so fei long v blanka…whats ghood
be patient. fei has a lot of things you can punish.
Rainbow Roll qualifies, but I personally don’t ever do it as an on-demand anti-air i.e. it connects on someone who just happened to jump when I’m doing it.
Against Fei’s flying kick, are jump back attacks more effective counters? The Vert Balls I do against it are pretty inconsistent. Sometimes I win; sometimes he wins; sometimes we trade.
I second the request for Bison tips. Jumping in general seems good, but I have a hard time countering crushers and scissors (any oki pressure from him in general really).
Speaking of rainbow roll, are you guys using it yet? Most of the Blankas I see online never use it, but it seems like an effective attack. Maybe not so effective for getting in in the first place, but once you’re within footsie range, it seems like a solid way to preemptively beat fireballs etc.
I use it a good bit, but I primarily use it as a get-in tool. It going over fireball and being anti-air are nice bonuses for that.
But I’m still trying to get more comfortable with it. And I’m trying to find/practice some workable gimmicks, such as:
-whiff into bite/combo/elec
-mid range whiff into ball or sweep
-post-knockdown crossups (or if they’d even be worth it)
I’d still like a consistent way to get it to connect twice. Every time it happens it was some uncommon situation where the opp was moving forward at really close range.
Yeah I’ve found some funny stuff with it. Outside of the obvious wilin out on players who throw fireballs at bad times…it’s good to add to poke strings and what not. Real Decoy brought this up earlier but the LK and MK rainbow rolls will make his up close game that much scarier. Especially when the opponent is already worried about walk up throw/sweep mix ups. The LK rainbow roll after a string when close lands you usually without much disadvantage right in front of the person where you can start another string…walk up throw, walk up command dash to throw/vert blanka ball, low poke whatever. The mixups will get insane when people really start messing with em.
In the corner the LK and MK rainbow rolls seem effective also as a safe way of keeping people in the corner who don’t have DP’s or a real way to punish your ball without meter. I was able to lock some Dic players in the corner with some poke strings and then as soon as they would try to jump or headstomp out of the corner I would LK or MK rainbow roll which would hit them and drop them right back in the corner.
I’ve also gotten it to work like mentioned earlier where it’ll hit multiple times. If you get it to start to hit the person as it’s flying over their head it’ll start to cross them up and do more hits. On big characters like T.Hawk I’ve gotten 3 hits on them before I fall to the ground. Usually you’re not at too bad of a disadvantage after this so you can go for more shenanigans afterwards. Random.
Warning…Long random ass ranting below.
As far as the Fei Long matchup…it is tough. I played some games with Chemistren82 on 360 and he would use Fei as a counter pick for my Blanka. It’s a tough match. Chicken Wing (forward moving aerial spin kick/flying kick special) beats out any Blanka ball during most of the duration of the move, he can punish with a FULL REKKA chain if you HIT him with a Blanka ball etc. Taking 40 percent damage for hitting someone with a special is not cool. His fire kick DP is decent and gives him an extra way of keeping you out but you can easily trade with it or snuff it out if you jump in deep and there’s enough time to sweep him if he whiffs or you block it.
Basically like said above…be patient in the matchup. Play Blanka as if he doesn’t have Blanka balls. It was tough for me because I love to use Blanka ball shenanigans. Only use a Blanka ball if you think he won’t punish in time or if the Blanka ball will end the round.
Just stick to using basic pokes like c.MK, sweep and the occasional df+HP slide from far range. Fei’s j.LP beats Blanka ball and a good bit of your air moves clean so you’ll have to stay grounded unless you catch him making a big mistake. s.MP is a hella good AA against him though and I was able to use it to snuff him out everytime he jumped at me. Once you get a knockdown you can get a little more tricky but again try to stick to non Blanka ball combos. cross up j.LK, s.MP to whatever, jump in whatever, s.MP, c.MK etc. Most of Blanka’s low pokes and df+HP slide seemed to beat random rekka so if you see Fei getting into a pattern of throwing rekkas from a distance to scare you you have those available. s.MP also seemed to beat Chicken Wing clean the few times I used it against it.
Once you get in or get a knockdown try to get some throws in as well. If the Fei player is good at blocking this is your only other way of dealing serious damage in the matchup. Which is good cuz Blanka’s bite does a lot. If you can get in at the start of the round and throw him first thing…you’ll take away 30-40 percent life on the first throw if they aren’t mashing immediately. Then you’re in the lead. The best way to win in a bad matchup is to have a health lead. Then it’s up to the opponent to move in and take advantage of a good matchup that is no longer in their favor and force them to take more risks. Which then the advantages you have in the matchup will be able to be put into easier use. I’m a one character kinda player so it makes that much more sense for me to learn bad matchups. Especially since much all characters in this game will have a matchup that they just won’t necessarily win for free or have to work considerably harder to win.
I wasn’t counter picking it. I was rotating between gief, fei, and ken. Just so happened that most of the time we played it was fei’s turn in the rotation lol.
LOL. I forgot the game has blind pick. I was like dayum…this guy knows Fei hurts Blanka. Not that I care about counter picks any ways. It’s just part of the game and ultimately makes you better when you understand how to deal with a counter match. I know playing as Gief you have it uphill in enough matchups. Do you feel he has a better time getting in or keeping people out or are his matchups similar as before?
Oh and also…what was up with you just not hitting any buttons during certain matches? I’m sure some of the players in the room thought you were giving mercy rounds or some shit. Hell I wouldn’t mind a mercy round in that Fei matchup.
Wow, 3 hits? I definitely want to find at least one trick with it. The times that I’ve had it happens, the opp froze up, but so did I. I know I could have bit them.
How many bites can Blanka get? What’s the trick? When I mash, I get eight half the time. I think I can count on one hand the times I’ve gotten nine. Unless I’m close to winning a round, I usually just do the regular default seven so I don’t mess up the timing on my followups cuz of my inconsistent bite mashing.
I got 3 hits with a rainbow roll on ken.
I’ve been trying to pick up blanka. I’ve found basic ticks like the ones in r3ko’s video quite helpful: [media=youtube]yd1EM-ViZl4[/media]
on a radom note, vs DJ after a bite attack, I’ve found that jump jab pressed early seems to hit his anti air upkicks, whereas jump short gets hit. This helps a lot for maintaining pressure after a bite.
Rainbow roll is nice. I use it every chance I get. DevilJin touhed upon something that I’ve been testing. In the corner, LK rainbow roll mixups are 2 good vs Dic and maybe a few others. If you do a LK RR after a S. MP, C. MK you practically get a free throw if you just hold forward and FP. I’m assuming it could be countered but the recovery is so fast that you better be quick with the reflexes.
Is it just me, or is close s.strong not as reliable as OG ST Blanka? I feel like I am getting the over-claw a lot more in situations where I should get just the long arm poke. Just feeling out if I am the only one. I may need to adjust my shenanigans for this version.
I like this combo plus it’s sorta easy timing
Cross up LK > close standing MP > close standing b or f+MP
do you guys ever use the ball after the bite? i used a hp one and ended up right behind the guy as he landed which led to another bite. its inconsistent though.
You are wrong sir. FL is a natural counter character to blanka! He has everything to counter blanka. couching FP beats all of his attacks clean. You can’t use special mooves against him because the rekka’s take 45% life from you! That’s if you hit him with the ball or if he blocks the ball you still eat 45% rekka. You can’t use the rainbow. Matter of fact i’m willing to say the rainbow may be a little bit better in hd remix, but it’s still useless imo. ONLY SCRUBS get tricked by the rainbow ball.
Every good player I have tried to use the rainbow ball they have either dp me or sweep me as I land. That shit is for beating scrubs only. If he didn’t hop back then it would be a good move, but to a good player they will see that shit and punish you. Remember you lose more damage when you get hit out of the ball people. THAT will be $25 for the blanka 101 lessons.:rolleyes::wgrin:
Yea I try that all the time when I want to lost 37% on a counter DP! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Don’t do that shit anymore man. It will get you killed for free against good players. If you don’t crossup and they block they can combo you for atleast 50% because when you do a meaty blanka ball you don’t bounce back far like you do on a normal blocked blanka ball. You land right in front of your foes! That’s not a good idea imo.
Yeah Fei is just not an easy match for Blanka. However tough it was in regular ST it went up like another 3 stars of difficulty in this game. You have to play a very basic game just to survive against Fei. I think with time people will figure out some shenanigans that will work in the matchup but as long as the Fei player is on point it’s a good bit uphill. Definitely still winnable IMO but you just definitely gotta work harder.
About the HP Blanka Ball mixup…it’s nothing more than a real crazy shenanigan that Blanka has and yeah it’s only gonna work for you like once in a blue moon. It’s best to use when the opponent is near the corner or if you’re feeling tricky and want to move out of the corner after a successful bite. You really have to see the opponent pop up high enough and execute it quick enough or you’re done. It’s a nice random mix up near the corner and probably best to do when the opponent’s back isn’t touching the wall so they’re more likely to pop up in the air. Which will give you a better cross up success rate.
You’ll just have to be careful against characters with DP’s or quick executing specials or supers since they’ll more than likely try to press buttons out of reaction to the crazy mix up. You’re probably better off just blocking once you land in the corner and watch them do something stupid and punish. If they don’t do anything then you can try counter poking back or command dashing and putting them back in the corner for more pressure. It’s actually not bad to do if you’re in a health lead and about to win the match. All you gotta do after the ball cross up is walk up and throw and they’re done.
Random note about Akuma: some of you may already have figured this out but Akuma’s Raging Demon can’t grab airborne moves. So if you’re fighting Akuma and you anticipate that he’s going for a Demon you can horizontal Blanka Ball through the Raging Demon. Not sure if this works after a tick or on reversal but if he’s not right next to you and goes for Demon you should go right through it.
I’m sorry man, but I disagree with 95% of what you said here. My boss is coming so I will be back in a bit to give you my reasons.
what normal beats/trades with chicken wing?
i don’t normally struggle overtly vs fei, its pretty easy to bite him once you’re in and bait reversal flames.
about the RR, i dunno if its useful, i’m not sold on it yet, but i haven’t played since last time i played you decoy so i haven’t got much time in since then to mess about with it
On the surface, Fei is a tough matchup for Blanka for the reasons stated but I still think that Blanka wins simply beacuse he does not need to horz ball in this fight. Jumping straight up LK owns most of Fei’s jump-in attacks and Fei gets pimp smacked for anything else he tries in the air. Also, rainbow roll is the perfect weapon for Fei beacuse it allows for many setups.
Last night I fought Valle’s Fei with Blanka and he lost both matches with guess what? The Rainbow Roll.
I also played Scoot Magee last night (sick Ryu fake-outs BTW) and I caught him a few times with RR into bite. This is the new MP horz ball into bite. This makes Blanka’s ground game crazy scary.
I think some people try and play Blanka like ST Blanka and they are missing the benefits of what Remix Blanka brings to the table. Don’t sleep on the RR.
Advice on fighting a Deejay who knows what he’s doing? Sitting on upkick charge while throwing out c. jabs or shorts, I don’t know what the fuck to do to counter. I read the ST thread and it said to run away and jump over fireballs from max range and then j. jab or fierce, depending on what deejay tries to do, but that seems to assume he comes to attack.
It probably the only matchup in the game where I feel like a total retard.