I'm gonna bite your FACE! (official blanka thread)

so how does the blanka/dic matchup usually go down? as of right now im getting my shit stomped by calipowers dictator

few tips:

valle’s good, so don’t wait for this to happen…

if scissors hits two hits, you get free throws

flying gets beat by vertical ball in almost every situation

psycho crushers get beat by jump forward/back hp, j.lk, s.lk, j.hk

scissors get beat by s.lk and s.mp unless at maximum distance, where it’s completely safe

PAY CLOSE attention to what they do after they get a scissors… if they typically don’t do much, then hop in and throw.

Honestly he is playing the man who is generally accepted as the second best ST player on the planet tied with John Choi and a few others like the Wolfe brothers.

I think it’s a matter of a gap in ability that must be closed before anything else.

That said, he is gonna improve fast with comp like that.

Lucky sonuvabitch.

I got Valle on my friends list and looking forward to play more games with him. Connection is not always the best with him but it’s better than nothing. I’ve played with Valle quite a few times in person as well in 3rd Strike. He’s fun to play

Actually I have a question now since it was brought up earlier. **Where’s the best point to jump straight up over a fireball? ** Is it easier with HP fireballs as opposed to slow ones? I’ve tried jumping straight up over fireballs but currently not with a whole lot of success since Blanka’s jumping hit box seems pretty big. I usually get blasted out of the air and knocked down then fully leap through it.

I’ve watched other Blanka vids and seen Blanka players slowly work their way in by walking in and then blocking the fireball…then doing the same thing for every successive fireball until they are close enough for a poke or jump in. It’s a little tough on characters with fast fireballs like Sagat but I’ve been working on it. Good players tend to be rather tough to successfully jump over and hit though. I was playing against Hungbeee’s Sagat a couple nights ago and was lucky if I hit him with a s.LK sometimes let alone actually jumping in and hitting him.

Also…what’s everyone’s general opinion on the match vs. Vega (Claw)? I hear that it’s supposed to be in Blanka’s favor and I even witnessed Gian switch to Blanka at Evo 2k7 whenever his opponent was using Claw. Unless he just likes the matchup cuz its fun or something I’m sure he saw something in Blanka that made it work for his favor and beat the Claw players. I hear upball beats a lot of his air dive shenanigans but on the ground I have hella trouble vs. turtling poke based Claw players. It seems if you get in close he’s a bit easier to deal with. Since his long ranged claw pokes either whiff or don’t have the same priority at closer ranges. I saw that Komoda liked to whiff electricity in Vega’s face when he got close as a pressure tool though. That was very interesting. If they tried for a Claw poke they would get electricuted and if they stalled he could walk in for a throw, try to beat them to a poke or other shenanigans.

thanks for all the advice u guys are the awesome

d.jin i added u to my xbox friends list. i need all the help i can get

I was thinking about going to the gym but meh…too lazy for that. I’ll get on XBL now and accept your request.

BTW you might also be interested in the bottom of this page.


Sounds like it’ll be fun playing games with you. I was on a few days ago playing with my boy Angryman and this weirdo guy named PhatNerd comes in with this fake sounding deep voice and acts um…nerdy. We had good times making him feel like crap.

claw actually beats blanka. Shitty claw players lose hard. but a good ground vega is not going to make the game feel like a living hell.

basically, and I stand by what I think DSP put in the wiki

basically low jab and low strong own the fuck out of your pokes. j.fierce and j.roundhouse are also impossible to deal with (beat upball and horizontal ball clean). flipkicks is dirt, and it’s impossible to get in and stay in.

you gotta bait vega to lose his charge so you can jump. cause otherwise his flipkicks if he can react own your jump, and low strong owns your ground game.

this match is very similar to blanka vs. zangief

only this time blanka is like gief and claw is like blanka.

you can slide the vega roll and horizontal ball the slide and whiff punish a low strong with your own low strong and upball every wall dive. if you luck out and get in you can do dirt, since vega’s options on defense are pretty poor (back flip, forward flip, mash grab and jump out).

but really, if claw is doing safe low strongs and holding charge you’re straight up fucked.

basically you gotta get life advantage at some point and then hold your charge. from there vega will be put on offense which means he HAS to do something stupid.

he can’t low strong you to death if you aren’t pressing buttons and if you block all day he has to a) vega roll b) wall dive c) jump d) grab

vega roll gets beat by slide/timed low forward/sweep
wall dive gets upballed every single time
jump you need to jump back air to air or early early catch with upball before his fierce/roundhouse extends
and grab you need to counter poke low forward blanka ball when you see him walk into low forward range. or try and grab first, but it’s gonna be ken 3s style and a good vega is gonna wait for that whiff fierce if you get scared.

more importantly is that he will be forced to lose his charge, at which point you can jump. Just watch out for s.roundhouse low fierce and air to air fierce.

if vega has lost his charge make sure you wait for the perfect moment to jump. wait for that low strong (if you jump low strong and it whiffs vega is fucked), or the crossup or whatever position is right. don’t waste that opportunity.

Anyways turtle the fuck out of vega and you might win. but once you’re on the losing end you can say good night.

maybe this match is more like honda vs. vega lol.

another tactic is do random blanka balls, they’ll trade a lot and you’ll win that damage war, but they also get beat clean by low jab/flip kick. In ST vega could walk s.fierce a blocked ball. But I think you’re safe now. So maybe you should just do horizontal ball all day and win off block damage/trades.

Dayum…ST is a scary game. I figured it was another one of those matches where the Claw player can just about sit on a win if you don’t have a health lead. Why do you think Gian used Blanka against those Claw players at Evo then? Maybe he just assumed they all sucked. LOL.

sory i had guests over ima jump on now

Turtle claw will beat Blanka…

Ground claws with pokes beat Blanka

Wall crazy claws get hit for free.

Anybody got anything to answer my first question about jumps over fireballs?

GG’s Quotes. Angryman is crazy…

Yeah, I think jumping straight-up over fireballs with Blanka is silly and not necessary. From a safe distance, I either do MK vertical ball to flip over it or I jump towards with late FP in case they try to trip me up.

Jumping fireballs straight-up with Blanka is too risky because his hang time is very short. If you’re off even a tiny bit then you’re gonna eat it. Also, online lag, even at the slightest is gonna make this tougher still.

So, the short answer is don’t do it. :wink:

Against scrubby Chuns, you’ll destroy their kakokin, j.lk tactics with straight up jump bitch smacks

dont think vega wins blanka that bad. its almost even.

mixing up pokestrings with electricity or throws really helps to get a knockdown. also the back forward kick ball. you can crossup a defensive vega, land close, land on his face. and either attempt to attack, electricity or do another ball after, or block.

if you get the lead in life. blanka turtles and it isnt that easy for vega to get it back.

I also think full screen fierce blanka ball lands safely against recovery pokes sometimes.

Oh and j. lk on a vega knockdown to go over vega slightly. will stuff vega anti airs, and allow a reset kindof situation. you can charge blanka ball as youre in the air, or do a command hop either way. a favourite is to charge back forward kick blankaball either short or RH an then charge fierce blanka ball or do electricity.

the rainbow ball should often be used first so you can charge the up ball or the horizontal ball as a recovery ball.

edit: also a hilarious tip, is when you mash electricity, when you stop mashing, the electricity will stay out for a deceptive extra rep of energy. if youre playing side by side they’ll hear you stop mashing and attempt to do something until to get shocked by the last energy still coming out of blanka.

i also don’t feel blanka loses this matchup badly, or if at all. it’s actually the only matchup where i random ball, since he can’t punish, or can he?

I just sit at jab ball range and try to land at his feet to grab or just fierce ball him in the face. up ball beats jumps a lot of the time, although i saw someone say vega beats them clean…

a smart vega will just wait for you to get within c.mp and b.hp range and poke you to death. his slide beats yours.

poking games, vega wins… so as long as you don’t get wall crazy, vega has a huge upperhand.

if you go on GGPO, play Skitz (Black_alabama_gamer or something) or play Graham and ask him to play vega for a few rounds.

yeah its true i know what youre saying. but the rainbow ball light and hard and varying distances can cause a vega to block or not know what to do. it can cross up. you can also just do a blanka ball, if he was poking he gets hit, he eats chip damage if he doesnt and it is hard to punish. you can also command hop to build meter and charge down back if he sees you doing this and doesnt like it. but also vega can build meter with his flips. these tactics will break someones patience game. usually the vegas.

vega is actually best against blanka when blanka is in the corner imo.

Vega can still c.MP HP Blanka ball on block. His timing has to be good though since the ball is safer so if you wing it out once in a while you’re less likely to get punished. Getting hit by c.MP isn’t the death of you any ways.

Turtle vega is very hard to beat with blanka, but you can win that matchup. You just have to out turtle him at 1st and when he get’s tired of waiting bite his face. Wait untill he starts to walk towards you and mix it up with jab blanka ball or medium blanka ball. (depending on the distance between you and vega) If the blanka is crouching :mp: happy I will jab ball within ryu’s sweep range and then do the blanka shock. He will get hit out of the crouching :mp:, but don’t do it all the time because they can Sweeping slide your ass for free. This set’s up you jab ball into the face bite for the rest of the match imo. Use this once per match. Once you have the lead he has to come to you and he loses his charge moves. Then you jumping short kick > throw him him and then jump back. Most turtles don’t like to be turtled back. :lol: and they will start flying off the wall. That’s when you own their souls because up blanka ball beats all of his off the wall tricks for free.

Just 1 scrubby blanka .02

Oh shit a prefect smiley for talking about blanka!!!

I’m going to :grrr: your FACE!!!:rofl::looney::rofl::karate::rock: