I'm gonna bite your FACE! (official blanka thread)

You need to play mine. I’m decent against Sagat.

god, it’s way too hard for me to pull off close standing strong now because it only takes a few taps to get lightning off. almost every time i go for a crossup to standing strong, i get lightning instead. sigh.

The easiest thing to learn to do is to beat fireballs. Blanka has a pretty solid matchup against shotos since his forward jump beats poorly timed fireballs for free. Basically if someone does a fireball from anywhere past sweep range or is just predictably doing fireballs you can easily just jump forward at them as soon as you hit the fireball and hit them with a jump in before they land.

Better shoto players will make this harder for you but the CPU and scrub ass shotos will get torn up all day just by that simple tactic. When you see fireball thrown at a bad time…immediately jump forward at them. Blanka’s jump is so fast that even if you don’t have time to hit them you’ll be right in front of them before they have time to start anything else. If you’re certain when they’re going to throw a fireball you can also use rainbow roll (charge b, f+K) to get past a fireball you know is about to come.

As far as charging…always hold the diagonal down back direction (like you’re going to crouch block) whenever you jump forward with Blanka. Or at least just hold the joystick in a blocking direction as you’re jumping. That probably sounds like weird concept when you’re jumping forward but that’s the best way to stay offensive with a charge character. This way whenever you jump forward you’re always ready to charge for any Blanka ball if you land a jump in or ground normal.

Yeah I’m assuming you can’t cross people up with his command hop in the corner. Can’t do those Ibuki dash shenanigans. Top ST Blanka players would be doing that all the time if you could.

Blanka actually has one corner cross up situation that I know of. Basically throw someone while you have them in the corner. As you are biting them charge back. As soon as the throw finishes and the opponents body pops into the air do HP Blanka Ball. I’m assuming there’s some character specific issues with it since I can’t get it all the time but basically if done right you’ll land in the corner before the opponent recovers. Which then you can go for another throw if they don’t immediately react, start a block string or low combo and if they really get nervous you can do shenanigans like command hop through them so you’re back out of the corner. Fun stuff.

Yeah…now a bit more timing is required to get that s.MP out. Basically I learned to try not to mash MP too much after the jump in. Now I just try to time the s.MP immidiately after the jump in and just press MP one time.

Thank you so much DevilJin. I’ll practice your suggestions. If you have anymore suggestion for me to try in practice mode, let me know.

Again, thank you so much for helping a noob try to get more competitive. I appreciate it.

Wow. I did not think of doing this.

I am suck a noob.

What anti airs should I be doing? Standing RH?

Also I completely suck at throwing. I just can’t do it. Can you throw crouching people? Am I doing something wrong? It’s forward and fierce right? It is just not coming out.

Blanka is my favorite character to play as so far and I’ve done okay ( aka not gotten perfected every fight ) but am just kinda playing by ear.

I saw Shin Blanka jumping and doing lots of mks. I can’t link MKs either.

Does anyone have tips for getting the super out?

God I am a mess. But I love playing the game though. ( when it’s not DISCONNECTING DAMMIT )

^^ most of your problems can be fixed with Training Mode. :wink:

super? charge B, F, B, F ~ piano 3P.

link MK’s? you mean c.MK’s?

AA’s? against Zangief, use s.MP.

some people have been using the improve rainbow roll. vertical roll is pretty good, although trades almost half the time. if their jump attack hasn’t opened yet, you can try FP horizontal ball.

I want instant answers on what moves I should be doing all the time in all situations.

Telling me to TRAIN!?!?! GET OUTTA HERE.

But forreals, I guess I just gotta hit up that training mode for the loser execution stuff.

What stuffs Fei’s chicken wing, I can’t do Electricity like I usually do because you get knocked out of it.

Yeah cr MKs, more execution stuff, you are supposed to be able to do two of them right? Or cr mk and then bite, or ball or something like that?

Probably more noob practice mode stuff.

you can actually combo d.MK *2, FP horizontal ball.

or…tons of options from c.MK.

  • c.MK xx HOP xx Bite
  • close c.MK xx Bite
  • c.MK, df+FP slide

silly shit like that. Blanka’s = shenanigans.

as for chicken wing, quite a bit of Blanka’s ish trades, like the rolls. bleh. i do hop back xx Horizontal Ball :x

Nothing truly solid in the way of strategy, more random things I noticed while playing on PSN. Probably nothing new either, but its worth a mention regardless.

s.hp seems to beat a lot of Rog’s rush specials, typically towards the end of the punch extension.

jump-in lp_lk_mp_mk typically at this point you may get sac-thrown, however b-hop into blanka ball often stuffs it. Stuff like Gief’s running grab may still pose an issue during the end of the b-hop animation (havnt tested it, just a thought because the range seems about right). Just throw it out occasionally if you are getting sac-thrown on your jump-ins for a change of pace.

@Devil Jin… YEAH, I FORGOT ABOUT THAT SHIT! I do that a lot, but I never realized it in training mode. LMFAO

instead of s.FP, just use the slide or d.FK to trip him also.

as for Zangief, you can pretty much zone him out and also use s.MP for AA, since it stuffs Gief’s jump-ins clean.

Yeah slide or d.hk is probably the safer option overall.

I was talking about my jump-in attempts, not Gief’s, although I can see where the confusion would come from. I didn’t realise how great s.mp was as AA thx for the info :wink:

Yeah I’m starting to run that s.MP AA shit too. It works very effectively and I actually even catch Dhalsim’s air limbs every once in a while with it.

I have tested this and can’t seem to get elec unless i press a single punch button 3 times. Can somone explain why i’m not experiencing the above? Am i just slow at mashing ?

[quote=“The_Mullah, post:54, topic:50673”]

Blah Blah BlahQUOTE]

You’re so slow some would think you’re retarded

anyone got any tips on getting the elect after throw> ball when they are in the corner? Maybe im not mashing hard enough?

you answered your own question, and getting the electricity to come out is a little too easy in this game.

After playing Blanka almost exclusively so far, I’d have to agree. It kind of ruins the mirror if you ask me.

i see, i guess its because im trying it on laggy matches and i psyche myself out

2 Questions for you blanka experts:

  1. I cant get the timing down for c.mk > c.mk combo. Any hints?

  2. s. mp is AWESOME for zangif AA. Is s. mp good AA vs. any other characters? I tried it w/Ken and got kicked in the face.

Any help is appreciated.