I'm gonna bite your FACE! (official blanka thread)

double post

A good ryu player is going to know how to throw fireballs and then catch your jump every time. Poor ryu’s are easy to beat, you just jump and they miss uppercuts.

mediocre ryu’s will uppercut every time, but won’t catch jumps that beat uppercut but lose to other things.

top ryu’s own your ass; they’re going to use tools you’ve hardly seen (if you’ve never played a top ryu like valle):

low roundhouse

Anyways, these options are beatable, but they require you predicting the counter and unfortunately, in predicting the counter you’re going to lose your offense.

I don’t know how to beat s.fierce. very few ryu’s implement it vs. me (harder still, cause it’s online). nohoho mentioned it once, but I’ve only ever seen valle do this me. I think it’s jump fierce, but I’m not at that level. Anyways, so I assume it’s j.fierce vs. s.fierce. But whatever the counter is, doing so means predicting and timing the fierce to beat it, which means you’re going to lose block pressure since it’ll whiff if ryu does nothing.

another counter is low roundhouse. this is also beatable by jump fierce. I think j.roundhouse beats it too, but I know how to j.fierce it better, you need to time the downward swipe to be extended just as you reach the last jumping frame. It’ll cleanly beat the low roundhouse, but whiff if he does nothing, I think you can low forward blanka ball if it hits.

If you don’t combo you can just dash and bait/mixup: upball vs. a mashing ryu, block a reversal happy ryu, or grab a blocking ryu. or dash back or even dash in dash dash out to see what he does, but dash back might lose to the ryu mashing fierce.

Another way to beat a mediocre ryu is to jump at a range where ryu MUST low roundhouse to beat you, but so far back that low roundhouse whiffs. you can then dash grab the recovery.

Against mediocre ryu’s (I stole this from komoda) you can jump a fireball then slide. This will beat the bad uppercut and the whiff low roundhouse, but will lose to a wait and uppercut.

finally if you think ryu is going to go air to air with j.roundhouse, early jump jab. Again, if he commits the j.roundhouse you win, get air reset and can start to fuck him up. However if he does nothing, it’s probably going to whiff, and then you get position, but lose pressure.

I beat most ryu’s by outplaying them, I find their habits and counter their counters. Pro ryu’s won’t make mistakes though, and you’re gonna end up losing more often than not.

My advice is look for bad uppercuts and low fierce them every time. look for bad low roundhouses and low roundhuose them every time. look for bad fireballs and j.roundhouse them every time.

get a knockdown then crossup j.short early. there’s a timing where you can do crossup j.short latish (as in after safe jump timing) and if they uppercut reversal it’ll come out backwards and your j.short will hit them and put them into air reset. It’s pretty hard to safe jump a 3 frame jab uppercut, but if you can do that, that’s even better.

also learn to straight jump fireballs. it’ll refine your reaction time to react to the fireball itself and if you’re doing it at a range where you’re straight jumpig the beginning animation, you’re much safer than jumping towards after a fake fireball. My gameplan is look for habit fake fireballs. If I catch a ryu player doing jab fireball fierce fireball fake fireball say twice in a row, I’m going to remember and slde the fake the next time. dashing is probably also pretty safe vs. fake fireball.

but generally, yeah fake fireball is a complete bitch.

A good way to test where to use c.fierce is vs. cpu gief. It’s how I test a lot of things. everytime I have a problem against something in game. I do it to the computer, and the computer will show me how to psychic counter.

anyways, cpu gief (with perfect reaction time) can’t beat low fierce. That same range where gief will walk into low fierce and do nothing but block (as opposed to counter hitting/jumping etc. is the range you want to use it.

I honest to god cannot believe you got kara grabbed out of a properly spaced low fierce. I assume you were too close, cause gief’s spd doesn’t reach any further than his low roundhouse and his low roundhouse has shorter range than low fierce, which is why you win this matchup (along with s.strong).

If by some wild chance he grabbed an extended hit box before impact then I’d call that luck and a shenanigan. I’ve never played a gief who can do it consistently, and if he can, play it and bait him by whiffing buttons/changing timing and then low fierce his whiff grab animation. you really want to be baiting jumps and low roundhouses though, cause whiffed low roundhouse = free low fierce counterhit and jump = free s.strong. whiff low fierce = you get low roundhoused = you get tick trapped = you dead

At inside low fierce range, you want to be careful, cause you don’t want to get tagged with low roundhouse. It’s huge damage in an attrition war, and the knockdown advantage might cost you. I usually mash the fuck out of back hop in these situations (if i’m not dealing with a safe jump and i’m mostly worried about meaty low roundhouse). This is even easier in HD where I should think you can drum roll LP+LK MP+MK then HP+HK boxer stylish.

Anyways, inside low fierce range you want to be careful and back hop if you can. If you need to press a low poke, press low forward, it will at the least counter hit a low roundhouse, and if you land it you can cancel it to back hop and safety. Always be on the lookout for jumps, cause a Gief player is going to try and bait a mistake with low jab mashing (which you can beat with max range low roundhouse) and lariat. Lariat’s changed in HD, so I’m not sure if it’s wise to slide punish it anymore. But it was a bait in ST for the slide anyway, and then a good gief would jump the slide and jump in and kill you during slide recovery.


here’s some old vids that hum, show equally dirty blanka tricks?

you’ll see some of the strats i talk about, and a bunch of tricks from decoy’s/nohoho’s excellent blanka vids.

standing fierce and jump roundhouse, 2 tools i VERY rarely see when i fight ryu. Last person to use st.hp to anti air me as i leaped a fireball was jumpsuit jesse on ggpo. i haven’t yet played a ryu on the 360 that knows how to beat blanka.

When i play shoto’s/sagat i always begin with a ball and throw heavy game to jump start their phsichic dragon punch impulse, then its sweep time.

I played dgv but it was so laggy i couldn’t even jump the fireballs, which was a real shame.

Looking forward to the vid decoy

in that first video 1:46

how did hop go through hadoken? did takei just wait too long?

in the last video… the end with ryu is classic.

end of round 1 with ken is this:



Blanka doesn’t lose to shotos.

if you don’t know a game well don’t spread misinformation. Please read, learn and stfu until you do

Blanka gets eaten alive by shotos.


he’s probably around 3-7 with them…

Relax homie.

I was messing around.

Blanka will clearly have a hard time vs shotos since they happen to have effective tools vs his gameplay. Also he seems to be shenanigan dependent which falls apart a bit in the face of super solid play, which is what shotos embody.

It’s my fault really. I wasn’t too clear that I was fucking around.

Shoulda put the lol after my statement. And I probably should have mentioned that it was in reference to the vids that were posted. Komoda did well for himself considering how bad the match is.

Ah, well now I know for next time.

ST is that serious.

Serious fucking business.

Blanka for top tier.


*runs away

Blanka for top tier? PLEASE HE defines top tier.

MvC2 sentinel looks to ST blanka for advice.

What’s Sagat know about C.HP?

ahh, sorry dude, i didn’t realise obviously. posting up misinformation is a personal peev of mine. When i was new to ST i hated running into something said in here that turned out to be completely false. People assume if you state it, it’s a fact when it often isn’t.

Mixah: Thanks pal.

I assume it was you who did me that “green” favor. lolz.

The Mullah: Don’t even sweat it man.


are you referring to hop on wakeup and opponent’s uppercut comes out, but blanka is on the other side?

yeah, that’s a cool trick. you can time a dash on wakeup to beat basically everything in the game. I’ve done it and had ryu’s reversal super come out the wrong side. balrog’s reversal super come out the wrong side, chun’s reversal super come out the wrong side. fireballs, mash grabs yielding fierce on the wrong side, uppercuts.

loses to an opponent who waits and then grabs your recovery though.

That’s nice. I’m going to learn that timing.

yea I’ve been doing that online. Not very consistent but I gotta work on timing. When it works it’s jokes.

About the Zangief Kara-Grab… He probably can’t do it every time. It was one of those psychic things, and it was from maximum distance. My low fierce would have barely touched him if at all. He was waiting for that, and purposefully kara grabbed on reaction/psychically (of course, I’m sitting right next to him too). I think I’ll do a lot better in the next match, and it’s not like he’ll do that every time. It was the last thing that hit me before our set ended. Sheninanigan, maybe, but it was for real, and from a good distance away (about half a screen). I’m not kidding, Crazy-J is for real.

What I learned after that is to bait reversal grabs after you jump in (hop-back). Most Zangiefs will go for the block/grab rather than AA. If they AA, a j.lk is pretty safe. Hopefully this will help me against Gief a bit more.

hmm. I usually jump on gief with fp. try and aim the swipe for the noggin, then dash back.

gotta be careful, cause a poor jump in will get reversal grabbed and it’ll be guaranteed cause they’ll tag your jump recovery frames. gotta make sure it’s deep/hard enough such that they’re still in block stun when you land.

hum. don’t cross up j.lk gief. gief wins that shit. lariat/360 is ownzors.