I dunno. I can counter feis. just gotta wait shit out. Sorry I didn’t mention that blanka has a lot more shit that Fei can punish. But there’s a lot of bait traps that you can use. I never said Blanka counters Fei. But it’s not like fighting Dhalsim…
DJ… I personally believe turtle DJ will beat Blanka 10-0… c.lp rapids can’t be hit by anything… j.lp owns him up… and don’t you dare jump in.
there’s two ways I found to deliver damage… it’s really your only hope, I think…
get a good distance away while he’s c.lp (make sure he’s not going to max out) and lp ball, c.hk… that should hit or trade with c.lp… if that doesn’t work… try it again?
if you see him j.lp, jump up and bitch slap him
that’s about all that I know to fight a turtle ass DJ.
Personally, I think his absolute worst matchups are Dhalsim, Chun, DJ, Boxer… Then hard matchups are Fei, Ryu, Ken… Nearly even matches are Guile, Cammy, Honda, Dictator, T.Hawk… matches in Blanka’s favor are Gief and Claw… I have no comment on Sagat, as I’ve never played a good one yet… or at least I don’t think I have… no way can Sagat be easier than Ryu.
If they’re coming right over you, just block it. Nothing you can do. If they do a short one, slide. It avoids the kick and it hits. If they’re coming over you, you’ll slide under them, and you’ll eat a combo. If you see that shit coming or predict it correctly, jump straight up and you can HP him out of the chicken wing.
BTW: Decoy speaks the fucking truth. I constantly alternate games now, so I don’t mix up my shit.