I'm gonna bite your FACE! (official blanka thread)

Please find that link. I would like to see that vid. Any anti feilong strats are welcomed in the blanka thread!:woot::tup::karate:

yes, i agree… that link will be vital to the blanka v. fei match (maybe…)

Nigga are you home? I want to bite your face right now!:mad::rofl::rolleyes::rofl: We still haven’t played yet.

No I don’t. Look at the name of this thread. I made it and that’s what I always say. I could see if I said I was going to bite some where else. Then yes I would need a nohomo at the end of it, but people know me.

you need a nohomo after that.

looking for link now

edit found it.

It was AFO and he actually did it three times but once he failed to correctly punish. The way you wrote your response though, is Fei a particularly hard match for Blanka? I’m new to Street Fighter (VF player) and even newer to Blanka so I don’t really know his matchups.

Something else that maybe worth something is, today I activated my super vs Akuma when he activated his super aswell. He didn’t grab me out of it because of my invincibility frames I assume. I held my super and he got hit with all the hits when he recovered. Maybe this is common knowledge already but it won me a hard match and I thought it was pretty cool.

that one time, he didn’t fail to punish, he actually got punished for trying to punish.

that’s kinda what I meant but yea. Maybe it works better in the corner or something.

I can’t watch that video, for whatever reason.

try mediaplayer classic

Finally got it up… Not in VLC… not in MPC… Not in Winamp…

in windows media player… LMFAO

I’m wondering if you can dash forward and make the chicken kick whiff, dhalsim style with the slide. except sim slide’s under, I gotta test. but my family is raping the internets on me.

Yea so today I found out the hard way that ball, hit or block = rekkas in your face. That rather sucks lol.

What does Blanka have vs Fei?

bait him… that’s about all you can do

anybody with good pokes will typically beat blanka… boxer, chun, sim, fei, dj… yeah…

if you want to fight fei…

chicken wing gets beat by him landing into your slides… you can’t punish rekka (unless the fifth hit whiffs or if they do an HP one - which most feis’ are smart enough to NOT do)

don’t ball

you can’t punish flame kicks either.

sweep kills his pokes except c.hp (some trade, c.mp for example)

don’t stay arial, don’t ball unless it will kill or dizzy. even if the ball hits, you can be countered into something.

keep him within 20%-50% of the screen away. if he’s in closer, all you can do is throw, if he’s further away, you can’t do anything safely without being gimmicky, which is risky

swear to god every match but chun/boxer/sim is won by blanka baiting the shit out of the opponent.

I think Blanka has decent game tbh. It’s jsut that I assume most you blanka players are shenanigan freaks and have no clue how to play a strategic blanka.

This is how I play vs. fei, and it’s pretty darn effective.


when i play ken/ryu/sagat/honda/dj/guile/claw/dic/gief/hawk

my game is won entirely by being defensive and reactive.

same exact thing with Khiem

i started learning blanka this past week

who knew ST could be so fun!

question though. is it the fact that i suck or is ryu kind of troublesome. i figured blanka has the tools needed to beat shotos but fake fireball and fierce fireball mixups are fucking the shit out of me, and i just cant jump fierce fb’s on reaction.

Hey thanks a lot for chiming in. Yeah, that was a big hole in my vs. Honda game. Your tips and vids are helping me a bunch.

I will say that cr.fierce vs. Zangief isn’t as nice as you might think (against a pro Gief). I was kara-grabbed out of that cr.fierce (by Crazy-J at a local tourney).

Here is a short clip of a vid I’m working on:


Blanka is too much fun. :smiley:


can’t wait.

Ooh I liked j.rh>headbut>rainbow roll, bite. That was dope.

I’m the noobiest of noobs. I don’t hav a clue how to play any type of blanka :rofl:

I’m learning though. Good stuff in that linked post, should have read the thread more carefully before asking questions.