I'm gonna bite your FACE! (official blanka thread)

I noticed something pretty nice against Sagat and shotos. If they dragon punch with mp or hp, hop back and mash electricity. You’ll get him right as he comes down. It’s much easier to time online than getting a throw in (at least for me).

I know that most good players won’t pull a heavy dragon punch out of nowhere, but plenty of people online do. It’s a fun way to punish that kind of behavior.

Blanka is so fun. So many shenanigans to pull. Lately I’ll start off the matches by doing safe jump ins with mk, s.mp(cancel first hit)>blanka ball, then as the game progresses I’ll do jump in mk, s.mp>hop then bite faces. Hopping and biting are what true blankas strive for!

I really hate how Fei Long gets a free rekka against a blocked ball ever since they upped the range on that shit.

Guile is by far the hardest matchup I’ve encountered so far…his sonic boom recovery is just too good and his j.forward beats both balls :frowning:

I have to use that standing Strong punch more. I hit T hawks dive bomb with it once when I was testing it out. It’s never been that good. I need to practice the timing for it because I usually up ball for air defense or jump up and bitch slap that ass.

shinblnka can you test my shit out? come on dog users!

Anyone want to have a SRK blanka players casuals session? Someone could possibly record it.

im down for some of that, I’d love to see how my blanka would stack up

Found two moves that punish the ball, vega’s claw, fei’s rekka and another blanka ball. Any other moves that you guys found?

against guile I found that if i crouch just outside of his cr.mk range (learn it!) i have these options

-If guile tries to sonic boom, slide under that shit, or try a jump in
-throw out some pokes
-hop into bite or cr.mk

note: this is just what i found works for me, and i haven’t played any super skilled guiles

Yeah I can’t imagine Blanka has that much harder of a match vs. Guile. I mean…I haven’t fought against any real serious Guiles yet but I’m sure his advantages with being able to jump quickly over booms and slide under them should keep the match from getting too crazy for him. Guile will defintely have more tools to move in with and not just be forced to sitting in the corner like he did in the old version of the matchup but I can’t see it being real difficult just yet.

sonic boom sliding has trickier spacing now. you can’t just instantly slide under him from close range. you have to block that shit.

also, the HK flash kick can be used to punish a blocked ball.

that is all.

The Sagat strats should come in handy seeing as I kept getting my ass handed to me by good Sagat players.

What is a good approach to dealing with Cammy players? When they keep doing cannon drills, they seem to recover too fast to punish when blocked and I can’t seem to land any sort of meaty attack to move into a tic-throw because I keep getting tagged with front kicks/cannon spikes even though it looks like I am hitting first.

That keeps getting me because I am used to most Guile players throwing sonic booms from the start and I usually slide on reflex.

I was having a similar problem with Cammy yesterday. Zombie, I think I played you for one match yesterday… Blanka mirrors? I’m using my roommate’s tag: AlucardVK

What I did figure out that usually works… get the distance where if you jump forward you’d land within s.lp distance of cammy (about 2/3 of the screen) jumping jabs bait cannon spikes. from there, yo ucan charge down, hop and c.mk xx vertical ball. now if you are SLIGHTLY closer than the maximum distance for this to work, you’ll crossup with the hop.

so far i tried him out and hes a beast although i’m more cautious doing blanka balls now since you take more damage after getting hit out of it.

anyways, easier electricity input is a godsend. i think he might be the best non fireball character to fight honda. electricity beats or trades with headbutts and j.lk is really really good vs him as it crosses him up (loses charge for headbutt and sumo splash) and blankas throw range rivals hondas

is his ball really that safe on hit? i’ve got hit by a reversal blanka ball after mines connected.

the match i played online went really stupid.

i did a blanka ball, it got blocked, he retaliated with his blanka ball which connected, then i reversal blanka ball which connected, then he reversal blanka ball, i got dizzied and died

if blankas ball is fast enough to punish another ball on hit, then i’m sure balrogs rush punch should be fast enough too

@ Mixah:

I’ll try to keep that in mind. Thanks.

I may have played you at one point, not sure. If we did, you probably beat me. My ranked stats went from 8-0 to 10-9 last night. It was awful.

rog still wins. blocked balls dont get punished as easily by: shotos, sag, cammy, honda, bison, dj. the rest still can punish the same. bison has a smaller window to hit something with, honda can only do a reversal HP to punish a blocked ball, dj can’t do it safely anymore from what i see, sagat and shotos can’t, except for shinku hado.

Encountered these today:

  • jumping HK beat a Tiger Uppercut. Maybe it was because mine came out first, but I was pretty surprised.

  • Psycho Cruser cross-ups are no match for Electricity. It trades hits for pretty equal damage.

  • Don’t Ball Fei. As was posted earlier, Rekkas just reach his new bounce on block.

  • Cannon Drills = Throw. If you can hop on reaction, then a walkup - throw is easy and works wonders.

i’ve faked fei out. if you hit a REALLY meaty ball and he tries to counter with rekka, you’re now behind him, perfectly safe. me likes.

your mashing slow sir.:confused::rofl:

in ST also, you can’t piano elec out. I just go jab x 2, rapid hp

A good fl will just do standing fp into the rekka’s and dizzy you.:looney::rofl::rofl: Don’t do meaty blanka balls against good fl players. You will be dizzy and then dead is a second.