I'm gonna bite your FACE! (official blanka thread)

AY Mixah, were do you play?

Also, I’m new not new to fighting games, but I’m new to breaking them down, it’s hard.
But today I almost threw my stick at my tv…
DOes ken Rape Blanka in priority? and it’s not fun playing against shotos that lag…

i play on GGPO mostly

as for shotos… yes, they hurt blanka… horrible matchups, but not unwinable.

every time they hurricane, you should have free balls.

I have free balls.

and I honestly think only elite shotos give Blanka a hard time. I bully 90% of the scrub shotos on XBL.

So one match I’ve been working on a lot here lately is Blanka vs. Blanka, out of necessity. Everyone keeps picking Blanka online.

If you mash on Electricity at the beginning of the round - it beats the other Blanka trying to do ball. It does a grip of damage also since it’s counter hit damage.

Almost always block the ball high, this lets you counter quicker. The strategy that I’ve been trying to implement is push the other blanka into the corner as soon as possible. Once he is in the corner - you can punish every blocked blanka ball (even if blocked low - which lets you stay charged for up ball if he jumps). From there it’s just a slow death for the other Blanka IMO. All he can really do is try to play footsies or go from some hop trickery which you should be able to react to.

Derek Daniels

didn’t know you should block the ball high, good stuff. Am I mistaken in that I saw blanka still able to punish a hit ball with another ball?

Help with guile.

How do blanka fight guiles? I keep hearing its a easy fight but i find turtle guiles just as hard as deejay.

slide under sonic booms…

bait flash kicks… and punish with balls…

that’s it really…

it’s not an EASY fight… but it’s easier than DJ by a long shot. Mostly because guile’s game is more about sonic booms than DJ’s is about Max Outs…

Guile’s punish options (eg flash kick) don’t hurt as much as up kicks…


There’s not much else to it… Just look at it as DJ with more openings. Learn to use his slide… Also, you can punish C.hk easily… and you can hop over his crouching kicks (unlike DJ), so you can get easy bites… that’s all.

Thanks for tips, Mixah. Defensive Honda and Gief in general still give me problems, but I just need to stop sucking and also learn to play a lot simpler than I’m used to.

Any tips on how to fight Claw? Not just Blanka-only tips but basics against his wall diving tricks (I hate asking for answers to basic shit).

if your having trouble with gief dont forget cr.hp, it beats his sweep at most ranges i believe, just dont whiff it cause he can sweep you if you do that

remember, vs gief stay away! dont play bite games, up close, reversal spd = pain in the membrane

I’m with you on that. I’ve found DJ and Shotos to be my worst matchup. Beating bad players on XBL doesn’t count.

I played a good 3 match set with DGV’s ryu, and had a very hard time with his following strategy:

He stands there doing low jab, which hits my ball, my hop, and my d/f slide.

So my options are reduced to jump in or walk forward. Jump in is terrible since I eat a DP into a crossup setup, so I rarely do that. That leaves me with walk forward. This is tough because of ryu’s fierce FB – it’s very fast, and Blanka is a very fat character that gets hit on the way up (I think he actually MUST be blocking before the FB comes out or else he’ll get hit). So there’s a tough range for blanka where he’s just out of range of low fierce where fierce fireballs can’t be jumped over on reaction. I find it very difficult to get past fierce FB … hesitate… fierce FB.

I was able to get the occasional “lucky” jump in, where I do good damage, but I felt lucky. Obvious shenanigans follow, but I still just ended up losing on fierce fbs. Also, I really don’t like the “jump in and hope he was going to throw a fireball otherwise I eat a DP and setup” strategy. I want a more solid gameplan. The rounds that I won felt “lucky” (as in I won because he screwed up, not because I had a solid strategy).

I wish this game supported replays so I could just post them :frowning:

Ken is also tough but at least my low fierce trades with his fireball… where ryu’s beats it clean. That’s really the clincher where I just don’t know what to do to get in.

Tips? Thoughts?


defensive honda… it’s all about experience… learn what works for you and what doesn’t. the shit that works for me wont work for most.

A big part of my game is using his standing short kick. I can knock honda out of his headbutt with it. I make my opponent know that they can’t safely do headbutts against me. now, as far as his attempts at zoning, use a horizontal ball to prevent yourself from being cornered and Ochio ticked. That’s about the only universal tips you can give… j.lk works wonders against honda.


stay there and play footsies. if they walk forward, c.mk, if they hop forward, slide, if they green hand, block and reversal ball, if they lariat, slide, if he jumps, s.mp… that’s all of gief’s options there. shouldn’t be a problem.

as for claw… a turtle claw is the only way claw can safely beat blanka. blanka’s throw will rape claw’s range, you can’t safely wall because of vertical balls beating it, he can’t safely do a lot of his zoning shit because you get free throws… turtle claws, i still have a lot of shit to work on getting through to.

for ryu… TRY to bait hados… when you learn what they will fall for, use that shit to bait fireballs. you get free jump-in hk’s… there’s a good starting point weapon for you.

I learned something new today against honda.

if you’re getting frustrated where, every time you go to tick, you get Ochio thrown…

j.lk, land, back dash will make honda HP, and you’re out of his range, you get a free ball

LP ball whiff, s.lp xx back dash will make honda HP and you’re out of his range… you get a free ball…

DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP like black guy on midget DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP j.lk will prevent the ochio from actually coming out… but it’s a risk… do it meaty, but watch… LK headbutt will own you up.

reversal vertical ball will beat one of the meaty headbutts… but i don’t know which one yet.


Does sweep hit in this range? I can’t remember what has more range off the top of my head - low fierce or sweep. I know slide is bigger than both, but you are right, low jab owns it up.

The only thing I can think of is maybe walking up and trading sweep with fireball. If he does red fireball then yeah, you both should be knocked down - but at least you are pushing him into the corner. If he does blue then you shouldn’t get knocked down.

I do feel like there is a range though where you can see fireball and jump over it. You are right though, most smart ryu players don’t fireball at that range. But on the plus side, they aren’t doing damage to you either if they aren’t attacking.

Here are 2 vids of decent ryu’s vs blanka:


It’s an uphill battle for sure. I got some mileage out of mixing up fierce ball and jab ball.

On a totally unrelated note - I think knocking fools down and doing ‘meaty’ strong electricity (maybe all buttons? i only do strong for some unknown reason) you usually get pushed back if they block both hits. At this range most people try to stick out a button to counter but shoto sweeps will whiff, letting you hit theirs back.

Derek Daniels

why does komoda keep throwing j.hp against hado? j.hk hits free

jumping Fierce is the awesome and smacks bitches away.

it doesn’t reach ryu / ken’s arms though. j.hk will reach the arms and you get a free hit if you jump the fireball.

oh i thought you meant jump strait up Fierce. That is the best move ever made.


Crouching roundhouse kick will hit him clean out of ducking jab punches. It will also beat that fb if he tries to throw a fp fireball in your face. Jab balls are your friend. You can jab ball then sweep fools or jab ball into the bite if they are waiting to block the sweep. No rainbow balls against good pshoto players. You will eat counter damage on a dp or a sweep. Bite:woot::rofl::rofl: his face as much as you can sir.

What are Blanka’s three toughest matches (minus Akuma)?

DJ, Chun, Sim.