, hands juggle. Unfortunately for Honda this is only useful in case of trades, presumably because normally the super and hands both have too much recovery for this to work.

i’ve hit him out of the super before when playing my random 100 game sets with guru on ggpo… so i dunno.

Yeah I’m not saying you can’t hit him out of the super, you can. I’m just saying trying to do that can be kinda risky, since if you accidentally trade you’re gonna take pretty considerable damage and Honda’s gonna be able to set up whatever kind of meaty situation he wants on you.

I think he’s saying if you trade. That doesn’t happen that often. j.short should beat super clean unless you mess up.

depends on the hit then, gotcha. i thought you meant it always trades, which isn’t the case.

USUALLY, i can just react and s.lk him out of it. it’s usually less safe, but i’m more comfortable with it.

the j.lk, i think needs to connect at the very tip of his foot.

For anyone who still thinks that Blanka was weak in classic Super Turbo:


Komoda’s the reason i picked blanka as my main, after seeing this:
